Self-organization is one of the most striking phenomena of our world. Even evolution may be seen
as the way nature realized self-organization under the
constraints of mortal beings in an eternal fight for resources. As a consequence evolution is an incremental
process building on solutions once they are established.
Robots can be thought free of these suffocating constraints. Instead they are potentially immortal and
free of energy restraints. Then, our question is how to organize the self-organization in such a world
opening for each robot the way for an individual open ended development.
Our robots have a fixed morphology
(no structural self-organization considered so far) with a "brain" consisting of two artificial neural networks, one
for the control and another one for cognition, i.e. the "understanding" of the robots reactions to the controls.
The essential point of our approach is that learning in both networks is self-supervised, driven by an
objective function which is completely domain invariant,
depending exclusively on the robots sensor values.
We have developed different objective functions which are more and more successful in generating
coordinate embodied behavior.
To find how autonomous behavior and its development can be realized by a brain or
an artificial neural network is a fundamental challenge for neuroscience and robotics.
Commonly, the self-organized unfolding of behavior is explained by postulating special concepts like internal drives, curiosity, specific reward systems, or selective pressures.
We propose a simple, local, and biologically plausible synaptic mechanism
that enables an embodied agent to self-organize its individual sensorimotor development
without recourse to such higher level constructs.
When applied to robotic systems, a rich spectrum of rhythmic behaviors emerges,
ranging from locomotion patterns to the spontaneous cooperation between partners.
A possible utilization of our novel mechanism in nature would lead to a new
understanding of the early stages of sensorimotor development.
Information theory is a powerful tool to express principles to drive autonomous systems because it is domain invariant and allows for an intuitive interpretation. This paper studies the use of the predictive information (PI), also called excess entropy or effective measure complexity, of the sensorimotor process as a driving force to generate behavior. We study nonlinear and nonstationary systems and introduce the time-local predicting information (TiPI) which allows us to derive exact results together with explicit update rules for the parameters of the controller in the dynamical systems framework. In this way the information principle, formulated at the level of behavior, is translated to the dynamics of the synapses. We underpin our results with a number of case studies with high-dimensional robotic systems. We show the spontaneous cooperativity in a complex physical system with decentralized control. Moreover, a jointly controlled humanoid robot develops a high behavioral variety depending on its physics and the environment it is dynamically embedded into. The behavior can be decomposed into a succession of low-dimensional modes that increasingly explore the behavior space. This is a promising way to avoid the curse of dimensionality which hinders learning systems to scale well.
The robot was developed and built in Rolf Pfeifer's lab, Zürich. Thanks for giving us the change to try our algorithms.
The homeokinetic objective is mainly to make the robot sensitive so that small variations in sensor values
induce large variations in motor values resulting in even larger sensorial responses and so on. This would drive the
robot towards a hyperactive, chaotic behavior. The way into complete chaos is counteracted
by both the physics of the robot itself (inertia, cross relations, ...) and the
decline of understanding in the chaotic regime. As a solution of these conflicting effects the robot develops a kind of self-exploration
of its bodily affordances in a more or less playful way with a tendency to development due to increasing
cognitive abilities.
We present below a number of examples demonstrating that this principle, called also the principle of
can be translated into a reliable, extremely robust algorithm which governs
parameter dynamics of the neural networks for both the self-model and the controller. Videos are from simulated environments as well as from real world
Many more details and theoretical results on found in our book The Playful Machine (now available online).
The robot was developed and built by Manfred Hild, HU Berlin. We thank for the collaboration!
Please note that the gravity in these experiments is only half the earth value. This is what makes the motions a little slow-motion like.
Robot Wrestling
Two humanoid robots in a kind of wrestling interaction. Sensor values are just the true angle of the joints. The robots can only "feel" each other by the mismatch between
true (measured)and nominal joint angles resulting from the load on the joint. Adherence is due to normal friction but essentially also from a
failure of the ODE physics engine, which after heavy collisions produces an unrealistic penetration effect which makes the collision partners adhere to each other.
So, the "fighting" is actually a truely emerging phenomenon not expected before we saw it.
Bar exercise
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We are presently arranging our zoo anew. Here you may wish to find a first impression of some of the "creatures" who will "live" there. Each of the creatures is equipped by the same neural system (differing in the number of motor neurons and sensor inputs only)with a fast synaptic dynamics driven by our general paradigm of self-organization. Initialization of the synaptic values is such that the creatures are essentially in a "do nothing" and "know nothing" state.
The snake in a narrow pit:
AVI (8.0 MB) (1.5 MB)
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© Ralf Der
One of the surprising events: In the middle of the video the snake spontaneously tries to jump out of a very narrow pit (gravity half the earth value)
see also
"Coiling Mode"
and " a more lengthy video here" .
- In
"an escape"
the snake is seen to jump out of the vessel. Please note that the gravity in the experiments is always that of the moon which explains the "slow motion" character of the scenes.
(M1V-Format, 1,8 MB)
- In
jump weight
(M1V-Format, 1,9 MB) the snake jumps with a heavy weight.
- In
"fat man nr. 1"
a modification of the snakes seems to behave in a rather intricate way in order to escape from the vessel.
(M1V-Format, 6,3 MB)
- In a later phase the "legs" are much better coordinated which essentially alters the character of the behavior. See
the fat man nr.2
(M1V-Format, 14,7 MB)
- The flatfoot world:
- Rolling wheelie-like robot:
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AVI (0.0 MB) (0.0 MB) MPEG2 (5.7 MB) © Ralf Der & Frank Hesse
Simulation of a human hand with multiple degrees of freedom (in this simulation only 6 degrees of freedom are used).
The hand is equipped with motion sensors at all joints.
The infrared sensors at the finger tips are not used in this experiment.
It is operated in a fully exploratory mode with or without
a manipulated object.
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Measures of complexity are of immediate interest for the field of autonomous robots both
as a means to classify the behavior and as an objective function for the self-organization and autonomous development
of robot behavior. In a
recent paper and in a
we consider predictive information in sensor space as a
measure for the behavioral complexity of a chain of two-wheel robots which are passively coupled
and controlled by a closed-loop reactive controller for each of the individual robots.
The predictive information
(approximated by the mutual information in the time step) of the sensor values of an individual
robot is found to have a clear maximum for a controller which realizes the spontaneous cooperation
of the robots so that the chain as a whole can develop an explorative behavior in the given environment.
In the videos the robots are driven by a controller which sees the current wheel velocities x(i) as sensor inputs
and produces motor values (nominal wheel velocities) y(i) as
y(i) = tanh( C[i,1] x(1) + C[i,2] x(2))
where i = 1,2 is the wheel index. There are no other sensors like reporting collisions or measuring the coupling forces between robots.
Each robot in the chain has a controller with the same set of parameters.
The behavior of the robot chain depends in a very sensitive way on the parameters C[i,j] of the
individual controller. Coarsely speaking, the parameters define a kind of geheralized feed back
strength in the sensorimotor loop. If the feed back is around a critical value, the
controllers react very sensitively to the perturbations, exerted by the other robots in the chain,
on the wheel velocities, so that synchronization of wheel velocities becomes possible.
In the videos below we present behaviors with different values of the predictive information both at
and away from the maximum.
In order to unserstand the relation between the behavior and the predictive information (PI) we note, as a rule of thumb,
that the PI is high if both the
behavior is rich (high acitivity, exploring the space of sensor values) but not too chaotic or random so that
the future sensor values (here in the next time step) ar still
predictable to a certain degree at least.
Behavior in an arena without obstacles
The subcritical behaviour: Low PI. Incoherent fluctuations. Low activity (narrow range of sensor values) and some predictability
C[0,0]=C[1,1]=0.8 and C[0,1]=C[1,0]=0.0
AVI (2.0 MB) (0.4 MB) DIVX4 (1.3 MB) © Frank Güttler & Ralf Der |
Near optimal behaviour: High PI due to a good balance between activity (wide range of sensor values) and predictability. C[0,0]=C[1,1]=1.0 and C[0,1]=C[1,0]=0.07
DIVX4 (2.5 MB) © Frank Güttler & Ralf Der |
The supracritical behaviour: Low PI due to high activity but only switching of sensor values and reduced predictability System is caught in a behavioral mode. C[0,0]=C[1,1]=1.4 and C[0,1]=C[1,0]=0.0
DIVX4 (1.2 MB) © Frank Güttler & Ralf Der
Behavior in a maze with obstacles
The subcritical behaviour: C[0,0]=C[1,1]=0.8 and C[0,1]=C[1,0]=0.0
MJPEG (8.0 MB) DIVX4 (0.4 MB) (0.1 MB) © Frank Güttler & Ralf Der
(320x240, 0,3 MB)
| The critical behaviour: C[0,0]=C[1,1]=1.0 and C[0,1]=C[1,0]=0.1
AVI (1.8 MB) (0.5 MB) DIVX4 (1.1 MB) (0.3 MB) © Frank Güttler & Ralf Der
The supracritical behaviour: C[0,0]=C[1,1]=1.3 and C[0,1]=C[1,0]=0.2
AVI (2.5 MB) (0.6 MB) DIVX4 (1.6 MB) (0.4 MB) © Frank Güttler & Ralf Der
Older videos on the role of predictive information in sensor space.
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The videos presented are sections of multiple one-hour runs of
the zoo starting from a trial initialization of the
parameters of both
the controller and the world model. All creatures in the world have
proprioceptive sensors so that they have no notion of the positions of
agents or the obstacles.
The differences being only in the number of controller neurons, the
quality of
sensors and similar technical details.
The somewhat jerky run of the video streams
originates from technical problems when recording it. The original
computer simulation is free of these artefacts.
We see that each of the agents develops a kind of behavior of its own
which is emerging from the interplay of its body with the environment.
Behaviors are largely modified by the interactions with the obstacles
in the arena and with other agents. The latter kind of interactions
makes our zoo a highly dynamic environment.
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We consider a snake consisting of a string of spheres with an active
head to
which a force vector (lying in the plane) is applied. The force is
by our neural network (the "brain") which is self-regulating according
to our
general paradigm. The force is so weak that only rolling lateral
motions are
possible. As you can see after some time the "brain" develops a
"feeling" for
the swaying of the body so that it can drive the snake into a
rotational mode.
But also these modes are transients, i.e. they appear and decay
repeatedly in
the course of time. The apparent stiffness of the body results from
effects due to the induced rapid rotation by the spheres.
- Transition to the rotational modus with parameters
and controller).
AVI (12.1 MB)
MPEG2 (13.3 MB)
© Frank Hesse
The parameters of the world model demonstrate how the
relearns in order to reflect the different reactions of the complex
body (the
string of gyros) to the applied forces. In the beginning the motions
are very
slow so that the response of the body is weak. This is reflected by the
values of the matrix elements of
. When the snake is transiting into the
rotational mode the parameters of both the controller and the world
drastically change, the latter reaching essentially a rotation matrix.
- Different rotation modes and robustness against
pertubations. (with parameter
AVI (9.2 MB)
MPEG2 (9.6 MB)
DIVX4 (6.7 MB)
© Frank Hesse
All three snakes are probing into different frequencies,
which are seen to be transient.
- Frequency decreasing.
AVI (5.0 MB)
MPEG2 (5.3 MB)
© Frank Hesse
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Spherical robots are inspired by Julius Popp.
Our robot is driven by 3 internal masses moving along three orthogonal
axes running through the center of the sphere. We made the shell semi transparent in order to allow the observer
to have a look inside.
Sensor values are the projections of the internal axes on the z-axis of
the world coordinate system. Motor values are the position of each of
the masses
on its axis. Both sensor and motor values are related to the motions of
the sphere in a very complicated manner. Nevertheless in the
experiments the spheres roll long distance, can stop and turn. In the
basins of the landscape the spheres even roll circles at constant
heights or escape. The behaviors manifest the emerging sensorimotor
- Two spherical robots in a landscape of three basins. This is a short video.
AVI (0.7 MB) (0.2 MB)
MPEG1 (1.3 MB)
© Georg Martius
- Two spherical robots in the landscape. Here is a longer video.
AVI (14.9 MB) (2.8 MB)
MPEG1 (28.2 MB)
© Georg Martius
- One spherical robot in a basin.
SVGA resolution (1024x768)
AVI (15.0 MB) (2.8 MB)
MPEG2 (41.5 MB)
© Georg Martius
- Spherical robot in three overlapping basins similar to
the Robodrom by Julius Popp.
AVI (13.9 MB) (2.5 MB)
MPEG2 (41.2 MB)
© Georg Martius
- In the previous video one of the sphericals went off the
playground. It was followed by the camera to see what it does on the plane.
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MPEG2 (48.9 MB)
DIVX4 (34.5 MB)
© Georg Martius
- We have equipped the spherical robot with infrared (IR)
sensors. In the simulation the sensors are visualized by rays. Black
color means maximal distance (no IR response) and red means lower
distance (high IR response). In the following Video you see it in a
Paper: Let it roll -- Emerging Sensorimotor Coordination
in a Spherical Robot
AVI (15.6 MB) (2.9 MB)
MPEG2 (46.0 MB)
DIVX4 (20.5 MB)
© Georg Martius
- One barrel-like robots on flat ground. This video shows how different speeds are used.
AVI (18.4 MB) (3.3 MB)
MPEG2 (24.1 MB)
DIVX4 (12.2 MB)
© Georg Martius
Cognitive deprivation is a phanomena that occurs if the sensor-action space in only explored partially
and a world model is learned online. Assuming some synaptic decay we will observe a restiction of the world model to the space actuated by the controller.
- 2 Wheeled robot with restricted Controller: In this movie the controller was fixed for the
first half of the movie. Only some bias was modulated, so that the robot is driving only
forward and backward.
The learning is enabled, which is indicated by a color change of the robot, and we see strong
exploration of the rotational behaviour space.
AVI (6.3 MB) (1.2 MB)
MPEG2 (8.0 MB)
DIVX4 (4.0 MB)
© Georg Martius
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Cigars are wheel-driven robots with long bodies. The videos show an
arena with each wheeled cigar controlled by our algorithm individually.
The wheel counters are the only sensors. The vehicles show an
explorative but sensitive behavior and do not get stuck even in very
long runs and in overcrowded arenas (as shown in the last video).
- AVI (15.1 MB)
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- AVI (15.6 MB)
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- AVI (15.4 MB)
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- AVI (19.7 MB)
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- AVI (7.1 MB)
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- with parameter evolution plot
AVI (19.6 MB)
MPEG2 (20.8 MB)
videos 1-6 © Frank Hesse.
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In the following you will find some examples of the application of the
principle to the self-organized behavior generation in real robots. We
use the
same controller as in the virtual world with the same learning
However we additionally have to account for delay effects which are not
present in the virtual world.
Our stamper consists of a trunk with a pole driven by two servomotors.
Controller outputs are the angles of the pole relative to the trunk.
The four infrared sensors are looking downward and are only coarsely
related to the motions of the body. Nevertheless our algorithm is able
to close the sensorimotor loop and produce oscillations leading to
rocking or walk-like modes of behavior. So the sensorimotor
coordination (manifested by the arising oscillations) is achieved on
the basis of extremely unreliable information. Moreover the experiment
with flapped/disabled sensors shows that the learning is
able to integrate new sensors or to disintegrate defect sensors from
sensorimotor coordination in a very short time (less than a minute in
Here and in the following videos the robot uses only its wheel sensors
inputs for the controller. Collissions are "felt" by the fact that the
model of
the sensorimotor loop is violated. Large model errors produce faster
of behavior. In free space the model error is small so that the
persists over longer times.
In addition to the wheel velocities the velocities of the ball in the
camera plane are used as sensors. The algorithm forces the closing of
the sensorimotor
loop over the camera and so an explorative behavior with a ball playing
mode is generated.
AVI (3.5 MB)
© Ralf Der & Rene Liebscher
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Our general paradigm driving self-organization
In the videos you can see a number of different agents in an arena.
Each of
those is driven by a controller which is a neural network with a fast synaptic dynamics obtained from our general principle of
realized as
descending an objective function
which coarsely speaking is the weighted matrix
(1) |
means the trace of a matrix,
is the Jacobian matrix of the
sensorimotor loop
being the vector of sensor values at time
, and
is the dynamical model of the sensorimotor
loop comprising both the world model and the controller. The weight
is the correlation matrix of the model errors. The theory
together with more details may be found in the recent publications
[1], [2].
This completely domain invariant principle is seen to generate
behaviors which
are different for each agent and which change over time. The zoo
may be run
forever with the behaviors changing over time. The different actors of
scene are presented in their details and specific properties in the
below. Here we want to demonstrate that the paradigm can be translated
into a
feasible, extremely robust algorithm despite of the mathematical
involved with
cf. Eq. 1, like the fact that
it contains the
inverse of the Jacobian matrix. Moreover a more detailed analysis of
dynamics shows that the crucial point of the concomitant learning of
the world
model and the controller is solved by the algorithm in a reliable and
controlled way although the world is highly unstructured and dynamic.
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Trouble shooting of video playback
The .avi videos (DivX Format) need an MPEG4-Codec installed on
your system like Xvid or DivX.
Unfortunately, not all versions of the Windows Media Player have this codec by default, please install them to watch the videos. There are three suggestions:
- The OpenSource K-Lite Codec Pack
- The commercial Free DivX software
The standalone OpenSource VLC media player, which also contains the MPEG4-Codec
- downloadable at
- supports mostly ALL plattforms: Windows, Mac OS X, GNU/Linux, BeOS, Syllable, BSD, Solaris
It's necessary that you have administrator rights on your system (on linux plattforms it may differ). When using the K-Lite Codec Pack or the Free DivX software, you usually have to restart your system. The VLC media player plays immediately the videos after the installation process.
In order to playback the videos you need to have the codecs installed. Most
distributions provide a codec package, sometimes called win32codecs. If you
install them xine and mplayer can play the files. If you cannot find them
go to the mplayer
download page and download a Binary Codec package. If you have no root
permissions you can store the codecs in ~/.mplayer/codecs.
Good luck!
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