Robot Simulator of the Robotics Group for Self-Organization of Control  0.8.0
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controller Directory Reference

The controller directory contains (as you can guess) the controllers developed in the robotic group of Leipzig University.


Directory dependency graph for controller:


file  abstractcontroller.cpp
file  abstractcontroller.h [code]
file  abstractcontrolleradapter.h [code]
file  abstractiafcontroller.cpp
file  abstractiafcontroller.h [code]
file  abstractmodel.h [code]
file  abstractmulticontroller.cpp
file  abstractmulticontroller.h [code]
file  braitenberg.h [code]
file  classicreinforce.cpp
file  classicreinforce.h [code]
file  controllernet.cpp
file  controllernet.h [code]
file  crossmotorcoupling.cpp
file  crossmotorcoupling.h [code]
file  derbigcontroller.cpp
file  derbigcontroller.h [code]
file  dercontroller.cpp
file  dercontroller.h [code]
file  derinf.cpp
file  derinf.h [code]
file  derlininvert.cpp
file  derlininvert.h [code]
file  derlinunivers.cpp
file  derlinunivers.h [code]
file  derpseudosensor.cpp
file  derpseudosensor.h [code]
file  dinvert3channelcontroller.h [code]
file  discretecontrolleradapter.cpp
file  discretecontrolleradapter.h [code]
file  discretesizable.h [code]
file  elman.cpp
file  elman.h [code]
file  esn.cpp
file  esn.h [code]
file  feedforwardnn.h [code]
file  ffnncontroller.cpp
file  ffnncontroller.h [code]
file  homeokinbase.h [code]
file  invert3channelcontroller.h [code]
file  invertablemodel.h [code]
file  invertcontroller.h [code]
file  invertmotorbigmodel.cpp
file  invertmotorbigmodel.h [code]
file  invertmotorcontroller.h [code]
file  invertmotornstep.cpp
file  invertmotornstep.h [code]
file  invertmotorspace.cpp
file  invertmotorspace.h [code]
file  invertnchannelcontroller.cpp
file  invertnchannelcontroller.h [code]
file  layer.cpp
file  layer.h [code]
file  measureadapter.cpp
file  measureadapter.h [code]
file  modelwithmemoryadapter.cpp
file  modelwithmemoryadapter.h [code]
file  motorbabbler.cpp
file  motorbabbler.h [code]
file  multilayerffnn.cpp
file  multilayerffnn.h [code]
file  multireinforce.cpp
file  multireinforce.h [code]
file  mutualinformationcontroller.cpp
file  mutualinformationcontroller.h [code]
file  neuralgas.cpp
file  neuralgas.h [code]
file  oneactivemultipassivecontroller.cpp
file  oneactivemultipassivecontroller.h [code]
file  onecontrollerperchannel.cpp
file  onecontrollerperchannel.h [code]
file  onelayerffnn.cpp
file  onelayerffnn.h [code]
file  pimax.cpp
file  pimax.h [code]
file  qlearning.cpp
file  qlearning.h [code]
file  selforg/controller/README
 This file is used for the doxygen documentation.
file  regularisation.h [code]
file  reinforceable.h [code]
file  remotecontrolled.h [code]
file  replaycontroller.h [code]
file  semox.cpp
file  semox.h [code]
file  sinecontroller.cpp
file  sinecontroller.h [code]
file  som.cpp
file  som.h [code]
file  soml.cpp
file  soml.h [code]
file  sos.cpp
file  sos.h [code]
file  sox.cpp
file  sox.h [code]
file  soxexpand.cpp
file  soxexpand.h [code]
file  splitcontrol.cpp
file  splitcontrol.h [code]
file  switchcontroller.cpp
file  switchcontroller.h [code]
file  teachable.h [code]
file  universalcontroller.cpp
file  universalcontroller.h [code]
file  use_java_controller.cpp
file  use_java_controller.h [code]

Detailed Description

The controller directory contains (as you can guess) the controllers developed in the robotic group of Leipzig University.

For the approach, general remarks, aims and papers see

The common interface is provided in class AbstractController , which inherits methods for configuration and disposal of internal parameter as well as serialization from the classes Configurable, Inspectable and Storeable. Each controller realizes this interface to ensure collaboration.

For easy use in the beginning use Sos and look at the examples in the selforg/examples directory. You can also start with a copy of one of the templates in the lpzrobots/ode_robots/simulations directory and you can see how things work.