Robot Simulator of the Robotics Group for Self-Organization of Control  0.8.0
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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oNlpzrobotsForward declarations
oNmatrixNamespace for the matrix library
oNqmp_internalA namespace for internal data structures
oNquickmpA namespace for symbols that are part of the public API
oNquickprofThe main namespace that contains everything
oNstdSome additions to the standard template library
oC__DerivativeWiringConfConfiguration object for DerivativeWiring
oC_RandGenRandom generator with 48bit integer arithmentic
oCAbstractControllerAbstract class for robot controller (with some basic functionality)
oCAbstractControllerAdapterAbstract adapter class (interface) for robot controller
oCAbstractIAFControllerAbstract class (interface) for robot controller that uses an integrate and fire neuron model
oCAbstractMeasureClass used by StatisticTools
oCAbstractModelAbstract class (interface) for a model that can be used by a controller
oCAbstractMultiControllerAbstract class (interface) for using multiple controller
oCAbstractRobotAbstract class (interface) for robot in general
oCAbstractTrackSectionAbstract class (interface) for obstacles
oCAbstractWiringAbstract wiring-object between controller and robot
oCAgentThe Agent contains a controller, a robot and a wiring, which connects robot and controller
oCBackCallerClass prototype which provides functions to handle callbackable classes
oCBackCallerVectorEstablishes for some methods the notifications for registered Callbackable instances (use addCallbackable(...))
oCBraitenbergSimple braitenberg controler type 2 a and b (Aggressive,Cowardly)
oCCallbackableInterface class for a class which wants to be callback on a certain action
oCClassicReinforceClass for robot controller using Q-learning algorithm
oCColorNormalNoiseLike ColorUniformNoise but averaging over normal distributed noise instead
oCColorUniformNoiseGenerated colored noise. This is obtained by using time average of uniform distributed noise
oCConfigurableAbstact class for configurable objects
oCConfigurableListEstablishes for some methods the notifications for registered Callbackable instances (use addCallbackable(...))
oCControllerGeneratorGenerator for controller
oCControllerNetMulti layer neural network with configurable activation functions and propagation and projection methods suitable for homeokinesis controller
oCCopyWiringImplements a wiring where the motors are copied to several motors and the sensors are fusioned
oCCrossMotorCouplingThis is an adapter for a teachable controller to implement a cross motor coupling, see dissertation of Georg Martius
oCDegreeSegmentClass for degree segments
oCDerBigControllerClass for robot controller is based on InvertMotorNStep
oCDerControllerClass for robot controller that uses the georg's matrixlib for direct matrix inversion for n channels (simple one layer networks)
oCDerInfClass for robot controller is based on InvertMotorNStep
oCDerivativeWiringImplements a wiring (between controller and robot) which includes the first and second derivative of the original robot sensor values
oCDerLinInvertClass for robot controller is based on InvertMotorNStep
oCDerLinUniversClass for robot control with sine and cosine
oCDerPseudoSensorClass for robot controller is based on InvertMotorNStep
oCDInvert3ChannelControllerClass for robot controller that use naglaa's direct matrix inversion for n channels (simple one layer networks)
oCDiscreteControllerAdapterAdapter class for robot controller
oCDiscretesizableAbstact class for discretesizable controllers
oCDiscretisizerUse this class to get discrete values
oCDoubleRandomStrategyThis class create a IValue (TemplateValue with type double) and initialize it with an random double value
oCEliteSelectStrategyThis class makes a elite select and bring only the best individual in the next generation
oCElmanMultilayer Neural Network with context neurons (after Elman and Jordan) Example of 2 hidden layer network with both, elman and jordan context units
oCESNClass for robot control with sine, sawtooth and impuls
oCEuclidicDistanceFitnessStrategyThis fitness strategy calculate from all double gens (IValue<double>) the euclidic distance to zero
oCExtreamTestFitnessStrategyAn example implementation and a extreme test for gen
oCFeedbackWiringImplements essentionally a one to one wiring with feedback connections
oCFeedForwardNNAbstract class (interface) for feed forward rate based neural networks
oCFFNNControllerClass for robot controller with a fixed neural network
oCFixGenerationSizeStrategyThis class implements the generation size strategy with a fix value which is over the constructor given
oCFixMutationFactorStrategyThis strategy implementation return a fix value for the mutation factor
oCForceBoostWiringImplements one to one wiring that integrates the mismatch between motor commands (understood as target values) and sensor values and adds them to the controller output If more sensors than motors are used it uses just the first m sensors
oCGenThe Gen class
oCGenContextThe GenContext class
oCGenerationThe Generation class
oCGenPrototypeThe GenPrototype class
oCHomeokinBaseAbstract class (interface) for robot controller that use are based on the homeokinetic prinziple
oCIFitnessStrategyThe interface for the fitness strategy of an individual
oCIGenerationSizeStrategyThis interface is to specify how big the next generation should be
oCIMeasureClass used by StatisticTools
oCIMutationFactorStrategyThis is a interface for a strategy, which is used by ValueMutationStrategy
oCIMutationStrategyThis interface gives the structur for the mutation of a gen
oCIndividualThis class represent one individual of the complete gen
oCInspectableInterface for inspectable objects
oCInspectableProxyThis class is a proxy for the inspectable class
oCInvert3ChannelControllerClass for robot controller that use naglaa's direct matrix inversion for n channels (simple one layer networks)
oCInvertableModelAbstract class (interface) for invertable models
oCInvertControllerAbstract class (interface) for robot controller that use direct matrix inversion and simple one layer networks
oCInvertedFitnessStrategyThis strategy calculate the invert to a other strategy
oCInvertMotorBigModelClass for robot controller is based on InvertMotorNStep
oCInvertMotorControllerExtended HomeokinBase class (still abstract) for robot controller work in motorspace and use possibly many steps and adaptive learning rate
oCInvertMotorNStepClass for robot controller that uses the georg's matrixlib for direct matrix inversion for n channels (simple one layer networks)
oCInvertMotorSpaceClass for robot controller that uses the georg's matrixlib for direct matrix inversion for n channels (simple one layer networks)
oCInvertNChannelControllerClass for robot controller that uses the georg's matrixlib for direct matrix inversion for n channels (simple one layer networks)
oCIRandomStrategyThis interface is to create a random IValue
oCISelectStrategyThis interface is for a select strategy of the generation class
oCIValueThis class is a interface for a value which is part of a gen
oCLyapunovClass for calculating lyapunov exponents online, over several time horizons, from given Jacobi matrices
oCMeasureAdapterThis is a passive controller adapter who is passive and can handle AbstractMeasures
oCMediatorEventThe default MediatorEvent holds no information, the implementation of the mediator should implement a derived version of the MediatorEvent
oCModelWithMemoryAdapterMulti layer neural network with configurable activation functions
oCMotorBabblerClass for robot control that does motor babbling, e.g
oCMotorNoiseWiringImplements a one to one wiring that adds noise to the motor signals (the sensors will get no noise)
oCMultiLayerFFNNMulti layer neural network with configurable activation functions
oCMultiReinforceClass for robot controller using several feedforward networks (satelite) and one selforg controller
oCMutualInformationControllerThis is a controller who is passive at the moment, that means, he will not generate any motor values
oCNetUpdateUpdates for network
oCNeuralGasNeural gas class
oCNoiseGeneratorInterface and basic class for noise generator
oCNoNoiseGenerates no noise
oCOne2OneWiringImplements one to one wiring of robot sensors to inputs of the controller and controller outputs to robot motors
oCOneActiveMultiPassiveControllerClass (interface) for using multiple controller, the first one is the active one, which generates motor values
oCOneControllerPerChannelClass for using multiple controller, one for each joint
oCOneLayerFFNNSimple one layer neural network with configurable activation function
oCParametrizableUsing ParameterList = std::list<matrix::Matrix>;
oCPiMaxThis controller implements the predictive information maximization described in paper: to be published in PLoS ONE 2013 ArXiv preprint:
oCPiMaxConfConfiguration object for PiMax controller. Use PiMax::getDefaultConf()
oCPlotOptionThis class contains options for the use of an external plot utility like guilogger or neuronviz or just simply file output
oCQLearningImplements QLearning
oCRandomSelectStrategyThis class makes a select by randomized comparison of one individual of the old generation with a random number
oCReinforceableInterface for reinforceable controller
oCRemoteControlledController that is explicity controlled remotely (no own intelligence)
oCReplayControllerController that replays a file
oCSatSatelite network struct
oCselect_from_toSelect sensors in the range

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oCselect_predicatePredicate to select sensors
oCSelectiveNoiseWiringImplements a one to one wiring and allows to select the noise strength per sensor channel
oCSelectiveOne2OneWiringImplements a selective one to one wiring of robot sensors to inputs of the controller and controller outputs to robot motors
oCSeMoXThis controller follows the prinziple of homeokinesis and implements the extensions described in the thesis of Georg Martius 2009, University Goettingen: Goal-Oriented Control of Self-organizing Behavior in Autonomous Robots
oCSensorMotorInfoInterface for objects, that can be stored and restored to/from a file stream (binary)
oCSfitnessEliteStrategyStructHelp structur to sort the individual by the fitness values
oCSineControllerClass for robot control with sine, sawtooth and impuls
oCSineWhiteNoiseSine wave noise. Produces a 90 degree phase shifted sine wave or white noise
oCSingletonGenAlgAPIThis is a facade for the gen
oCSingletonGenEngineThis is the engine of the gen
oCSingletonGenFactoryThis is the factory for the class Gen
oCSingletonIndividualFactoryThis is a factory for the individual class
oCSOMSelf-organised map class
oCSoMLThis controller implements the homeokinetic learning algorihm in sensor space with extended controller network
oCSoMLConfConfiguration object for SoML controller
oCSosThis controller implements the standard algorihm described the Chapter 5 (Homeokinesis) of book "The Playful Machine"
oCSoxThis controller implements the standard algorihm described the the Chapter 5 (Homeokinesis) with extensions of Chapter 15 of book "The Playful Machine"
oCSoxConfConfiguration object for Sox controller. Use Sox::getDefaultConf()
oCSoxExpandThis controller implements the standard algorihm described the Chapter 3 (Homeokinesis) with body expansion via context sensors
oCSoxExpandConfConfiguration object for SoxExpand
oCSplitControlClass for using multiple controller with one robot
oCStandartGenerationSizeStrategyThis class calculate the new generation size over the enhancement speed
oCStandartMutationFactorStrategyThis strategy calculate the mutation factor by the variance of the gens in the giving set
oCStatisticMeasureClass used by StatisticTools
oCStatisticToolsTODO: add possibility to pass description of a measure
oCStoreableInterface for objects, that can be stored and restored to/from a file stream (binary)
oCStraightLineAbstract class (interface) for obstacles
oCSumFitnessStrategyTest implementation
oCSwitchControllerMeta controller for switching control between different subcontrollers
oCTeachableInterface for teachable controller
oCTemplateTaskedGaSimulationFitnessStrategyFitness strategy for this demonstration simulation
oCTemplateValueTemplate class for a IValue standard data type needs the data type and a methode for string converting as template argument
oCTemplateValueAnalysationThis template class give you some methods to calculate some statistical values like average, min, max, upper quartil, lower quartil and many more
oCTestFitnessStrategyTest fitness strategy
oCThisSimJust create your own simulation, it's up to you
oCThisSimCreatorDefines a method to construct a ThisSim
oCTournamentSelectStrategyThis class makes a select by randomized comparison of two individual of the old generation
oCTrackableAbstract class (interface) for trackable objects (used for robots)
oCTrackRobotThis class provides tracking possibilies of a robot
oCUniversalControllerClass for robot control with sine and cosine
oCuse_java_controllerClass for robot control with sine and cosine
oCValueMutationStrategyThis mutation strategy clculate a mutation factor by using a mutation factor strategy an add this factor to the old gen
oCWhiteNormalNoiseGenerates white and normal distributed random numbers
oCWhiteUniformNoiseGenerates white (no averaging) uniformly distributed random number between "min" and "max"
oCWiredControllerThe WiredController contains a controller and a wiring, which connects the controller with the robot
\CWiringSequenceImplements a sequence of wirings