or similar) export QTDIR="/usr/lib/qt3" export PATH="$PATH:$QTDIR/bin" # also $HOME/bin is required to start the executables
directory make
. It will to the following: make guilogger
and make neuronviz
to compile them seperately. make install
to install the guilogger binary and the neuronviz stuff to your ~/bin
and ~/lib
folder of your home directory. (Might be necessary to create the folders by hand.)make
and ./start
. For example when you want to start the template_onerobot simulation type cd ode_robots/simulations/template_onerobot
, then call make
and after successful compilation type start
to start the simulation (make opt
will produce and start_opt
, which is compiled with optimisation. (might need a make clean before))Usage: ./start [-g [interval]] [-f [interval]] [-r seed] [-x WxH] [-pause] [-noshadow] [-drawboundings] [-simtime [min]] -g [interval] use guilogger (default interval 1) -f [interval] write logging file (default interval 5) -n [interval] use neuronviz (default interval 10) -r seed random number seed -x WxH window size of width(W) x height(H) is used (640x480 default) -pause start in pause mode -noshadow disables shadows and shaders -drawboundings enables the drawing of the bounding shapes of the meshes -simtime [min] intended simulation time in minutes