class | TrackablePrimitive |
class | TraceDrawer |
class | OdeAgent |
| Specialised agent for ode robots. More...
struct | DifferentialConf |
class | Differential |
| Differential robot: two separated wheel on each side of the body Inherit from OdeRobot. More...
class | AngularMotor |
| Abstract angular motor class. More...
class | AngularMotor1Axis |
| Angular motor for OneAxisJoints. More...
class | AngularMotor2Axis |
| Angular motor for TwoAxisJoints. More...
class | AngularMotor3AxisEuler |
| Angular motor for Ball Joints with Euler control. More...
class | AngularMotorNAxis |
| Angular motor for arbitrary Joints with custom axis (up to 3) More...
class | ConstantMotor |
| Wrapper for Motor to have a constant set value (resulting in getMotorNumber()=0) More...
class | DummyMotor |
class | Motor |
| Abstact base class for attachable motors. More...
class | OneAxisServo |
| general servo motor to achieve position control More...
class | OneAxisServoCentered |
| general servo motor to achieve position control with zero position centered More...
class | OneAxisServoVel |
| general servo motor to achieve position control. More...
class | SliderServoVel |
| Servo for sliders to achieve position control. More...
class | PID |
class | Speaker |
| This "motor" emulates a speaker or piezo element to produce sound. More...
class | Spring |
class | TwoAxisServo |
| general servo motor for 2 axis joints More...
class | TwoAxisServoCentered |
| general servo motor for 2 axis joints with zero position centered More...
class | TwoAxisServoVel |
| general servo motor to achieve position control for 2 axis joints that internally controls the velocity of the motor (much more stable) with centered zero position. More...
class | AbstractGround |
class | AbstractObstacle |
| Abstract class (interface) for obstacles. More...
class | Boxpile |
| Boxpile. More...
class | ClosedPlayground |
class | PolyLine |
class | ComplexPlayground |
| Playground that uses an xfig file with polylines linetype 0 is normal wall linetype 1 is border thickness is used as well, thickness is multiplied with wallthickness. More...
class | DummyGround |
| DummyGround which holds a DummyPrimitive (so getMainPrimitive() works). More...
class | DummyObstacle |
| DummyObstacle which holds a DummyPrimitive (so getMainPrimitive() works). More...
class | MeshGround |
class | MeshObstacle |
class | OctaPlayground |
class | PassiveBox |
| (Passive) box as obstacle More...
class | PassiveCapsule |
| (Passive) capsule as obstacle More...
class | PassiveMesh |
| (Passive) mesh as obstacle More...
class | PassiveSphere |
| (Passive) sphere as obstacle More...
class | Playground |
struct | RandomObstaclesConf |
class | RandomObstacles |
| Passive random obstacles: with spawn and remove obstacles can be created and removed. More...
class | Seesaw |
| Seesaw. More...
class | TerrainGround |
| Class provides an terrain based on HeightFields. More...
class | OdeConfig |
| The class $name holds the configurable parameters of the simulation environment. More...
class | MoveEarthySkyWithEyePointTransform |
struct | StatLineProperties |
class | Base |
class | BoundingShape |
| class for reading bounding shape description files (.bbox) and to create appropriate geoms More...
class | CameraManipulator |
| CameraManipulator is a MatrixManipulator which provides a flying camera updating of the camera position & orientation. More...
class | CameraManipulatorFollow |
| CameraManipulatorFollow is a MatrixManipulator which provides Flying simulator-like updating of the camera position & orientation. More...
class | CameraManipulatorRace |
| CameraManipulatorRace is a MatrixManipulator which provides Flying simulator-like updating of the camera position & orientation. More...
class | CameraManipulatorTV |
| CameraManipulatorTV is a MatrixManipulator which provides Flying simulator-like updating of the camera position & orientation. More...
struct | Indices |
struct | Vertex |
class | HeightField |
| Height field primitive. More...
class | HUDStatisticsManager |
| manages all the stuff displaying statistics on the graphics window. More...
class | Joint |
class | OneAxisJoint |
class | TwoAxisJoint |
class | FixedJoint |
class | HingeJoint |
class | Hinge2Joint |
class | UniversalJoint |
class | BallJoint |
class | SliderJoint |
class | LpzHelpHandler |
| Event handler for adding on screen help to Viewers. More...
class | LPZViewer |
| Viewer holds a single view on to a single scene that supports the rendering of offscreen RRT (render to texture) cameras at any time (without sync) More...
class | MotionBlurDrawCallback |
| a class that enables motion blur for the scenegraph should be called in the main simulation loop More...
class | OSGHeightField |
| Graphical HeightField. More...
class | TextureDescr |
| holds texture file and repeat information. More...
class | OSGPrimitive |
| Interface class for graphic primitives like spheres, boxes, and meshes, which can be drawn by OSG. More...
class | OSGDummy |
| A dummy graphical object, which has no representation in the graphical world. More...
class | OSGPlane |
| Graphical plane (represented as a large thin box, because OSG does not draw planes) More...
class | OSGBox |
| Graphical box. More...
class | OSGBoxTex |
| Graphical box with Textures. More...
class | OSGSphere |
| Graphical sphere. More...
class | OSGCapsule |
| Graphical capsule (a cylinder with round ends) More...
class | OSGCylinder |
| Graphical cylinder. More...
class | OSGLine |
class | OSGMesh |
| Graphical Mesh or arbitrary OSG model. More...
class | OSGText |
| Text to be displayed on the hud. More...
class | Primitive |
| Interface class for primitives represented in the physical and graphical world. More...
class | Plane |
| Plane primitive. More...
class | Box |
| Box primitive. More...
class | Sphere |
| Sphere primitive. More...
class | Capsule |
| Capsule primitive. More...
class | Cylinder |
| Cylinder primitive. More...
class | Ray |
| Ray primitive The actual visual representation can have different length than the ray object. More...
class | Mesh |
| Mesh primitive. More...
class | Transform |
| Primitive for transforming a geom (primitive without body) in respect to a body (primitive with body). More...
class | DummyPrimitive |
| Dummy Primitive which returns 0 for geom and body. More...
class | RobotCameraManager |
| Manages camera sensors. More...
struct | AnisotropFrictionData |
class | Substance |
| Physical substance definition, used for collision detection/treatment What we need is mu, slip and kp,kd parameter for the collision Definition of substance parameters: More...
class | DebugSubstance |
struct | AmosFourConf |
class | AmosFour |
struct | AmosIIConf |
class | AmosII |
struct | ArmConf |
class | Arm |
struct | Arm2SegmConf |
class | Arm2Segm |
class | ImpTransform |
class | Ashigaru |
| Robot ASHIGARU :-) 3 legged robot which could be easily connected each other. More...
class | Barrel2Masses |
| A barrel-like robot with 2 internal masses, which can slide on their orthogonal axes. More...
class | CaterPillar |
| This is a class, which models a snake like robot. More...
struct | CaterPillarConf |
class | DefaultCaterPillar |
| This is a class, which models a snake like robot. More...
struct | DiscusConf |
| configuration object for the Discus robot. More...
class | Discus |
| A spherical robot with 3 internal masses, which can slide on their orthogonal axes. More...
class | ForcedSphereConf |
class | ForcedSphere |
class | Formel1 |
| Robot that looks like a Nimm 2 Bonbon :-) 4 wheels and a capsule like body. More...
struct | FourWheeledConf |
class | FourWheeled |
| Robot is based on nimm4 with 4 wheels and a capsule like body. More...
struct | HandConf |
class | Hand |
| Artificial Hand. More...
struct | HexapodConf |
struct | Leg |
class | Hexapod |
class | HurlingSnake |
| Hurling snake is a string a beats. More...
class | Kuka |
| Robot that emulates the Kuka lightweight robot arm, consisting of 5 arm segments, one endeffector upon and a small box representing the Tool-Center-Point (TCP) of the endeffector where different tools can be mounted. More...
struct | MuscledArmConf |
class | MuscledArm |
class | Nejihebi |
| Nejihebi Robot. More...
struct | Bumper |
struct | Nimm2Conf |
class | Nimm2 |
| Robot that looks like a Nimm 2 Bonbon :-) 2 wheels and a cylinder like body. More...
class | Nimm4 |
| Robot that looks like a Nimm 2 Bonbon :-) 4 wheels and a capsule like body Wheelorder: front left, front right, rear left, rear right. More...
struct | Attachment |
| structure to hold attachment data for sensors and motors More...
class | OdeRobot |
| Abstract class for ODE robots. More...
class | PlattfussSchlange |
| This is a class, which models a snake like robot with flat ends and a big body in the middle. More...
class | ReplayRobot |
struct | RobotChainConf |
class | RobotChain |
| Chain of robots. More...
struct | SchlangeConf |
class | Schlange |
| This is a class, which models a snake like robot. More...
class | SchlangeForce |
| This is a class, which models a snake like robot. More...
class | SchlangeServo |
| This is a class, which models a snake like robot. More...
class | SchlangeServo2 |
| This is a class, which models a snake like robot. More...
class | SchlangeVelocity |
| This is a class, which models a snake like robot. More...
class | ShortCircuit |
struct | SkeletonConf |
class | Skeleton |
| should look like a humanoid More...
struct | SliderWheelieConf |
class | SliderWheelie |
| This is a class, which models an annular robot. More...
struct | SphererobotConf |
class | Sphererobot |
| This is a class, which models a snake like robot. More...
struct | Sphererobot3MassesConf |
| configuration object for the Sphererobot3Masses robot. More...
class | Sphererobot3Masses |
| A spherical robot with 3 internal masses, which can slide on their orthogonal axes. More...
class | TruckMesh |
| Robot that looks like a Nimm 2 Bonbon :-) 4 wheels and a truck mesh like body. More...
struct | TwoWheeledConf |
class | TwoWheeled |
| Robot is based on nimm2 with a camera installed. More...
struct | UwoConf |
class | Uwo |
| UWO: Unknown Walk Object :-), looks like a plate with a lot of legs. More...
struct | VierBeinerConf |
class | VierBeiner |
| robot that should look like a dog More...
class | AxisOrientationSensor |
| Class for sensing the axis orienation of a primitive (robot) More...
struct | CameraConf |
class | Camera |
| A Robot Camera. More...
class | CameraSensor |
| Class to connect a Camera as a sensor to a robot. More...
class | DirectCameraSensor |
| This CameraSensor implements a direct conversion from pixels to sensors. More...
struct | PositionCameraSensorConf |
class | PositionCameraSensor |
| This CameraSensor calculates the position of the visible object(s) that is essentially the center of gravity of the image. More...
struct | MotionCameraSensorConf |
class | MotionCameraSensor |
| This CameraSensor calculates the global optical flow of the camera image using the center of gravity method. More...
class | ContactSensor |
| Class for a contact sensor. More...
class | DerivativeSensor |
| Class for measuring (time) derivatives of a given sensor. More...
struct | ImageProcessor |
| Base class for image processing units. More...
struct | StdImageProcessor |
| Standard image processor - convenience class for 1 to 1 image processing. More...
struct | BWImageProcessor |
| black and white image More...
struct | HSVImgProc |
| converts the image to a HSV coded image More...
struct | ColorFilterImgProc |
| filters for a specific color (requires HSV, so use HSVImgProc before) More...
struct | LineImgProc |
| creates a lightsensitive sensorline. More...
struct | AvgImgProc |
| time average of image More...
class | IRSensor |
| Class for IR sensors. More...
struct | OpticalFlowConf |
| configuration object for OpticalFlow More...
class | OpticalFlow |
| This CameraSensor calculates the optical flow at few points of the image based on a box matching technique. More...
class | PhysicalSensor |
| Abstract class for sensors that have a physical representation. More...
class | RangeFinder |
| Class representing a range finder. More...
class | RaySensor |
| Class for Ray-based sensors. More...
class | RaySensorBank |
| Class for a bank (collection) of ray sensors. More...
class | RelativePositionSensor |
| Class for relative (or absolute) position sensing. More...
class | Sensor |
| Abstract class for sensors that can be plugged into a robot. More...
class | SoundSensor |
| Sound sensor with possible direction and frequency detection and also distance dependence (Not implemented yet) This works, but is not very well tested and documented. More...
class | SpeedSensor |
| Class for speed sensing of robots. More...
class | TorqueSensor |
| Class for sensing the torque that are applied to the joint by a motor. More...
class | Simulation |
class | Axis |
class | CameraHandle |
| Class which holds all data used by CameraManipulators. More...
class | Color |
struct | print_func |
class | ColorSchema |
| A store for colors with a set of aliases. More...
struct | COMMAND |
class | IException |
class | GlobalData |
| Data structure holding all essential global information. More...
class | VideoStream |
struct | GripperConf |
| Configure object for Gripper. More...
class | Gripper |
| A gripper can be attached to a primitive via its substance and implements gripping (a fixed joint) on collision with specified objects. More...
struct | geomPairHash |
class | OdeHandle |
| Data structure for accessing the ODE. More...
class | Operator |
class | LimitOrientationOperator |
| An Operator for limiting the orientation of the main primitive of a robot. More...
struct | LiftUpOperatorConf |
class | LiftUpOperator |
| An Operator for lifting up a robot from time to time. More...
class | PullToPointOperator |
| An Operator for pulling the main primitive of a robot towards a point. More...
class | BoxRingOperator |
| An Operator for keeping robots within a sphere / box. More...
struct | OsgConfig |
| Data structure containing some configuration variables for OSG. More...
struct | OsgScene |
| Data structure containing the scene notes (e.g. More...
class | OsgHandle |
| Data structure for accessing the OpenSceneGraph. More...
class | Pos |
class | SensorMotorInfoAble |
| Abstract class for giving names to sensors and motors. More...
class | SimulationTask |
struct | SimulationTaskHandle |
| struct which holds all structural data for the simulations. More...
class | SimulationTaskSupervisor |
class | Sound |
| Object that represents a sound signal in the simulator. More...
class | TaskedSimulation |
class | TaskedSimulationCreator |
| Defines a method to construct a TaskedSimulation. More...
class | TmpObject |
| this is the base-class for objects that exist temporarily like some indicator of manipulation or a message text More...
class | TmpPrimitive |
| holding a temporary primitive More...
class | TmpDisplayItem |
| holding a temporary graphical item More...
class | TmpJoint |
| holding a temporary joint More...
void | printCornerPointsXY (Box *box, FILE *f) |
ref_ptr< Material > | getMaterial (const Color &c, Material::ColorMode mode=Material::AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE) |
osg::Geode * | createRectangle (const OsgHandle &, const osg::Vec3 &v1, const osg::Vec3 &v2, const osg::Vec3 &v3, double repeatOnR, double repeatOnS) |
void | addTexture (Geode *geode, const TextureDescr &tex) |
Geode * | test () |
Pose | osgPose (dGeomID geom) |
| returns the osg (4x4) pose matrix of the ode geom More...
Pose | osgPose (dBodyID body) |
| returns the osg (4x4) pose matrix of the ode body More...
Pose | osgPose (const double *position, const double *rotation) |
| converts a position vector and a rotation matrix from ode to osg 4x4 matrix More...
void | odeRotation (const Pose &pose, dMatrix3 &odematrix) |
| converts the rotation component of pose into an ode rotation matrix More...
int | dummyCallBack (dSurfaceParameters ¶ms, GlobalData &globaldata, void *userdata, dContact *contacts, int numContacts, dGeomID o1, dGeomID o2, const Substance &s1, const Substance &s2) |
static int | anisocallback (dSurfaceParameters ¶ms, GlobalData &globaldata, void *userdata, dContact *contacts, int numContacts, dGeomID o1, dGeomID o2, const Substance &s1, const Substance &s2) |
int | contactCollCallbackNoCol (dSurfaceParameters ¶ms, GlobalData &globaldata, void *userdata, dContact *contacts, int numContacts, dGeomID o1, dGeomID o2, const Substance &s1, const Substance &s2) |
int | contactCollCallback (dSurfaceParameters ¶ms, GlobalData &globaldata, void *userdata, dContact *contacts, int numContacts, dGeomID o1, dGeomID o2, const Substance &s1, const Substance &s2) |
static Color | getColorBlend (const Color &a, const Color &b, double value) |
int | rayCollCallback (dSurfaceParameters ¶ms, GlobalData &globaldata, void *userdata, dContact *contacts, int numContacts, dGeomID o1, dGeomID o2, const Substance &s1, const Substance &s2) |
static void * | odeStep_run (void *p) |
| redirection function, because we can't call member function direct More...
static void * | osgStep_run (void *p) |
| redirection function, because we can't call member function direct More...
static void | printODEMessage (int num, const char *msg, va_list ap) |
string | getListOption (int argc, char **argv, int index) |
void | createNewDir (const char *base, char *newdir) |
| creates a new directory with the stem base, which is not yet there (using subsequent numbers) and returns its name in newdir More...
bool | com_list (GlobalData &globalData, char *, char *) |
bool | com_show (GlobalData &globalData, char *, char *) |
bool | com_store (GlobalData &globalData, char *, char *) |
bool | com_load (GlobalData &globalData, char *, char *) |
bool | com_storecfg (GlobalData &globalData, char *, char *) |
bool | com_loadcfg (GlobalData &globalData, char *, char *) |
bool | com_contrs (GlobalData &globalData, char *, char *) |
bool | com_set (GlobalData &globalData, char *, char *) |
bool | com_help (GlobalData &globalData, char *, char *) |
bool | com_quit (GlobalData &globalData, char *, char *) |
char * | stripwhite (char *string) |
COMMAND * | find_command (char *name) |
bool | execute_line (GlobalData &globalData, char *line) |
int | valid_argument (const char *caller, const char *arg) |
void | printConfigs (const ConfigList &configs) |
void | printConfig (const Configurable *config) |
char * | dupstr (const char *s) |
char * | dupstrpluseq (const char *s) |
vector< string > | splitstring (string s) |
bool | handleConsole (GlobalData &globalData) |
| offers a console interface the possibility to change parameter of all configurable objects in globalData storeing and restoreing of controllers ... More...
char * | command_generator (const char *, int) |
char * | params_generator (const char *, int) |
char ** | console_completion (const char *, int, int) |
void | initializeConsole () |
| should be called at the start More...
void | closeConsole () |
| should be called at the end (to store history) More...
int | getListLen (char **strings) |
| EXCEPTION_TEMPLATE (IndexOutOfBoundsException) |
| EXCEPTION_TEMPLATE (InvalidArgumentException) |
| EXCEPTION_TEMPLATE (DimensionMismatchException) |
osg::Matrix | osgRotate (const double &alpha, const double &beta, const double &gamma) |
| returns a rotation matrix (osg) with the given angles alpha, beta and gamma More...
Matrix | osgMatrix2Matrixlib (const osg::Matrix &m) |
| converts osg matrix to matrix of matrixlib More...
osg::Matrix | rotationMatrixFromAxisX (const Axis &axis) |
| returns a Rotation matrix that rotates the x-axis along with the given axis. More...
osg::Matrix | rotationMatrixFromAxisZ (const Axis &axis) |
| returns a Rotation matrix that rotates the z-axis along with the given axis. More...
double | getAngle (const osg::Vec3 &a, const osg::Vec3 &b) |
| returns the angle between two vectors (in rad) More...
matrix::Matrix | odeRto3x3RotationMatrixT (const double R[12]) |
| converts an ode rotation matrix into a 3x3 rotation matrix (matrixlib) More...
matrix::Matrix | odeRto3x3RotationMatrix (const double R[12]) |
| converts an ode rotation matrix into a 3x3 rotation matrix (matrixlib) More...
Position | multMatrixPosition (const matrix::Matrix &r, Position &p) |
| Multiplies 3x3 matrix with position. More...
Matrix | getRotationMatrix (const double &angle) |
| returns a rotation matrix with the given angle More...
Matrix | getTranslationMatrix (const Position &p) |
| returns a translation matrix with the given Position More...
Matrix | removeTranslationInMatrix (const matrix::Matrix &pose) |
| removes the translation in the matrix More...
Matrix | removeRotationInMatrix (const matrix::Matrix &pose) |
| removes the rotation in the matrix More...
double | getAngle (Position a, Position b) |
| returns the angle between two vectors More...
template<typename T > |
T | normalize360 (T v) |
forward declarations
read the installation PREFIX (to find data directory)
Namespace for the 3D robot simulator ode_robots