Robot Simulator of the Robotics Group for Self-Organization of Control
neural gas class. More...
#include <neuralgas.h>
Public Member Functions | |
NeuralGas (const std::string &name="NeuralGas", const std::string &revision="$Id$") | |
NeuralGas (double lambda, double eps, int maxTime, const std::string &name="NeuralGas", const std::string &revision="$Id$") | |
create a som More... | |
virtual | ~NeuralGas () |
virtual void | init (unsigned int inputDim, unsigned int outputDim, double unit_map=0.0, RandGen *randGen=0) |
initialised som More... | |
virtual const matrix::Matrix | process (const matrix::Matrix &input) |
passive processing of the input (this function is not constant since a recurrent network for example might change internal states More... | |
virtual const matrix::Matrix | learn (const matrix::Matrix &input, const matrix::Matrix &nom_output, double learnRateFactor=1) |
virtual void | damp (double damping) |
damps the weights and the biases by multiplying (1-damping) More... | |
virtual unsigned int | getInputDim () const |
returns the number of input neurons More... | |
virtual unsigned int | getOutputDim () const |
returns the number of output neurons More... | |
virtual bool | store (FILE *f) const |
stores the object to the given file stream (ASCII preferred). More... | |
virtual bool | restore (FILE *f) |
loads the object from the given file stream (ASCII preferred). More... | |
virtual void | printWeights (FILE *f) const |
virtual void | printCellsizes (FILE *f) const |
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AbstractModel (const std::string &name, const std::string &revision) | |
virtual | ~AbstractModel () |
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Configurable () | |
Configurable (const std::string &name, const std::string &revision) | |
intialise with name and revision (use "$ID$") More... | |
virtual | ~Configurable () |
virtual void | notifyOnChange (const paramkey &key) |
Is called when a parameter was changes via setParam(). More... | |
virtual void | addParameter (const paramkey &key, paramval *val, paramval minBound, paramval maxBound, const paramdescr &descr=paramdescr()) |
This is the new style for adding configurable parameters. More... | |
virtual void | addParameter (const paramkey &key, paramval *val, const paramdescr &descr=paramdescr()) |
See addParameter(const paramkey& key, paramval* val, paramval minBound, paramval maxBound, const paramdescr& descr) More... | |
virtual void | addParameter (const paramkey &key, parambool *val, const paramdescr &descr=paramdescr()) |
See addParameter(const paramkey& key, paramval* val) but for bool values. More... | |
virtual void | addParameter (const paramkey &key, paramint *val, paramint minBound, paramint maxBound, const paramdescr &descr=paramdescr()) |
See addParameter(const paramkey& key, paramval* val) but for int values. More... | |
virtual void | addParameter (const paramkey &key, paramint *val, const paramdescr &descr=paramdescr()) |
virtual void | addParameterDef (const paramkey &key, paramval *val, paramval def, paramval minBound, paramval maxBound, const paramdescr &descr=paramdescr()) |
This function is only provided for convenience. More... | |
virtual void | addParameterDef (const paramkey &key, paramval *val, paramval def, const paramdescr &descr=paramdescr()) |
virtual void | addParameterDef (const paramkey &key, parambool *val, parambool def, const paramdescr &descr=paramdescr()) |
See addParameterDef(const paramkey&, paramval*, paramval) More... | |
virtual void | addParameterDef (const paramkey &key, paramint *val, paramint def, paramint minBound, paramint maxBound, const paramdescr &descr=paramdescr()) |
See addParameterDef(const paramkey&, paramval*, paramval) More... | |
virtual void | addParameterDef (const paramkey &key, paramint *val, paramint def, const paramdescr &descr=paramdescr()) |
virtual void | setParamDescr (const paramkey &key, const paramdescr &descr, bool traverseChildren=true) |
sets a description for the given parameter More... | |
int | getId () const |
return the id of the configurable objects, which is created by random on initialisation More... | |
virtual paramkey | getName () const |
return the name of the object More... | |
virtual paramkey | getRevision () const |
returns the revision of the object More... | |
virtual void | setName (const paramkey &name, bool callSetNameOfInspectable=true) |
Sets the name of the configurable. More... | |
virtual void | setRevision (const paramkey &revision) |
sets the revision Hint: { return "$ID$"; } More... | |
virtual paramval | getParam (const paramkey &key, bool traverseChildren=true) const |
returns the value of the requested parameter or 0 (+ error message to stderr) if unknown. More... | |
virtual bool | hasParam (const paramkey &key, bool traverseChildren=true) const |
Returns if the requested parameter is part of the configurable or their children. More... | |
virtual bool | setParam (const paramkey &key, paramval val, bool traverseChildren=true) |
sets the value of the given parameter or does nothing if unknown. More... | |
virtual void | setParamBounds (const paramkey &key, paramval minBound, paramval maxBound, bool traverseChildren=true) |
Sets the bounds (minBound and maxBound) of the given parameter. More... | |
virtual void | setParamBounds (const paramkey &key, paramint minBound, paramint maxBound, bool traverseChildren=true) |
virtual void | setParamBounds (const paramkey &key, paramvalBounds bounds, bool traverseChildren=true) |
virtual void | setParamBounds (const paramkey &key, paramintBounds bounds, bool traverseChildren=true) |
virtual paramlist | getParamList () const |
The list of all parameters with there value as allocated lists. More... | |
virtual std::list< paramkey > | getAllParamNames (bool traverseChildren=true) |
returns all names that are configureable More... | |
virtual parammap | getParamValMap () const |
virtual paramintmap | getParamIntMap () const |
virtual paramboolmap | getParamBoolMap () const |
virtual paramdescr | getParamDescr (const paramkey &key, bool traverseChildren=true) const |
returns the description for the given parameter More... | |
virtual paramvalBounds | getParamvalBounds (const paramkey &key, bool traverseChildren=true) const |
virtual paramintBounds | getParamintBounds (const paramkey &key, bool traverseChildren=true) const |
virtual bool | hasParamDescr (const paramkey &key, bool traverseChildren=true) const |
virtual bool | hasParamvalBounds (const paramkey &key, bool traverseChildren=true) const |
virtual bool | hasParamintBounds (const paramkey &key, bool traverseChildren=true) const |
virtual bool | storeCfg (const char *filenamestem, const std::list< std::string > &comments=std::list< std::string >()) |
stores the key values paires into the file : filenamestem.cfg including the comments given in the list More... | |
virtual bool | restoreCfg (const char *filenamestem) |
restores the key values paires from the file : filenamestem.cfg More... | |
void | print (FILE *f, const char *prefix, int columns=90, bool traverseChildren=true) const |
prints the keys, values and descriptions to the file. Each line is prefixed More... | |
bool | parse (FILE *f, const char *prefix=0, bool traverseChildren=true) |
parses the configuration from the given file More... | |
virtual void | addConfigurable (Configurable *conf) |
Adds a configurable as a child object. More... | |
virtual void | removeConfigurable (Configurable *conf) |
Removes a configurable as a child object. More... | |
virtual const configurableList & | getConfigurables () const |
Returns the list containing all configurable children. More... | |
virtual void | configurableChanged () |
Indicates that the configurable itself or the configurable children attached to this configurable have changed. More... | |
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BackCaller () | |
virtual | ~BackCaller () |
virtual void | addCallbackable (Callbackable *callbackableInstance, CallbackableType type=BackCaller::DEFAULT_CALLBACKABLE_TYPE) |
Adds a Callbackable instance to this caller instance. More... | |
virtual void | removeCallbackable (Callbackable *callbackableInstance, CallbackableType type=BackCaller::DEFAULT_CALLBACKABLE_TYPE) |
Removes a Callbackable instance from this caller instance. More... | |
virtual void | removeAllCallbackables (CallbackableType type) |
Removes all Callbackable instances from this caller instance. More... | |
virtual void | callBack (CallbackableType type=BackCaller::DEFAULT_CALLBACKABLE_TYPE) |
Calls all registered callbackable classes of the determined type. More... | |
virtual void | callBackQMP (CallbackableType type=BackCaller::DEFAULT_CALLBACKABLE_TYPE) |
Calls all registered callbackable classes of the determined type. More... | |
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virtual | ~Storeable () |
bool | storeToFile (const char *filename) const |
Provided for convenience. More... | |
bool | restoreFromFile (const char *filename) |
Provided for convenience. More... | |
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Inspectable (const iparamkey &name="") | |
TYPEDEFS END. More... | |
virtual | ~Inspectable () |
virtual iparamkeylist | getInternalParamNames () const |
The list of the names of all internal parameters given by getInternalParams(). More... | |
virtual iparamvallist | getInternalParams () const |
virtual iparamvalptrlist | getInternalParamsPtr () const |
be careful: matrices will be ignored More... | |
virtual ilayerlist | getStructuralLayers () const |
Specifies which parameter vector forms a structural layer (in terms of a neural network) The ordering is important. More... | |
virtual iconnectionlist | getStructuralConnections () const |
Specifies which parameter matrix forms a connection between layers (in terms of a neural network) The orderning is not important. More... | |
virtual void | addInspectableValue (const iparamkey &key, iparamval const *val, const std::string &descr=std::string()) |
This is the new style for adding inspectable values. More... | |
virtual void | addInspectableMatrix (const iparamkey &key, const matrix::Matrix *m, bool only4x4AndDiag=true, const std::string &descr=std::string()) |
This is the new style for adding inspectable values. More... | |
virtual void | addInspectableDescription (const iparamkey &key, const std::string &descr) |
adds a description for the given parameter using info-lines The line will start (appart from the #I) with a D for description followed by the key end then followed by the string. More... | |
virtual void | addInfoLine (std::string infoLine) |
Adds an info line to this inspectable instance. More... | |
virtual void | addInfoLines (std::list< std::string > infoLineList) |
Adds a bunch of infolines with addInfoLine to this inspectable instance. More... | |
virtual void | removeInfoLines () |
Removes all infolines from this inspectable instance. More... | |
virtual const infoLinesList & | getInfoLines () const |
Returns all infolines added to this inspectable instance. More... | |
virtual void | addInspectable (Inspectable *insp) |
Adds an inspectable as a child object. More... | |
virtual void | removeInspectable (Inspectable *insp) |
Removes an inspectable as a child object. More... | |
virtual void | setNameOfInspectable (const iparamkey &name) |
set the name of the inspectable More... | |
virtual const iparamkey | getNameOfInspectable () const |
return the name of the inspectable, getName() would conflict with Configurable::getName() too often More... | |
virtual const inspectableList & | getInspectables () const |
Returns the list containing all inspectable children. More... | |
Public Attributes | |
double | eps |
initial learning rate for weight update More... | |
Protected Member Functions | |
void | updateCellSizes () |
updates the cell sizes More... | |
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void | copyParameters (const Configurable &, bool traverseChildren=true) |
copies the internal params of the given configurable More... | |
void | printdescr (FILE *f, const char *prefix, const paramkey &key, int columns, int indent) const |
Static Protected Member Functions | |
static double | activationfunction (double rdfsize, double d) |
activation function (rbf) More... | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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typedef std::string | paramkey |
typedef std::string | paramdescr |
typedef double | paramval |
typedef std::list< std::pair < paramkey, paramval > > | paramlist |
typedef std::map< paramkey, paramval * > | parammap |
typedef bool | parambool |
typedef std::list< std::pair < paramkey, parambool > > | paramboollist |
typedef std::map< paramkey, parambool * > | paramboolmap |
typedef int | paramint |
typedef std::list< std::pair < paramkey, paramint > > | paramintlist |
typedef std::map< paramkey, paramint * > | paramintmap |
typedef std::map< paramkey, paramdescr > | paramdescrmap |
typedef std::pair< paramval, paramval > | paramvalBounds |
typedef std::map< paramkey, paramvalBounds > | paramvalBoundsMap |
typedef std::pair< paramint, paramint > | paramintBounds |
typedef std::map< paramkey, paramintBounds > | paramintBoundsMap |
typedef std::pair< paramkey, paramval * > | paramvalpair |
typedef std::pair< paramkey, parambool * > | paramboolpair |
typedef std::pair< paramkey, paramint * > | paramintpair |
typedef std::vector < Configurable * > | configurableList |
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typedef unsigned long | CallbackableType |
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typedef std::string | iparamkey |
typedef double | iparamval |
typedef std::pair< iparamkey, iparamval const * > | iparampair |
typedef std::pair< iparamkey, std::pair< const matrix::Matrix *, bool > > | imatrixpair |
typedef std::list< iparamkey > | iparamkeylist |
typedef std::list< std::string > | infoLinesList |
typedef std::list< iparamval > | iparamvallist |
typedef std::list< iparamval const * > | iparamvalptrlist |
typedef std::list< iparampair > | iparampairlist |
typedef std::list< imatrixpair > | imatrixpairlist |
typedef struct Inspectable::ILayer | ILayer |
typedef struct Inspectable::IConnection | IConnection |
typedef std::list< ILayer > | ilayerlist |
typedef std::list< IConnection > | iconnectionlist |
typedef std::list< const Inspectable * > | inspectableList |
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static const CallbackableType | CALLBACK_CONFIGURABLE_CHANGED = 11 |
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static const CallbackableType | DEFAULT_CALLBACKABLE_TYPE = 0 |
This is the default Callbackable type. More... | |
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iparamkey | name |
iparampairlist | mapOfValues |
imatrixpairlist | mapOfMatrices |
infoLinesList | infoLineStringList |
neural gas class.
Implementation follows roughly Martinetz scheme. The output of the network is for each neuron, where cellsize is distance to the second closest neigbour.
NeuralGas | ( | const std::string & | name = "NeuralGas" , |
const std::string & | revision = "$Id$" |
) |
NeuralGas | ( | double | lambda, |
double | eps, | ||
int | maxTime, | ||
const std::string & | name = "NeuralGas" , |
const std::string & | revision = "$Id$" |
) |
create a som
lambda | initial competetive constant for neighborhood learning |
eps | initial learning rate |
maxTime | maximal time we expect the network to learn, if 0 no annealing is performed |
inlinevirtual |
staticprotected |
activation function (rbf)
inlinevirtual |
damps the weights and the biases by multiplying (1-damping)
Implements AbstractModel.
inlinevirtual |
returns the number of input neurons
Implements AbstractModel.
inlinevirtual |
returns the number of output neurons
Implements AbstractModel.
virtual |
initialised som
inputDim | dimension of input vector |
outputDim | number of outputneurons |
unit_map | interval for randomly choosen weights. if zero then (-1,1) is used otherwise (-unit_map, unit_map) (in all dimensions) |
Implements AbstractModel.
virtual |
Implements AbstractModel.
virtual |
virtual |
virtual |
passive processing of the input (this function is not constant since a recurrent network for example might change internal states
Implements AbstractModel.
virtual |
loads the object from the given file stream (ASCII preferred).
Implements Storeable.
virtual |
stores the object to the given file stream (ASCII preferred).
Implements Storeable.
protected |
updates the cell sizes
double eps |
initial learning rate for weight update