Robot Simulator of the Robotics Group for Self-Organization of Control  0.8.0
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1 /***************************************************************************
2  matrix.tests.cpp - description
3  -------------------
4  email :
5 ***************************************************************************/
7 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8 // ////////////////// UNIT TESTS for matrix lib /////////////////////////////////////////////////
10 #ifdef UNITTEST
11 #include "unit_test.hpp"
13 #include "matrixutils.h"
15 using namespace matrix;
16 using namespace std;
18 const D EPS=1e-9;
19 bool comparetoidentity(const Matrix& m, double eps = EPS) {
20  // int worstdiagonal = 0;
21  D maxunitydeviation = 0.0;
22  D currentunitydeviation;
23  for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < m.getM(); i++ ) {
24  currentunitydeviation = m.val(i,i) - 1.;
25  if ( currentunitydeviation < 0) currentunitydeviation *= -1.;
26  if ( currentunitydeviation > maxunitydeviation ) {
27  maxunitydeviation = currentunitydeviation;
28  // worstdiagonal = i;
29  }
30  }
31  // int worstoffdiagonalrow = 0;
32  // int worstoffdiagonalcolumn = 0;
33  D maxzerodeviation = 0.0;
34  D currentzerodeviation ;
35  for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < m.getM(); i++ ) {
36  for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < m.getN(); j++ ) {
37  if ( i == j ) continue; // we look only at non-diagonal terms
38  currentzerodeviation = m.val(i,j);
39  if ( currentzerodeviation < 0) currentzerodeviation *= -1.0;
40  if ( currentzerodeviation > maxzerodeviation ) {
41  maxzerodeviation = currentzerodeviation;
42  // worstoffdiagonalrow = i;
43  // worstoffdiagonalcolumn = j;
44  }
46  }
47  }
48 // cout << "\tWorst diagonal value deviation from unity: "
49 // << maxunitydeviation << " at row/column " << worstdiagonal << endl;
50 // cout << "\tWorst off-diagonal value deviation from zero: "
51 // << maxzerodeviation << " at row = " << worstoffdiagonalrow
52 // << ", column = " << worstoffdiagonalcolumn << endl;
53  return (maxunitydeviation < eps && maxzerodeviation < eps);
54 }
56 bool comparetozero(const Matrix& m, double eps = EPS) {
57  D maxdeviation = 0.0;
58  D currentdeviation;
59  for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < m.getM(); i++ ) {
60  for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < m.getN(); j++ ) {
61  currentdeviation = m.val(i,j);
62  if ( currentdeviation < 0.0) currentdeviation *= -1.;
63  if ( currentdeviation > maxdeviation ) {
64  maxdeviation = currentdeviation;
65  }
66  }
67  }
68  if(maxdeviation < eps)
69  return true;
70  else {
71  cout << "\tWorst deviation: " << maxdeviation << endl;
72  return false;
73  }
74 }
79 DEFINE_TEST( check_creation ) {
80  cout << "\n -[ Creation and Access ]-\n";
81  Matrix M1(3,3);
82  D testdata[9]={1,0,0, 0,1,0, 0,0,1};
83  Matrix M2(3,3);
84  M2.set(testdata);
85  M1.toId();
86  unit_assert( "id=identity_set", M1 == M2 );
87  D testdata2[12]={1,2,3, 4,5,6, 7,8,9, 10,11,12};
88  Matrix M3(4,3, testdata2);
89  unit_assert( "dimension of matrix", M3.getM() == 4 && M3.getN() == 3 );
90  unit_assert( "field check",
91  M3.val(0,2) == 3 && M3.val(2,1) == 8 && M3.val(3,0) == 10 );
92  Matrix M4(M3);
93  unit_assert( "copy constructor", M3 == M4 );
94  Matrix M5(1,3,testdata2+3);
95  unit_assert( "row", M3.row(1) == M5 );
96  Matrix M6 = Matrix(4,3, testdata2);
97  unit_assert( "move constructor", M6 == M3 );
98  unit_pass();
99 }
101 DEFINE_TEST( check_vector_operation ) {
102  cout << "\n -[ Vector Operations ]-\n";
103  D testdata[3]={-1,3,2};
104  const Matrix V1(1,3, testdata);
105  const Matrix V2(3,1, testdata);
106  Matrix V3(V1);
108  V3.toTranspose();
109  unit_assert( "transpose", V3 == V2 );
110  V3.toTranspose();
111  unit_assert( "double transpose", V3 == V1 );
112  D testdata2[3]={-2,6,4};
113  Matrix V4(1,3,testdata2);
114  V3.add(V1,V1);
115  unit_assert( "add", V3 == V4 );
116  D testdata3[3]={1,-3,-2};
117  Matrix V5(1,3,testdata3);
118  V4.sub(V1,V3);
119  unit_assert( "sub", V4 == V5 );
121  D testdata4[3]={3,-9,-6};
122  V5.set(testdata4);
123  V4.copy(V1);
124  V4.toMult(-3.0);
125  unit_assert( "mult with scalar I", V4 == V5 );
126  V4.mult(V1,-3.0);
127  unit_assert( "mult with scalar II", V4 == V5 );
129  double f = 14;
130  Matrix V6(1,1,&f);
131  V3.copy(V1);
132  V3.toTranspose();
133  V4.mult(V1,V3);
134  unit_assert( "scalarproduct", V4 == V6 );
135  V4.copy(V1);
136  unit_assert( "scalarproduct with exp(2)", V4.multMT() == V6 );
137  V4.mult(V3,V1);
138  unit_assert( "vector^T*vector=matrix", V4.getM() == 3);
139  unit_assert( "vector^T*vector=exp(2)", V3.multMT().getM() == 3);
141  unit_pass();
142 }
144 DEFINE_TEST( check_matrix_operation ) {
145  cout << "\n -[ Matrix Operations ]-\n";
146  D testdata[6]={1,2,3, 4,5,6 };
147  const Matrix M1(2,3, testdata);
148  D testdata2[6]={1,4, 2,5, 3,6 };
149  const Matrix M2(3,2, testdata2);
150  Matrix M3(M1);
152  M3.toTranspose();
153  unit_assert( "transpose", M3 == M2 );
154  D testdata3[6]={2,4,6, 8,10,12};
155  Matrix M4(2,3,testdata3);
156  M3.add(M1,M1);
157  unit_assert( "add", M3 == M4 );
159  D testdata4[6]={-0.5, -1, -1.5, -2, -2.5, -3};
160  M3.set(testdata4);
161  M4.copy(M1);
162  M4.toMult(-0.5);
163  unit_assert( "mult with scalar", M4 == M3 );
165  D testdata5[6] = {2, -1, 0, 3, 2, -2};
166  D testdata6[4] = {8, -1, 20, -1};
167  Matrix M5 (3,2, testdata5);
168  Matrix M6(2,2,testdata6);
169  M4.mult(M1,M5);
170  unit_assert( "mult(matrix, matrix)", M4 == M6 );
172  M3.copy(M1);
173  M4.copy(M1);
174  M4.toExp(1);
175  unit_assert( "exp(1)", M3 == M4 );
176  M3.toTranspose();
177  M4.toExp(T);
178  unit_assert( "exp(T)=transpose", M3 == M4 );
179  M3.toId();
180  M4.toExp(0);
181  unit_assert( "exp(0)=id", M3 == M4 );
183  D testdata7[16] = {1,2,3,4, -4,2,1,3, 0.3,-0.9, 4, -3, 1,0.5,0.3,5.0};
184  Matrix M7(4,4,testdata7);
185  Matrix M8(M7);
186  M7.toExp(-1);
187  M4.mult(M7,M8);
188  unit_assert( "exp(-1)*exp(1)=id", comparetoidentity(M4) );
189  M7=M8.pseudoInverse(0);
190  M4.mult(M7,M8);
191  unit_assert( "pseudoinverse*exp(1)=id", comparetoidentity(M4) );
193  D testdata9[6] = {sin(1.0),sin(2.0),sin(3.0), sin(4.0),sin(5.0),sin(6.0) };
194  Matrix M9(2,3,testdata9);
195  M4.copy(M1);
196  M4.toMap(sin);
197  unit_assert( "map(sin)", M4 == M9 );
199  D testdata10[6] = {2,4,6, -0.4,-0.5,-0.6 };
200  D testdata11[2] = {2,-0.1};
201  Matrix M10(2,3,testdata10);
202  Matrix M11(2,1,testdata11);
203  M4.copy(M1);
204  M4.toMultrowwise(M11);
205  unit_assert( "multrowwise()", M4 == M10 );
206  M4 = M1 & M11;
207  unit_assert( "rowwise (&) ", M4 == M10 );
208  D testdata12[6] = {2,1,0, 8, 2.5, 0 };
209  D testdata13[3] = {2, 0.5, 0};
210  M10.set(2,3,testdata12);
211  Matrix M12(3,1,testdata13);
212  M4.copy(M1);
213  M4.toMultcolwise(M12);
214  unit_assert( "multcolwise()", M4 == M10 );
216  M3.copy(M1);
217  M4.copy(M1);
218  M4.toTranspose();
219  M5 = M3.multMT();
220  M6.mult(M1,M4);
221  unit_assert( "multMT() ", M5 == M6 );
222  M5 = M3.multTM();
223  M6.mult(M4,M1);
224  unit_assert( "multTM() ", M5 == M6 );
226  D testdata20[12]={1,2,3, 4,5,6, 1,2,3, 4,5,6 };
227  const Matrix M20(4,3, testdata20);
228  const Matrix M21 = M1.above(M1);
229  unit_assert( "above() ", M20 == M21 );
230  D testdata22[8]={1,2,3, 7, 4,5,6, 8};
231  D testdata23[2]={7, 8};
232  const Matrix M22(2,4, testdata22);
233  const Matrix M23(2,1, testdata23);
234  const Matrix M24 = M1.beside(M23);
235  unit_assert( "beside() ", M24 == M22 );
237  Matrix M30 = M24;
238  const Matrix M31 = M30.removeColumns(1);
239  unit_assert( "removeColumns() ", M31 == M1 );
240  Matrix M32 = M20;
241  const Matrix M33 = M32.removeRows(2);
242  unit_assert( "removeRows() ", M33 == M1 );
244  unit_pass();
245 }
247 DEFINE_TEST( check_matrix_operators ) {
248  cout << "\n -[ Matrix Operators (+ - * ^)]-\n";
249  D testdata[6]={1,2,3, 4,5,6 };
250  const Matrix M1(2,3, testdata);
251  D testdata2[6]={1,4, 2,5, 3,6 };
252  const Matrix M2(3,2, testdata2);
253  unit_assert( "^T ", (M1^T) == M2 );
254  D testdata3[6]={2,4,6, 8,10,12};
255  Matrix M4(2,3,testdata3);
256  unit_assert( "+ ", M1+M1 == M4 );
257  unit_assert( "- ", M1+M1-M1 == M1 );
259  D testdata4[6]={-0.5, -1, -1.5, -2, -2.5, -3};
260  Matrix M3(2,3, testdata4);
261  unit_assert( "* scalar", M1*(-0.5) == M3 );
263  D testdata5[6] = {2, -1, 0, 3, 2, -2};
264  D testdata6[4] = {8, -1, 20, -1};
265  Matrix M5 (3,2, testdata5);
266  Matrix M6(2,2,testdata6);
267  unit_assert( "* ", M1*M5 == M6 );
269  unit_assert( "^1 ", (M1^1) == M1 );
270  M3.toId();
271  unit_assert( "^0=id ", (M1^0) == M3 );
273  D testdata7[16] = {1,2,3,4, -4,2,1,3, 0.3,-0.9, 4, -3, 1,0.5,0.3,5.0};
274  Matrix M7(4,4,testdata7);
275  unit_assert( "^1 * ^-1=id ", comparetoidentity(M7*(M7^-1)) );
276  unit_pass();
277 }
279 DEFINE_TEST( check_matrix_utils ) {
280  cout << "\n -[ Matrix Utils: Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors ]-\n";
281  D testdata[9]={1,2,3, 4,5,6, 7,8,9};
282  const Matrix M1(3,3, testdata);
283  const Matrix SymM1 = M1.multMT();
284  Matrix eval, evec;
285  eval = eigenValuesRealSym(SymM1);
286  D resultval[3]={1.5*(95+sqrt(8881)), 1.5*(95-sqrt(8881)), 0};
287  const Matrix resultvalM(3,1, resultval);
288  //cout << (eval^T) << "\n" << (resultvalM^T) << " \n";
289  unit_assert( "Sym Real Eigenvalues ", comparetozero(eval-resultvalM));
290  eigenValuesVectorsRealSym(SymM1, eval, evec);
291  D resultvecs[9]={0.21483723836839594,0.8872306883463704,0.4082482904638631,
292  0.5205873894647369,0.24964395298829792,-0.816496580927726,
293  0.826337540561078,-0.3879427823697746,0.4082482904638631};
294  const Matrix resultvecsM(3,3, resultvecs);
295  // cout << (evec) << "\n";
296  // cout << resultvecsM << "\n";
297  unit_assert( "Sym Real Eigenvalues and Vectors: Vals", comparetozero(eval-resultvalM));
298  unit_assert( "Sym Real Eigenvalues and Vectors: Vectors", comparetozero(evec-resultvecsM));
299  // useing vandermonde matrix with (-1, -2, 3, 4), results taken from mathematica
300  D testdata2[16]= {-1., 1., -1., 1., -8., 4., -2., 1., 27., 9., 3., 1., 64., 16., 4., 1.};
301  /* Eigensystem[Partition[{-1., 1., -1., 1., -8., 4., -2., 1., 27., 9., 3., 1., 64., 16., 4., 1.}, 4, 4]]
302  {{-6.41391, 5.54555 + 3.08545 I, 5.54555 - 3.08545 I, 2.3228},
303  {{-0.0998822, -0.111251, 0.292501, 0.944505},
304  {-0.0435004 - 0.00755393 I, 0.0639864 - 0.14224 I, -0.51518 + 0.0414224 I, -0.840594 + 0. I},
305  {-0.0435004 + 0.00755393 I, 0.0639864 + 0.14224 I, -0.51518 - 0.0414224 I, -0.840594 + 0. I},
306  {-0.144933, 0.356601, 0.919369, 0.0811836}
307  }
308  } */
309  const Matrix M2(4,4, testdata2);
310  Matrix eval_r, eval_i;
311  eigenValues(M2, eval_r, eval_i);
312  D resultval_r[4]={-6.413911026270929,5.5455534989094595, 5.5455534989094595, 2.3228040284520177};
313  D resultval_i[4]={0,3.0854497586289216,-3.0854497586289216,0};
314  const Matrix resultvalM_r(4,1, resultval_r);
315  const Matrix resultvalM_i(4,1, resultval_i);
316  //cout << (eval^T) << "\n" << (resultvalM^T) << " \n";
317  unit_assert( "NonSym Eigenvalues (Complex) ", comparetozero(eval_r-resultvalM_r)
318  && comparetozero(eval_i-resultvalM_i));
319  Matrix evec_r, evec_i;
320  eigenValuesVectors(M2, eval_r, eval_i, evec_r, evec_i);
321  toPositiveSignEigenVectors(evec_r, evec_i);
322  // column-wise!
323  D resultvecs_r[16]={
324  -0.09988217466836526,-0.043500372394264235,-0.043500372394264235,-0.14493294424802267,
325  -0.11125130967436689, 0.06398640593013502, 0.06398640593013502, 0.35660144308731107,
326  0.2925006732813017, -0.5151803514845115, -0.5151803514845115, 0.9193688436883699,
327  0.9445051897206503 ,-0.8405935042246232, -0.8405935042246232, 0.0811836295983173};
328  D resultvecs_i[16]={
329  0, -0.007553928841000267, 0.007553928841000267,0,
330  0, -0.1422404507165189, 0.1422404507165189, 0,
331  0, 0.04142240814335418, -0.04142240814335418, 0,
332  0, 0., 0., 0};
333  Matrix resultvecsM_r(4,4, resultvecs_r);
334  Matrix resultvecsM_i(4,4, resultvecs_i);
335  toPositiveSignEigenVectors(resultvecsM_r, resultvecsM_i);
336  unit_assert( "NonSym Eigenvalues and Vectors: Vals",
337  comparetozero(eval_r-resultvalM_r) && comparetozero(eval_i-resultvalM_i) );
338  unit_assert( "NonSym Eigenvalues and Vectors: Vectors",
339  comparetozero(evec_r-resultvecsM_r, 0.05) &&
340  comparetozero(evec_i-resultvecsM_i, 0.05));
341  // we use abs here because sign of vectors is arbitrary.
342  unit_pass();
343 }
345 DEFINE_TEST( speed ) {
346  cout << "\n -[ Speed: Inverion ]-\n";
347 #ifndef NDEBUG
348  cout << " DEBUG MODE! use -DNDEBUG -O3 (not -g) to get full performance\n";
349 #endif
350  Matrix M1;
351  srand(time(0));
352  D testdata0[9] = {1,2, -4,2};
353  Matrix M2(2,2,testdata0);
354  UNIT_MEASURE_START("2x2 Matrix inversion", 100000)
355  M1 = (M2^-1);
357  unit_assert( "validation", comparetoidentity(M1*M2));
358  /* LU version: 555648/s */
359  /* Explicit : 1428775/s */
360  D testdata1[9] = {1,2,3, -4,2,1, 0.3,-0.9};
361  Matrix M3(3,3,testdata1);
362  UNIT_MEASURE_START("3x3 Matrix inversion", 100000)
363  M1 = (M3^-1);
365  unit_assert( "validation", comparetoidentity(M1*M3));
367  D testdata2[16] = {1,2,3,4, -4,2,1,3, 0.3,-0.9, 4, -3, 1,0.5,0.3,5.0};
368  Matrix M4(4,4,testdata2);
369  UNIT_MEASURE_START("4x4 Matrix inversion", 100000)
370  M1 = (M4^-1);
372  unit_assert( "validation", comparetoidentity(M1*M4));
374  Matrix M20(20,20);
375  for (unsigned int i=0; i < M20.getM(); i++) // define random values for initial matrix
376  for (unsigned int j=0; j < M20.getN(); j++) {
377  M20.val(i,j) = -22+(100. * rand())/RAND_MAX;
378  }
379  UNIT_MEASURE_START("20x20 Matrix inversion",1000)
380  M1 = (M20^-1);
382  unit_assert( "validation", comparetoidentity(M1*M20));
384  Matrix M200(200,200);
385  rand(); // eliminates the first (= zero) call
386  for (unsigned int i=0; i < M200.getM(); i++) // define random values for initial matrix
387  for (unsigned int j=0; j < M200.getN(); j++) {
388  M200.val(i,j) = -22+(100. * rand())/RAND_MAX;
389  }
390  UNIT_MEASURE_START("200x200 Matrix inversion",2)
391  M1 = (M200^-1);
393  unit_assert( "validation", comparetoidentity(M1*M200));
395  cout << "\n -[ Speed: Other Operations ]-\n";
396  UNIT_MEASURE_START("20x20 Matrix multiplication with assignment",5000)
397  M1 = M20*M20;
399  UNIT_MEASURE_START("20x20 Matrix addition with assignment",100000)
400  M1= (M1 + M20);
402  UNIT_MEASURE_START("20x20 Matrix inplace addition",100000)
403  M1 += M20;
405  UNIT_MEASURE_START("20x20 Matrix transposition",100000)
406  M1 += M20;
408  const Matrix& M20Sym = M20.multMT();
409  UNIT_MEASURE_START("20x20 Matrix Sym Real Eigenvalues",1000)
410  Matrix eval, evec;
411  eigenValuesVectorsRealSym(M20Sym, eval, evec);
415  unit_pass();
416 }
419 DEFINE_TEST( store_restore ) {
420  cout << "\n -[ Store and Restore ]-\n";
421  Matrix M1(32,1);
422  for(int i =0; i<32; i++){
423  M1.val(0,0) = (double)rand()/RAND_MAX;
424  }
425  Matrix M2(32,2);
426  for(int i =0; i<64; i++){
427  M2.val(i%32,i/32) = (double)rand()/RAND_MAX;
428  }
429  FILE* f;
430  f=fopen("test.dat","w");
433  fclose(f);
434  f=fopen("test.dat","r");
435  Matrix M3,M4;
436  M3.restore(f);
437  M4.restore(f);
438  fclose(f);
439  unit_assert( "validation", comparetozero(M1-M3,1e-6));
440  unit_assert( "validation", comparetozero(M2-M4,1e-6));
442  unit_pass();
443 }
446 /// clipping function for mapP
447 double clip(double r,double x){
448  if(!isnormal(x)) return 0;
449  return x < -r ? -r : (x>r ? r : x);
450 }
452 //TODO test secure inverses
453 DEFINE_TEST( invertzero ) {
454  cout << "\n -[ Inverion of Singular Matrices ]-\n";
455  Matrix M1;
456  srand(time(0));
457  D testdata0[9] = {1.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0};
458  Matrix M2(2,2,testdata0);
459  M1 = M2.secureInverse();
460  cout << M1*M2 <<endl;
461  unit_assert( "2x2 validation", 1 ); // comparetoidentity(M1*M2,0.001));
463  D testdata1[9] = {1,2,3, 1,2,3, 0.3,-0.9,.2};
464  Matrix M3(3,3,testdata1);
465  M1 = (M3.secureInverse());
466  unit_assert( "3x3 validation", 1 ); //comparetoidentity(M1*M3,0.001));
467  cout << M3*M1 << endl;
469  D testdata2[16] = {1,2,3,4, 1,2,3,4, 0.3,-0.9, 4, -3, 1,0.5,0.3,5.0};
470  Matrix M4(4,4,testdata2);
471  M1 = M4.secureInverse();
472  unit_assert( "4x4 validation", 1 ); //comparetoidentity(M1*M4,0.001));
473  cout << M4*M1 << endl;
475  D testdata3[16] = {1,2,3,4, 1,0,3,4, 0.3,-0.9, 4, -3, 1,0.5,0.3,5.0};
476  Matrix M5(4,4,testdata3);
477  M1 = M5.secureInverse();
478  unit_assert( "4x4 validation", 1 ); //comparetoidentity(M1*M5,0.001));
479  cout << M1*M5 << endl;
480  unit_pass();
482 }
484 UNIT_TEST_RUN( "Matrix Tests" )
485  ADD_TEST( check_creation )
486  ADD_TEST( check_vector_operation )
487  ADD_TEST( check_matrix_operation )
488  ADD_TEST( check_matrix_operators )
489  ADD_TEST( check_matrix_utils )
490  ADD_TEST( speed )
491  ADD_TEST( store_restore )
492  ADD_TEST( invertzero )
496 #endif // UNITTEST
Matrix type.
Definition: matrix.h:65
Definition: configurabletest.cpp:51
I getM() const
Definition: matrix.h:88
Matrixd Matrix
Definition: osgforwarddecl.h:47
Matrix beside(const Matrix &a) const
returns a matrix that consists of this left beside A (number of columns is getN + a...
Definition: matrix.cpp:708
D val(I i, I j) const
Definition: matrix.h:96
Matrix eigenValuesRealSym(const Matrix &m)
calculates the eigenvalues of the real and symmetric matrix m and returns them as a column vector in ...
Definition: matrixutils.cpp:26
bool restore(FILE *f)
reads a Matrix from the given file stream uses read (or old binary format)
Definition: matrix.cpp:221
I getN() const
Definition: matrix.h:90
bool eigenValues(const Matrix &m, Matrix &real, Matrix &imag)
calculates the eigenvalues of the matrix m and returns them as a column vectors seperated to real and...
Definition: matrixutils.cpp:71
Matrix & removeRows(I numberRows)
removes one or more rows from the end if an existing matrix (inplace!), same as reshape(getM()-number...
Definition: matrix.cpp:736
Matrix above(const Matrix &a) const
returns a matrix that consists of this matrix above A (number of rows is getM + a.getM())
Definition: matrix.cpp:700
double clip(double r, double x)
clipping function for mapP
Definition: controller_misc.cpp:39
bool store(FILE *f) const
stores the Matrix into the given file stream (same as write)
Definition: matrix.cpp:208
Matrix & removeColumns(I numberColumns)
removes one or more columns from the end of the existing matrix (inplace!) resets the size of the mat...
Definition: matrix.cpp:741
Matrix multMT() const
optimised multiplication of Matrix with its transposed: M * M^T
Definition: matrix.cpp:637
const int T
integer constant for use with exp function and (^) operator to transpose the matrix ...
Definition: matrix.cpp:21
std::vector< int > toPositiveSignEigenVectors(Matrix &vecs_real, Matrix &vecs_imag)
flips the signs of the eigenvectors such that their first entry has positive real part...
Definition: matrixutils.cpp:225
Matrix secureInverse() const
calculates the secure inverse of a square matrix.
Definition: matrix.cpp:424
bool eigenValuesVectorsRealSym(const Matrix &m, Matrix &eigenvalues, Matrix &eigenvectors)
calculates the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of the the real and symmetric matrix m...
Definition: matrixutils.cpp:46
double D
type for matrix elements
Definition: matrix.h:38
bool eigenValuesVectors(const Matrix &m, Matrix &vals_real, Matrix &vals_imag, Matrix &vecs_real, Matrix &vecs_imag)
calculates the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of the matrix m.
Definition: matrixutils.cpp:92