Robotsystem of the Robot Group Leipzig Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
__DerivativeWiringConfConfiguration Object for DerivativeWiring
AbstractControllerAbstract class (interface) for robot controller
AbstractModelAbstract class (interface) for a model that can be used by a controller
AbstractObstacleAbstract class (interface) for obstacles
AbstractRobotAbstract class (interface) for robot in general
AbstractTrackSectionAbstract class (interface) for obstacles
AbstractWiringAbstract wiring-object between controller and robot
AgentThe Agent contains a controller, a robot and a wiring, which connects robot and controller
AngularMotorAbstract angular motor class
AngularMotor1AxisAngular motor for OneAxisJoints
AngularMotor2AxisAngular motor for TwoAxisJoints
AngularMotor3AxisEulerAngular motor for Ball Joints with Euler control
AngularMotorNAxisAngular motor for arbitrary Joints with custom axis (up to 3)
AtomOdeAgentSpecialised agent for ode robots
AxisOrientationSensorClass for sensing the axis orienation of a primitive (robot)
Barrel2MassesA barrel-like robot with 2 internal masses, which can slide on their orthogonal axes
BoundingShapeClass for reading bounding shape description files (.bbox) and to create appropriate geoms
BoxBox primitive
CameraManipulatorCameraManipulator is a MatrixManipulator which provides Flying simulator-like updating of the camera position & orientation
CameraManipulatorFollowCameraManipulatorFollow is a MatrixManipulator which provides Flying simulator-like updating of the camera position & orientation
CameraManipulatorRaceCameraManipulatorRace is a MatrixManipulator which provides Flying simulator-like updating of the camera position & orientation
CameraManipulatorTVCameraManipulatorTV is a MatrixManipulator which provides Flying simulator-like updating of the camera position & orientation
CapsuleCapsule primitive
CaterPillarThis is a class, which models a snake like robot
ColorNormalNoiseLike ColorUniformNoise but averaging over normal distributed noise instead
ColorUniformNoiseGenerated colored noise. This is obtained by using time average of uniform distributed noise
ComponentThis is the abstract base class of the component system
Component::componentConnectionThis is the structure of one connection between two components
ConfigurableAbstact class for configurable objects
Configurable::matchIdNice predicate function for finding by ID
CylinderCylinder primitive
DefaultCaterPillarThis is a class, which models a snake like robot
DefaultWheelieThis is a class, which models a snake like robot
DegreeSegmentClass for degree segments
DemoControllerClass for robot controll with sine and cosine
DeprivationRobot controller for self-organized behaviour just like invertmotornstep, just that is enables us to execute the same motor commands for a long time
DerControllerClass for robot controller that uses the georg's matrixlib for direct matrix inversion for n channels (simple one layer networks)
DerivativeWiringImplements a wiring (between controller and robot) which includes the first and second derivative of the original robot sensor values
DInvert3ChannelControllerClass for robot controller that use naglaa's direct matrix inversion for n channels (simple one layer networks)
DummyPrimitiveDummy Primitive which returns 0 for geom and body
ElmanMultilayer Neural Network with context neurons (after Elman) Example of 2 hidden layer network O O O | | | H H H ----->-----+ 1:1 fixed connections (time delayed) | | |\-<-< __ | | | | \ \ \/ |l | l = lambda -> recurrent connection | | | C C C<-+ | | | | ^-^-^--<--+ H H H ----->-----+ 1:1 fixed connections (time delayed) | | |\-<-< __ | | | | \ \ \/ |l | l = lambda -> recurrent connection I I I C C C<-+ | ^-^-^--<--+
ExtendedViewerA Producer-based viewer
FeedForwardNNAbstract class (interface) for feed forward rate based neural networks
FFNNControllerClass for robot controller that uses the georg's matrixlib for direct matrix inversion for n channels (simple one layer networks)
Formel1Robot that looks like a Nimm 2 Bonbon :-) 4 wheels and a capsule like body
GlobalDataData structure holding all essential global information
HandArtificial Hand
HeightFieldHeight field primitive
Hinge2ServoPID Servo motor for hinge2 joints at axis 1 (steering axis)
HingeServoPID Servo motor for hinge joints
HurlingSnakeHurling snake is a string a beats
InspectableInterface for inspectable objects
Inspectable::matchNameNice predicate function for finding a Layer with its vectorname
Invert3ChannelControllerClass for robot controller that use naglaa's direct matrix inversion for n channels (simple one layer networks)
InvertableModelAbstract class (interface) for invertable models
InvertControllerAbstract class (interface) for robot controller that use direct matrix inversion and simple one layer networks
InvertMotorBigModelClass for robot controller is based on InvertMotorNStep
InvertMotorControllerAbstract class (interface) for robot controller that use direct matrix inversion and a time loop in motor domain
InvertMotorNStepClass for robot controller that uses the georg's matrixlib for direct matrix inversion for n channels (simple one layer networks)
InvertMotorSpaceClass for robot controller that uses the georg's matrixlib for direct matrix inversion for n channels (simple one layer networks)
InvertNChannelControllerClass for robot controller that uses the georg's matrixlib for direct matrix inversion for n channels (simple one layer networks)
IRSensorClass for IR sensors
MatrixMatrix type
MeshMesh primitive
MotionBlurDrawCallbackClass that enables motion blur for the scenegraph should be called in the main simulation loop
MultiControllerClass for robot controll with sine and cosine
MultiLayerFFNNMulti layer neural network with configurable activation functions
Nimm2Robot that looks like a Nimm 2 Bonbon :-) 2 wheels and a cylinder like body
Nimm4Robot that looks like a Nimm 2 Bonbon :-) 4 wheels and a capsule like body
NoiseGeneratorInterface and basic class for noise generator
OdeAgentSpecialised agent for ode robots
OdeConfigThe class $name holds the configurable parameters of the simulation environment
OdeHandleData structure for accessing the ODE
OdeRobotAbstract class for ODE robots
One2OneWiringImplements one to one wireing of robot sensors to inputs of the controller and controller outputs to robot motors
OneLayerFFNNSimple one layer neural network with configurable activation function
OSGBoxGraphical box
OSGCapsuleGraphical capsule (a cylinder with round ends)
OSGCylinderGraphical cylinder
OSGDummyA dummy graphical object, which has no representation in the graphical world
OsgHandleData structure for accessing the ODE
OSGHeightFieldGraphical HeightField
OSGMeshGraphical Mesh or arbitrary OSG model
OSGPlaneGraphical plane (represented as a large thin box, because OSG does not draw planes)
OSGPrimitiveInterface class for graphic primitives like spheres, boxes, and meshes, which can be drawn by OSG
OSGSphereGraphical sphere
PassiveBox(Passive) box as obstacle
PassiveCapsule(Passive) capsule as obstacle
PassiveMesh(Passive) mesh as obstacle
PassiveSphere(Passive) sphere as obstacle
PlanePlane primitive
PlattfussSchlangeThis is a class, which models a snake like robot with flat ends and a big body in the middle
PlotOptionThis class contains options for the use of an external plot utility like guilogger or neuronviz or just simply file output
PlotOption::matchModeNice predicate function for finding by mode
PrimitiveInterface class for primitives represented in the physical and graphical world
PrimitiveComponentComponent consisting of one Primitive
ProActiveRobot controller for self-organized behaviour using pro-active elements and it is based in InvertMotorNStep
ProActive2Robot controller for self-organized behaviour using pro-active elements and it is based in InvertMotorNStep
RaySensorAbstract class for Ray-based sensors
RaySensorBankClass for a bank (collection) of ray sensors
RelativePositionSensorClass for relative position sensing
RobotComponentThis is a special class of the component system
SchlangeThis is a class, which models a snake like robot
SchlangeForceThis is a class, which models a snake like robot
SchlangeServoThis is a class, which models a snake like robot
SchlangeServo2This is a class, which models a snake like robot
SchlangeVelocityThis is a class, which models a snake like robot
select_from_toSelect sensors in the range

\[ [from, to] \]


select_predicatePredicate to select sensors
SelectiveOne2OneWiringImplements a selective one to one wireing of robot sensors to inputs of the controller and controller outputs to robot motors
SensorAbstract class for sensors that have no specific position at the robots skeleton
SimpleComponentA simple component is a special form of component
SimpleControllerClass for robot controll with sine and cosine
SineControllerClass for robot control with sine and cosine
SineWhiteNoiseSine wave noise. Produces a 90 degree phase shifted sine wave or white noise
SliderServoPID Servo motor for slider joints
SliderWheelieThis is a class, which models an annular robot
SpeedSensorClass for speed sensing of robots
SphereSphere primitive
SphererobotThis is a class, which models a snake like robot
Sphererobot3MassesA spherical robot with 3 internal masses, which can slide on their orthogonal axes
Sphererobot3MassesConfConfiguration object for the Sphererobot3Masses robot
SphererobotTestThis is a class, which models a snake like robot
StoreableInterface for objects, that can be stored and restored to/from a file stream (binary)
StraightLineAbstract class (interface) for obstacles
TerrainGroundClass provides an terrain based on HeightFields
TrackableAbstract class (interface) for trackable objects (used for robots)
TrackRobotThis class provides tracking possibilies of a robot
TransformPrimitive for transforming a geom (primitive without body) in respect to a body (primitive with body)
TruckMeshRobot that looks like a Nimm 2 Bonbon :-) 4 wheels and a truck mesh like body
UniversalNetControllerAbstract class (interface) for robot controller that use the "universalnet"
UniversalServoPID Servo motor for universal joints
UwoUWO: Unknown Walk Object :-), looks like a plate with a lot of legs
WheelieThis is a class, which models an annular robot
WhiteNormalNoiseGenerates white and normal distributed random numbers. p1: mean, p2: standard deviation
WhiteUniformNoiseGenerates white (no averaging) uniformly distributed random number between "min" and "max"

Generated on Tue Jan 16 02:14:44 2007 for Robotsystem of the Robot Group Leipzig by doxygen 1.3.8