25 #ifndef __FORCESSPHERE_H
26 #define __FORCESSPHERE_H
void destroy()
deletes sensors
Definition: forcedsphere.cpp:41
Definition: forcedsphere.h:73
Definition: forcedsphere.h:36
Definition: forcedsphere.h:73
Data structure for accessing the ODE.
Definition: odehandle.h:44
short drivenDimensions
bit mask for selecting the dimensions for the forces (see ForcedSphere::Dimensions) ...
Definition: forcedsphere.h:50
Definition: forcedsphere.cpp:37
virtual void update()
update the OSG notes here, if overwritten, call OdeRobot::update()!
Definition: forcedsphere.cpp:65
ForcedSphere(const OdeHandle &odeHandle, const OsgHandle &osgHandle, const ForcedSphereConf &ForcedSphereConf, const std::string &name)
Definition: forcedsphere.cpp:50
Matrixd Matrix
Definition: osgforwarddecl.h:47
virtual int getSensorsIntern(sensor *sensors, int sensornumber)
overload this function in a subclass to do specific sensor handling, not needed for generic sensors ...
Definition: forcedsphere.cpp:70
double radius
Definition: forcedsphere.h:43
virtual void placeIntern(const osg::Matrix &pose)
wrapper to for
Definition: forcedsphere.cpp:107
void addMotor(Motor *m)
adds a motor to the list of motors
Definition: forcedsphere.h:60
Definition: forcedsphere.h:73
Definition: forcedsphere.h:64
double sensor
Definition: types.h:29
virtual Primitive * getMainPrimitive() const
return the primitive of the robot that is used for tracking and camera following
Definition: forcedsphere.h:108
Data structure for accessing the OpenSceneGraph.
Definition: osghandle.h:79
static ForcedSphereConf getDefaultConf()
Definition: forcedsphere.h:86
double maxSpeed
maximum speed of the robot when in speedDriven mode
Definition: forcedsphere.h:47
Definition: forcedsphere.h:73
Abstract class for sensors that can be plugged into a robot.
Definition: sensor.h:43
virtual void setMotorsIntern(const double *motors, int motornumber)
overload this function in a subclass to do specific sensor handling, not needed for generic motors ...
Definition: forcedsphere.cpp:80
double maxForce
maximal force applied to the sphere
Definition: forcedsphere.h:44
virtual void destroy()
Definition: forcedsphere.cpp:182
bool created
Definition: forcedsphere.h:68
Abstact base class for attachable motors.
Definition: motor.h:35
Interface class for primitives represented in the physical and graphical world.
Definition: primitive.h:80
virtual int getSensorNumberIntern()
overload this function in a subclass to specific the number of custom sensors
Definition: forcedsphere.cpp:145
Data structure holding all essential global information.
Definition: globaldata.h:57
std::list< SensorAttachment > sensors
Definition: oderobot.h:269
bool cylinderBody
whether to use a cylinder as body (like a puck) or the normal sphere
Definition: forcedsphere.h:52
OsgHandle osgHandle
Definition: oderobot.h:278
OdeHandle odeHandle
Definition: oderobot.h:277
virtual ~ForcedSphere()
Definition: forcedsphere.cpp:59
Abstract class for ODE robots.
Definition: oderobot.h:64
std::list< Motor * > motors
list of motors that are mounted at the robot. (e.g. Speaker)
Definition: forcedsphere.h:58
virtual void doInternalStuff(GlobalData &globalData)
this function is called in each simulation timestep (always after control).
Definition: forcedsphere.cpp:114
virtual void create(const osg::Matrix &pose)
Definition: forcedsphere.cpp:154
bool speedDriven
if true, the robot is powered to reach the given speed (force is calculated)
Definition: forcedsphere.h:46
std::list< Sensor * > sensors
list of sensors that are mounted at the robot. (e.g. AxisOrientationSensor)
Definition: forcedsphere.h:54
Definition: forcedsphere.cpp:39
std::list< MotorAttachment > motors
Definition: oderobot.h:270
ForcedSphereConf conf
Definition: forcedsphere.h:69
int c
Definition: hexapod.cpp:56
void addSensor(Sensor *s)
adds a sensor to the list of sensors
Definition: forcedsphere.h:56
virtual int getMotorNumberIntern()
overload this function in a subclass to specific the number of custom sensors
Definition: forcedsphere.cpp:136