
A simple example for the integration of a robot into the framework (with agent, controller, wiring). This faciliates you with the plotting options, tracing and such like. Here the data flow is controlled by the agent, which then asks the robot about the sensors, invokes the controller and sends the motor values the robot again.
#include <signal.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <iterator>
using namespace std;

#include <selforg/agent.h>
#include <selforg/abstractrobot.h>
#include <selforg/invertmotorspace.h>
#include <selforg/one2onewiring.h>
#include <selforg/derivativewiring.h>

#include "cmdline.h"

bool stop=0;

class MyRobot : public AbstractRobot {
    : AbstractRobot("MyRobot", "$Id: main.cpp,v 1.4 2006/12/11 14:03:12 martius Exp $") {
    motornumber  = 3;
    sensornumber = 3;
    x = new double[sensornumber];
    y = new double[motornumber];

    if(x) delete[] x;
    if(y) delete[] y;

  // robot interface

  /** returns actual sensorvalues
      @param sensors sensors scaled to [-1,1] 
      @param sensornumber length of the sensor array
      @return number of actually written sensors
  virtual int getSensors(sensor* sensors, int sensornumber){
    assert(sensornumber == this->sensornumber);
    memcpy(sensors, x, sizeof(sensor) * sensornumber);
    return sensornumber;

  /** sets actual motorcommands
      @param motors motors scaled to [-1,1] 
      @param motornumber length of the motor array
  virtual void setMotors(const motor* motors, int motornumber){
    assert(motornumber == this->motornumber);
    memcpy(y, motors, sizeof(motor) * motornumber);

    // motor values are now stored in y, sensor values are expected to be stored in x

    // perform robot action here 

    //  this is just a senceless dummy robot
    for(int i=0; i<sensornumber; i++){
      x[i] = sin(myparam) * y[i%motornumber];

  /** returns number of sensors */
  virtual int getSensorNumber(){ return sensornumber; }

  /** returns number of motors */
  virtual int getMotorNumber() { return motornumber; }

  /** returns position of the object
      @return vector of position (x,y,z) */
  virtual Position getPosition() const {return Position(0,0,0);}

  /** returns linear speed vector of the object
      @return vector  (vx,vy,vz)
  virtual Position getSpeed() const {return Position(0,0,0);}

  /** returns the orientation of the object
      @return 3x3 rotation matrix
  virtual matrix::Matrix getOrientation() const {
    matrix::Matrix m(3,3);
    return m; 

  virtual paramval getParam(const paramkey& key) const{
    if(key == "myparam") return myparam; 
    else return Configurable::getParam(key);

  virtual bool setParam(const paramkey& key, paramval val){
    cerr << "huhu";
    if(key == "myparam") myparam = val; 
    else return Configurable::setParam(key, val); 
    return true;

  virtual paramlist getParamList() const {
    paramlist list;
    list += pair<paramkey, paramval> (string("myparam"), myparam);
    return list;

  int motornumber;
  int sensornumber;

  double* x;
  double* y;
  paramval myparam;

void onTermination(){

// Helper
int contains(char **list, int len,  const char *str){
  for(int i=0; i<len; i++){
    if(strcmp(list[i],str) == 0) return i+1;
  return 0;

int main(int argc, char** argv){
  ConfigList configs;
  list<PlotOption> plotoptions;

  AbstractController* controller = new InvertMotorSpace(10);

  if(contains(argv,argc,"-g")!=0) plotoptions.push_back(PlotOption(GuiLogger));
  if(contains(argv,argc,"-f")!=0) plotoptions.push_back(PlotOption(File));
  if(contains(argv,argc,"-h")!=0) {
    printf("Usage: %s [-g] [-f]\n",argv[0]);
    printf("\t-g\tstart guilogger\n\t-f\twrite logfile\n\t-h\tdisplay this help\n");
  printf("\nPress Ctrl-c to invoke parameter input shell (and again Ctrl-c to quit)\n");
  AbstractRobot* robot   = new MyRobot();
  Agent* agent           = new Agent(plotoptions);
  AbstractWiring* wiring  = new One2OneWiring(new ColorUniformNoise(0.1));  
  agent->init(controller, robot, wiring);
  // if you like, you can keep track of the robot with the following line. 
  //  this assumes that you robot returns its position, speed and orientation. 
  // agent->setTrackOptions(TrackRobot(true,false,false, false,"interagetiontest"));

  //  while(!stop){
  for(int n=0; n<20; n++) { 
      changeParams(configs, onTermination);

  delete agent;
  delete controller;
  delete wiring;
  delete robot;

  return 0;

Generated on Tue Jan 16 02:14:34 2007 for Robotsystem of the Robot Group Leipzig by doxygen 1.3.8