AUTHOR = {Matthew Rosencrantz and Geoff Gordon and Sebastian Thrun},
YEAR = 2004,
TITLE = {Learning low dimensional predictive representations},
BOOKTITLE = {ICML '04: Twenty-first international conference on Machine
ISBN = {1-58113-828-5},
DOI = {},
LOCATION = {Banff, Alberta, Canada}
AUTHOR = {Andrew G. Brooks and Jesse Gray and Guy Hoffman and Andrea
Lockerd and Hans Lee and Cynthia Breazeal},
YEAR = 2004,
TITLE = {Robot's play: interactive games with sociable machines},
JOURNAL = {Comput. Entertain.},
PAGES = {10--10},
ISSN = {1544-3574},
DOI = {}
AUTHOR = {Karl Sims},
YEAR = 1994,
TITLE = {Evolving virtual creatures},
BOOKTITLE = {SIGGRAPH '94: Proceedings of the 21st annual conference on
Computer graphics and interactive techniques},
PAGES = {15--22},
DOI = {},
ISBN = {0-89791-667-0}
AUTHOR = {Shai Ben-David and Nadav Eiron and Eyal Kushilevitz},
YEAR = 1995,
TITLE = {On self-directed learning},
BOOKTITLE = {COLT '95: Proceedings of the eighth annual conference on
Computational learning theory},
PAGES = {136--143},
DOI = {},
ISBN = {0-89791-723-5},
LOCATION = {Santa Cruz, California, United States}
AUTHOR = {Joseph Laszlo and Michiel van de Panne and Eugene Fiume},
YEAR = 1996,
TITLE = {Limit cycle control and its application to the animation
of balancing and walking},
BOOKTITLE = {SIGGRAPH '96: Proceedings of the 23rd annual conference on
Computer graphics and interactive techniques},
PAGES = {155--162},
DOI = {},
ISBN = {0-89791-746-4}
AUTHOR = {Randall D. Beer and Roger D. Quinn and Hillel J. Chiel and
Roy E. Ritzmann},
YEAR = 1997,
TITLE = {Biologically inspired approaches to robotics: what can we
learn from insects?},
JOURNAL = {Commun. ACM},
VOLUME = 40,
PAGES = {30--38},
DOI = {},
ISSN = {0001-0782}
AUTHOR = {Aude Billard and Maja J. Mataric},
YEAR = 2000,
TITLE = {A biologically inspired robotic model for learning by
BOOKTITLE = {AGENTS '00: Proceedings of the fourth international
conference on Autonomous agents},
PAGES = {373--380},
DOI = {},
ISBN = {1-58113-230-1},
LOCATION = {Barcelona, Spain}
AUTHOR = {T. Shibata and S. Schaal},
YEAR = 2001,
TITLE = {Biomimetic gaze stabilization based on
feedback-error-learning with nonparametric regression
JOURNAL = {Neural Netw.},
VOLUME = 14,
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier Science Ltd.}
AUTHOR = {Sebastian Thrun},
YEAR = 2002,
TITLE = {Probabilistic robotics},
JOURNAL = {Commun. ACM},
VOLUME = 45,
PAGES = {52--57},
ISSN = {0001-0782},
DOI = {}
AUTHOR = {Kian Hsiang Low and Wee Kheng Leow and Marcelo H. Ang,
YEAR = 2002,
TITLE = {A hybrid mobile robot architecture with integrated
planning and control},
BOOKTITLE = {AAMAS '02: Proceedings of the first international joint
conference on Autonomous agents and multiagent systems},
PAGES = {219--226},
DOI = {},
ISBN = {1-58113-480-0},
LOCATION = {Bologna, Italy}
AUTHOR = {Matthew Rosencrantz and Geoffrey Gordon and Sebastian
YEAR = 2003,
TITLE = {Locating moving entities in indoor environments with teams
of mobile robots},
BOOKTITLE = {AAMAS '03: Proceedings of the second international joint
conference on Autonomous agents and multiagent systems},
PAGES = {233--240},
ISBN = {1-58113-683-8},
DOI = {},
LOCATION = {Melbourne, Australia}
AUTHOR = {Monica N. Nicolescu and Maja J. Mataric},
YEAR = 2003,
TITLE = {Natural methods for robot task learning: instructive
demonstrations, generalization and practice},
BOOKTITLE = {AAMAS '03: Proceedings of the second international joint
conference on Autonomous agents and multiagent systems},
PAGES = {241--248},
ISBN = {1-58113-683-8},
DOI = {},
LOCATION = {Melbourne, Australia}
AUTHOR = {Hans Moravec},
YEAR = 2003,
TITLE = {Robots, after all},
JOURNAL = {Commun. ACM},
VOLUME = 46,
NUMBER = 10,
PAGES = {90--97},
ISSN = {0001-0782},
DOI = {}
AUTHOR = {Mitsutoshi Yoshizaki and Yoshinori Kuno and Akio
YEAR = 2001,
TITLE = {Human-robot interface based on the mutual assistance
between speech and vision},
BOOKTITLE = {PUI '01: Proceedings of the 2001 workshop on Percetive
user interfaces},
PAGES = {1--4},
DOI = {},
LOCATION = {Orlando, Florida}
AUTHOR = {B. Bartlett and V. Estivill-Castro and S. Seymon},
YEAR = 2004,
TITLE = {Dogs or robots: why do children see them as robotic pets
rather than canine machines?},
BOOKTITLE = {CRPIT '28: Proceedings of the fifth conference on
Australasian user interface},
PAGES = {7--14},
PUBLISHER = {Australian Computer Society, Inc.},
LOCATION = {Dunedin, New Zealand}
AUTHOR = {Jan Hoffmann and Uwe D\&\#252;ffert},
YEAR = 2004,
TITLE = {Frequency space representation and transitions of
quadruped robot gaits},
BOOKTITLE = {CRPIT '26: Proceedings of the 27th conference on
Australasian computer science},
PAGES = {275--278},
PUBLISHER = {Australian Computer Society, Inc.},
LOCATION = {Dunedin, New Zealand}
AUTHOR = {Andry, P. and Gaussier, Ph. and Nadel, J.},
YEAR = 2002,
TITLE = {From sensorimotor coordination to low level imitation},
BOOKTITLE = {Second international workshop on epigenetic robotics,
PAGES = {7--15},
URL = {}
AUTHOR = {S. C. Ahalt and A. K. Krishnamurthy and P. Chen and D. E.
YEAR = 1990,
TITLE = {Competitive Learning Algorithms for Vector Quantization},
JOURNAL = {Neural Networks},
PAGES = {277--290},
KEYWORDS = {vector quantization | speech | competitive learning},
REF = {GG2}
AUTHOR = {Amari, S.},
YEAR = 1998,
TITLE = {Natural Gradients Work Efficiently in Learning},
JOURNAL = {Neural Computation},
AUTHOR = {Setsuo Arikawa and Satoru Kuhara and Satoru Miyano and
Yasuhito Mukouchi and Ayumi Shinohara and Takeshi
YEAR = 1992,
TITLE = {A Machine Discovery from Amino Acid Sequences by Decision
Trees over Regular Patterns},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Fifth
Generation Computer Systems},
PAGES = {618--625},
PUBLISHER = {Association for Computing Machinery},
AUTHOR = {Ronald C. Arkin},
YEAR = 1992,
TITLE = {Homeostatic Control for a Mobile Robot: Dynamic Replanning
in Hazardous Environments},
JOURNAL = {Journal of Robotic Systems},
PAGES = {197--214},
KEY = {Arkin}
AUTHOR = {Ronald C. Arkin},
YEAR = 1998,
TITLE = {Behavior Based Robotics},
PUBLISHER = {MIT Press,Cambridge, MA}
EDITOR = {Samuel Pierre and
Michel Barbeau and
Evangelos Kranakis},
TITLE = {Ad-Hoc, Mobile, and Wireless Networks, Second International
Conference, ADHOC-NOW 2003 Montreal, Canada, October 8-10,
2003, Proceedings},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = {2865},
YEAR = {2003},
ISBN = {3-540-20260-9},
AUTHOR = {Ludwig Arnold},
YEAR = 1998,
TITLE = {Random Dynamical Systems},
PUBLISHER = {Springer}
AUTHOR = {M. Asada},
YEAR = 1996,
TITLE = {Purposive behaviour acqusition for a real robot by vision
based reinforcement learning},
JOURNAL = {Machine Learning},
VOLUME = 23,
PAGES = {279 - 304}
AUTHOR = {W. R.Ashby},
YEAR = 1954,
TITLE = {Design for a Brain},
PUBLISHER = {Chapman and Hill},
ADDRESS = {London}
AUTHOR = {Th. B{\"a}ck and H.-P. Schwefel},
YEAR = 1993,
TITLE = {{An Overview of Evolutionary Algorithms for Parameter
JOURNAL = {Evolutionary Computation},
PAGES = {1--23}
AUTHOR = {Balaam, A.J.},
EDITOR = {J. Kelemen and P. Sosek},
YEAR = 2001,
TITLE = {nBrains: A New Type of Robot Brain},
BOOKTITLE = {Advances in Artificial Life : 6th European Conference,
ECAL 2001 , Prague, Czech Republic, September 10-14, 2001,
PAGES = 491,
PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag Heidelberg}
AUTHOR = {Andrew G. Barto and Richard S. Sutton and Christopher
EDITOR = {Michael Gabriel and John Moore},
YEAR = 1990,
TITLE = {Learning and Sequential Decision Making},
BOOKTITLE = {Learning and computational neuroscience : foundations of
adaptive networks},
NOTE = {Interent:},
PUBLISHER = {M.I.T. Press},
ADDRESS = {Cambridge, Mass}
AUTHOR = {Bastian, A and Sch{\"o}ner, G and Riehle, A},
YEAR = 2003,
TITLE = {Preshaping and continuous evolution of motor cortical
representations during movement preparation},
JOURNAL = {European Journal of Neuroscience},
VOLUME = 18,
PAGES = {2047-2058},
URL = {}
AUTHOR = {Jonathan Baxter},
YEAR = 1997,
TITLE = {The canonical distortion measure for vector quantization
and function approximation},
BOOKTITLE = {Proc. 14th International Conference on Machine Learning},
PAGES = {39--47},
PUBLISHER = {Morgan Kaufmann}
AUTHOR = {Bechtel, W. and A. Abrahamsen},
YEAR = 1991,
TITLE = {Connectionism and the Mind: An Introduction to Parallel
Processing in Networks,},
PUBLISHER = {Basil Blackwell},
ADDRESS = {Cambridge, MA:}
EDITOR = {Randall D. Beer and Roy E. Ritzmann and Thomas McKenna},
YEAR = 1993,
TITLE = {Biological Neural Networks in Invertebrate Neuroethology
and Robotics},
PUBLISHER = {Academic Press},
ADDRESS = {New York}
AUTHOR = {R. D. Beer},
YEAR = 2000,
TITLE = {Dynamical Approaches to Cognitive Science.},
JOURNAL = {Trends in Cognitive Sciences},
VOLUME = {4(3)},
PAGES = {91-99.}
AUTHOR = {R. D. Beer and H. J. Chiel and L. S. Sterling},
EDITOR = {P. Maes},
YEAR = 1990,
TITLE = {A Biological Perspective on Autonomous Agent Design},
BOOKTITLE = {Designing Autonomous Agents},
PAGES = {169--185},
PUBLISHER = {MIT Press,Cambridge, MA}
AUTHOR = {R. D. Beer and H. J. Chiel},
EDITOR = {Jean-Arcady Meyer and Stewart W. Wilson},
YEAR = 1991,
TITLE = {The Neural Basis of Behavioral Choice in an Artifical
BOOKTITLE = {From animals to animats},
PAGES = {247--254},
ORGANIZATION = {First International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive
AUTHOR = {Randall D. Beer},
YEAR = 1995,
TITLE = {A dynamical systems perspective on agent-environment
JOURNAL = {Artif. Intell.},
VOLUME = 72,
NUMBER = {1-2},
PAGES = {173--215},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier Science Publishers Ltd.},
ADDRESS = {Essex, UK},
ISSN = {0004-3702},
DOI = {}
AUTHOR = {Randall D. Beer and Roger D. Quinn and Hillel J. Chiel and
Roy E. Ritzmann},
YEAR = 1997,
TITLE = {Biologically Inspired Approaches to Robotics},
JOURNAL = {Communications of the ACM},
VOLUME = 40,
PAGES = {30--38}
AUTHOR = {Randall D. Beer and Roger D. Quinn and Hillel J. Chiel and
Roy E. Ritzmann},
YEAR = 1997,
TITLE = {Biologically inspired approaches to robotics: what can we
learn from insects?},
JOURNAL = {Commun. ACM},
VOLUME = 40,
PAGES = {30--38},
ISSN = {0001-0782},
DOI = {}
AUTHOR = {Nils Berglund and Barbara Gentz},
YEAR = 2002,
TITLE = {Pathwise description of dynamic pitchfork bifurcations
with additive noise},
JOURNAL = {Probab. Theory Related Fields},
VOLUME = 122,
PAGES = {341-388}
AUTHOR = {G. Berkeley},
YEAR = 1709,
TITLE = {An Essay Towards a New Theory of Vision}
AUTHOR = {K. Berns and B. Muller and R. Dillmann},
YEAR = 1993,
TITLE = {Dynamic control of a robot leg with self-organizing
feature maps},
BOOKTITLE = {IROS '93. Proceedings of the 1993 IEEE/RSJ International
Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. Intelligent
Robots for Flexibility (Cat. No.93CH3213-6)},
PAGES = {553--60},
ADDRESS = {New York, NY, USA},
OPTORGANIZATION = {Gruppe Interaktive Planuungstechnik, Forschungszentrum
Inf., Karlsruhe, Germany}
AUTHOR = {K. Berns},
YEAR = 1994,
TITLE = {Steuerungsans\"atze auf der {B}asis neuronaler {N}etze
f\"ur sechseinige Laufmaschinen},
PUBLISHER = {Dissertation DISKI 61}
AUTHOR = {N. A. Bernstein},
YEAR = 1967,
TITLE = {The Co-Ordination and Regulation of Movements},
PUBLISHER = {Pergamon Press}
AUTHOR = {Luc Berthouze and Max Lungarella},
YEAR = 2004,
TITLE = {Robot Bouncing: On the Synergy Between Neural and
Body-Environment Dynamics},
BOOKTITLE = {Embodied Artificial Intelligence},
EDITION = {Embodied Artificial Intelligence},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = 3139,
PAGES = {86--97},
PUBLISHER = {Springer Verlag}
AUTHOR = {William Bialek and Ilya Nemenman and Naftali Tishby},
YEAR = 2001,
TITLE = {Predictability, complexity and learning},
JOURNAL = {Neural Computation},
VOLUME = 13,
PAGES = 2409,
URL = {}
AUTHOR = {Elie Bienenstock and Daniel Lehmann},
YEAR = 1998,
TITLE = {Regulated Criticality in the Brain?},
JOURNAL = {Advances in Complex Systems},
PAGES = {361-384},
ABSTRACT = {We propose that a regulation mechanism based on Hebbian
covariance plasticity may cause the brain to operate near
criticality. We analyze the effect of such a regulation on
the dynamics of a network with excitatory and inhibitory
neurons and uniform connectivity within and across the two
populations. We show that, under broad conditions, the
system converges to a critical state lying at the common
boundary of three regions in parameter space; these
correspond to three modes of behavior: high activity, low
activity, oscillation.}
AUTHOR = {K. Binder and D. W. Heerman},
YEAR = 1988,
TITLE = {Monte Carlo Simulation in Statistical Mechanics},
PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag},
ADDRESS = {Berlin}
AUTHOR = {G.Q. Bi and M. M. Poo},
YEAR = 2001,
TITLE = {Synaptic modification by correlated activity: Hebb's
postulate revisited.},
JOURNAL = {Annu Rev Neurosci},
VOLUME = 24,
PAGES = {139-66}
AUTHOR = {E. Bloedorn and R. S. Michalski},
YEAR = 1991,
TITLE = {Data-driven constructive induction in {AQ17-PRE}: {A}
method and experiments},
BOOKTITLE = {Proc. Third International Conference on Tools for
Artificial Intelligence},
PAGES = {30--37},
PUBLISHER = {IEEE Computer Society Press},
ADDRESS = {Los Alamitos, CA}
YEAR = 1997,
TITLE = {BOulder REinforcement Learning (BOREL) Group, {U}niversity
of {C}olorado, {B}oulder: Java Demonstrations of
Reinforcement Learning},
AUTHOR = {V. Braitenberg},
YEAR = 1984,
TITLE = {Vehicles: {E}xperiments in Synthetic Psychology},
AUTHOR = {Ansgar Bredenfeld and Herbert Jaeger and Thomas
YEAR = 2001,
TITLE = {Mobile Robots with Dual Dynamics},
AUTHOR = {Rodney Brooks},
YEAR = 1986,
TITLE = {Achieving Artificial Intelligence through Building
PAGES = 12,
ADDRESS = {Cambridge, Massachusetts},
INSTITUTION = {Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology (MIT)},
ABSTRACT = {We argue that generally accepted methodologies of
artificial intelligence research are limited in the
proportion of human level intelligence they can be expected
to emulate. We argue that the currently accepted
decompositions and static representations used in such
research are wrong. We argue for a shift to a process based
model, with a decomposition based on task achieving
behaviors as the organizational principle. In particular we
advocate building robotic insects.}
AUTHOR = {Rodney Brooks},
YEAR = 1987,
TITLE = {Intelligence without representation},
BOOKTITLE = {Workshop on Foundations of AI}
AUTHOR = {Rodney Brooks},
YEAR = 1990,
TITLE = {The Behavior Language: User's Guide},
PAGES = 35,
ADDRESS = {Cambridge, Massachusetts},
INSTITUTION = {Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology (MIT)},
ABSTRACT = {The Behavior Language is a rule-based real-time parallel
robot programming language originally based on ideas from
[Brooks 86], [Connell 89], and [Maes 89]. It compiles into
a modified and extended version of the subsumption
architecture [Brooks 86] and thus has backends for a number
of processors including the Motorola 68000 and 68HC11, the
Hitachi 6301, and Common Lisp. Behaviors are groups of
rules which are activatable by a number of different
schemes. There are no shared data structures across
behaviors, but instead all communication is by explicit
message passing. All rules are assumed to run in parallel
and asynchronously. It includes the earlier notions of
inhibition and suppression, along with a number of
mechanisms for spreading of activation.}
AUTHOR = {R. Brooks},
YEAR = 1999,
TITLE = {Cambrian Intelligence: The Early History of the New AI},
TEXT = {R. Brooks. Cambrian Intelligence: The Early History of the
New AI. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1999.}
AUTHOR = {Rodney Brooks and Lynn A. Stein},
YEAR = 1993,
TITLE = {Building Brains for Bodies},
PAGES = 16,
ADDRESS = {Cambridge, Massachusetts},
INSTITUTION = {Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology (MIT)},
ABSTRACT = {We describe a project to capitalize on newly available
levels of computational resources in order to understand
human cognition. We will build an integrated physical
system including vision, sound input and output, and
dextrous manipulation, all controlled by a continuously
operating large scale parallel MIMD computer. The resulting
system will learn to ``think'' by building on its bodily
experiences to accomplish progressively more abstract
tasks. Past experience suggests that in attempting to build
such an integrated system we will have to fundamentally
change the way artificial intelligence, cognitive science,
linguistics, and philosophy think about the organization of
intelligence. We expect to be able to better reconcile the
theories that will be developed with current work in
AUTHOR = {Buchli, J. and Righetti, L. and Ijspeert, A.J.},
YEAR = 2005,
TITLE = {A dynamical systems approach to learning: a
frequency-adaptive hopper robot},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the {VIII}th European Conference on
Artificial Life {ECAL} 2005},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence},
PAGES = {210--220},
PUBLISHER = {Springer Verlag},
TYPE = {conference},
PDF = {\url{}}
AUTHOR = {Buehrmann, T. and Di Paolo, E.},
YEAR = 2004,
TITLE = {Closing the loop: evolving a model-free visually guided
robot arm.},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the ninth international conference on the
simulation and synthesis of living systems},
AUTHOR = {Michael Bunk},
YEAR = 2004,
TITLE = {Echtzeitf\"ahige Modellbasierte Bilderkennung Zur
Visuomotorischen Kontrolle Bewegter Objekte},
SCHOOL = {Universit\"at Leipzig}
AUTHOR = {J. Burrone and V. N. Murthy},
YEAR = 2003,
TITLE = {Synaptic Gain Control and Homeostasis},
JOURNAL = {Current Opinion in Neurobiology},
VOLUME = 13,
PAGES = {560--567}
AUTHOR = {A. Cangelosi},
EDITOR = {S. Schaal et al.},
MONTH = {July},
YEAR = 2004,
TITLE = {The sensorimotor bases of linguistic structure:
Experiments with grounded adaptive agents},
PAGES = {487-496},
NOTE = {Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on the
Simulation of Adaptive Behaviour: From Animals to Animats
PUBLISHER = {Cambridge MA, MIT Press},
ADDRESS = {Los Angeles},
AUTHOR = {W. B. Cannon},
YEAR = 1939,
TITLE = {The Wisdom of the Body},
PUBLISHER = {Norton},
ADDRESS = {New {Y}ork}
AUTHOR = {Gal Chechik and Naftali Tishby},
YEAR = 2000,
TITLE = {Temporally Dependent Plasticity: An Information Theoretic
PAGES = {110-116}
AUTHOR = {C. K. Chui},
YEAR = 1992,
TITLE = {An Introduction to Wavelets},
SERIES = {Wavelet Analysis and its Applications},
PUBLISHER = {Academic Press, Inc.},
ABSTRACT = {This is the first volume in the series WAVELET ANALYSIS
AND ITS APPLICATIONS. It is an introductory treatise on
wavelet analysis, with an emphasis on spline wavelets and
and time-frequency analysis. Among the basic topics covered
are time frequency localization, intergral wavelet
transforms, dyadic wavelets, frames, spine wavelets,
orthonormal wavelet bases, and wavelet packets. Is is
suitable as a textbook for a beginning course on wavelet
analysis and is directed toward both mathematicians and
engineers who wish to learn about the subject.},
KEYWORDS = {An Overview, Fourier Analysis, Wavelet Transforms and
Time-frequency Analysis, Cardinal Spline Analysis, scaling
functions and Wavelets, Cardinal Spline Wavelets,
Orthogonal Wavelets and Wavelet Packets},
ISBN = {0-12-174584-8}
AUTHOR = {L. O. Chua},
YEAR = 1998,
TITLE = {{CNN}: {A} paradigm for complexity},
PUBLISHER = {World Scientific}
AUTHOR = {D. Cliff and P. Husbands and I. Harvey},
YEAR = 1992,
TITLE = {Analysis of evolved sensory-motor controllers},
NUMBER = {Cognitive Science Research Paper CSRP264},
ADDRESS = {Brighton BN1 9QH, England, UK},
INSTITUTION = {School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences, University of
AUTHOR = {M. Cohen},
YEAR = 1992,
TITLE = {{The} Construction of Arbitrary Stable Dynamics in
Nonlinear Neural Networks},
JOURNAL = {Neural Networks},
PAGES = {83-103}
AUTHOR = {P. R. Cohen and E. W. Feigenbaum},
YEAR = 1986,
TITLE = {The Handbook of Artificial Intelligence Vol. 3},
PUBLISHER = {Addison Wesley}
AUTHOR = {Collins, S.H. and Wisse, M. and Ruina, A.},
YEAR = 2001,
TITLE = {A 3-D Passive Dynamic Walking Robot with Two Legs and
JOURNAL = {International Journal of Robotics Research},
VOLUME = {20 (7)},
PAGES = {607-615}
AUTHOR = {Collins, Steven H. and Ruina, Andy and Tedrake, Russ and
Wisse, Martijn},
YEAR = 2005,
TITLE = {Efficient Bipedal Robots Based on Passive-Dynamic
JOURNAL = {Science},
VOLUME = 307,
PAGES = {1082-1085}
AUTHOR = {Bernd Porr and Florentin W{\"o}rg{\"o}tter},
YEAR = 2001,
TITLE = {Temporal Hebbian Learning in Rate-Coded Neural Networks:
{A} Theoretical Approach towards Classical Conditioning},
PAGES = {1115--1120},
BIBDATE = {2002-01-03},
URL = {}
AUTHOR = {Bernd Porr and Florentin W{\"o}rg{\"o}tter},
YEAR = 2002,
TITLE = {Learning a Forward Model of a Reflex},
PAGES = {1531--1538},
BIBDATE = {2004-10-12},
AUTHOR = {J. C. Craig},
YEAR = 1989,
TITLE = {Introduction to Robotics, 2nd Edition},
NOTE = {2nd Edition 1991},
PUBLISHER = {Addison Wesley}
AUTHOR = {Holk Cruse},
YEAR = 2003,
TITLE = {The Evolution of Cognition - a Hypothesis},
JOURNAL = {. Cognitive Science},
VOLUME = {27(1)},
PAGES = {135-155}
AUTHOR = {Gutknecht, Matthias and Pfeifer, Rolf and Stolze, Markus},
TITLE = {{Cooperative hybrid systems.}},
BOOKTITLE = {{Artificial intelligence, IJCAI-91, Proc. 12th Int. Conf.,
Sydney/Australia 1991, 824-829 }},
ABSTRACT = {{[For the entire collection see Zbl. 741.68016.]\par The
authors' effort to build a situated knowledge-based system
resultet in a cooperative hybrid system called DDT ( device
diagnostic tool). DDT is a hybrid symbolic/connectionist
system, embodying cooperativity and self-tuning
capabilities, thus being able to face the problem of model
explosion cycle. The approach is illustrated using a
real-life expert system in the domain of technical
KEYWORDS = {{situated knowledge-based system; device diagnostic
LANGUAGE = {English},
REVIEWER = {{N.Curteanu (Iasi)}},
CLASSMATH = {{*I.2.6 Learning I.2.8 Problem Solving, Control Methods,
and Search G.4 Mathematical Software I.2.1 Applications and
Expert Systems to Artificial Intelligence}}
AUTHOR = {Steels, Luc (ed.) and Schreiber, Guus (ed.) and van de
Velde, Walter (ed.)},
TITLE = {{A future for knowledge acquisition. 8th European
knowledge acquisition workshop, EKAW '94, Hoegaarden,
Belgium, September 26-29, 1994. Proceedings.}},
PUBLISHER = {{Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Lecture Notes in
Artificial Intelligence. 867. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. xii,
413 p. DM 80.00; \"oS 624.00; sFr 80.00 }},
ABSTRACT = {{The articles of this volume will be reviewed
KEYWORDS = {{Hoegaarden (Belgium); Workshop; Proceedings; EKAW '94;
Knowledge acquisition}},
LANGUAGE = {English},
CLASSMATH = {{*A.0 General (Literature)}}
AUTHOR = {Steels, Luc},
TITLE = {{The origins of syntax in visually grounded robotic
JOURNAL = {Artif. Intell.},
VOLUME = 103,
NUMBER = {1-2},
PAGES = {133-156},
ABSTRACT = {{The paper proposes a set of principles and a general
architecture that may explain how language and meaning may
originate and complexify in a group of physically grounded
distributed agents. An experimental setup is introduced for
concretising and validating specific mechanisms based on
these principles. The setup consists of two robotic heads
that watch static or dynamic scenes and engage in language
games, in which one robot describes to the other what they
see. The first results from experiments showing the
emergence of distinctions, of a lexicon, and of primitive
syntactic structures are reported.}},
KEYWORDS = {{symbolic models; robotic agents; origins of language and
LANGUAGE = {English},
CLASSMATH = {{*I.2.m Miscellaneous (Artificial Intelligence)}}
AUTHOR = {Kim, Dong-Han and Kim, Jong-Hwan},
TITLE = {{A real-time limit-cycle navigation method for fast mobile
robots and its application to robot soccer.}},
JOURNAL = {Robot. Auton. Syst.},
VOLUME = 42,
PAGES = {17-30},
ABSTRACT = {{Summary: A mobile robot should be designed to navigate
with collision avoidance capability in the real world,
flexibly coping with the changing environment. In this
paper, a novel limit-cycle navigation method is proposed
for a fast mobile robot using the limit-cycle
characteristics of a 2nd-order nonlinear function. It can
be applied to the robot operating in a dynamically changing
environment, such as in a robot soccer system. By adjusting
the radius of the motion circle and the direction of
obstacle avoidance, the navigation method proposed enables
a robot to maneuver smoothly towards any desired
destination. Simulations and real experiments using a robot
soccer system demonstrate the merits and practical
applicability of the proposed method.}},
KEYWORDS = {{robot soccer; navigation; limit cycle; real-time
LANGUAGE = {English},
CLASSMATH = {{*I.2.9 Robotics}}
AUTHOR = {Lichtensteiger, Lukas and Pfeifer, Rolf},
TITLE = {{An optimal sensor morphology improves adaptability of
neural network controllers.}},
BOOKTITLE = {{Dorronsoro, Jos\'e R. (ed.), Artificial neural networks -
ICANN 2002. 12th international conference, Madrid, Spain,
August 28-30, 2002. Proceedings. Berlin: Springer. Lect.
Notes Comput. Sci. 2415, 850-855 }},
LANGUAGE = {English},
CLASSMATH = {{*I.2.6 Learning}}
AUTHOR = {Steels, Luc},
TITLE = {{The evolution of communication systems by adaptive
BOOKTITLE = {{Alonso, Eduardo (ed.) et al., Adaptive agents and
multi-agent systems. Adaptation and multi-agent learning.
Berlin: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 2636, 125-140
ABSTRACT = {{Summary: The paper surveys some of the mechanisms that
have been demonstrated to be relevant for evolving
communication systems in software simulations or robotic
experiments. In each case, precursors or parallels with
work in the study of artificial life and adaptive behaviour
are discussed.}},
LANGUAGE = {English},
CLASSMATH = {{*I.2.6 Learning}}
AUTHOR = {te Boekhorst, Rene and Lungarella, Max and Pfeifer, Rolf},
TITLE = {{Dimensionality reduction through sensory-motor
BOOKTITLE = {{Kaynak, Okyay (ed.) et al., Artificial neural networks
and neural information processing -- ICANN/ICONIP 2003.
Joint international conference ICANN/ICONIP 2003, Istanbul,
Turkey, 26-29, 2003. Proceedings. Berlin: Springer. Lect.
Notes Comput. Sci. 2714, 496-503 }},
ABSTRACT = {{Summary: The problem of category learning has been
traditionally investigated by employing disembodied
categorization models. One of the basic tenets of embodied
cognitive science states that categorization can be
interpreted as a process of sensory-motor coordination, in
which an embodied agent, while interacting with its
environment, can structure its own input space for the
purpose of learning about categories. Many researchers,
including John Dewey and Jean Piaget, have argued that
sensory-motor coordination is crucial for perception and
for development. In this paper we give a quantitative
account of why sensory-motor coordination is important for
perception and category learning.}},
LANGUAGE = {English},
CLASSMATH = {{*I.2.6 Learning}}
AUTHOR = {Nolfi, Stefano and Tani, Jun},
YEAR = 1999,
TITLE = {{Extracting regularities in space and time through a
cascade of prediction networks: The case of a mobile robot
navigating in a structured environment.}},
JOURNAL = {Connection Science, Journal of Neural Computing,
Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Research},
VOLUME = 11,
PAGES = {125-148},
ABSTRACT = {{Summary: We propose that the ability to extract
regularities from time series through prediction learning
can be enhanced if we use a hierarchical architecture in
which higher layers are trained to predict the internal
state of lower layers when such states change
significantly. This hierarchical organization has two
functions: (a) it forces the system to recode sensory
information progressively so as to enhance useful
regularities and filter out useless information; and (b) it
progressively reduces the length of the sequences which
should be predicted going from lower to higher layers.
This, in turn, allows higher levels to extract higher-level
regularities which are hidden at the sensory level. By
training an architecture of this type to predict the next
sensory state of a robot navigating in an environment
divided in two rooms, we show how the first-level
prediction layer extracts low-level regularities, while the
second-level prediction layer extracts higher-level
KEYWORDS = {{prediction learning; development; mobile robotics}},
LANGUAGE = {English},
CLASSMATH = {{*I.2.6 Learning I.2.9 Robotics}}
AUTHOR = {Steels, Luc and Baillie, Jean-Christophe},
TITLE = {{Shared grounding of event descriptions by autonomous
JOURNAL = {Robotics and Autonomous Systems.},
VOLUME = 43,
NUMBER = {2-3},
PAGES = {163-173},
ABSTRACT = {{Summary: The paper describes a system for open-ended
communication by autonomous robots about event descriptions
anchored in reality through the robot's sensori-motor
apparatus. The events are dynamic and agents must
continually track changing situations at multiple levels of
detail through their vision system. We are specifically
concerned with the question how grounding can become shared
through the use of external (symbolic) representations,
such as natural language expressions.}},
KEYWORDS = {{Autonomous Robots; Event Descriptions; Open-Ended}},
LANGUAGE = {English},
CLASSMATH = {{*I.2.9 Robotics I.2.1 Applications and Expert Systems to
Artificial Intelligence}}
AUTHOR = {Tani, Jun},
TITLE = {{Learning to generate articulated behavior through the
bottom-up and the top-down interaction processes.}},
JOURNAL = {Neural Networks. The Official Journal of the International
Neural Network Society, European Neural Network Society,
Japanese Neural Network Society.},
VOLUME = 16,
PAGES = {11-23},
ABSTRACT = {{Summary: A novel hierarchical neural network architecture
for sensory-motor learning and behavior generation is
proposed. Two levels of forward model neural networks are
operated on different time scales while parametric
interactions are allowed between the two network levels in
the bottom-up and top-down directions. The models are
examined through experiments of behavior learning and
generation using a real robot arm equipped with a vision
system. The results of the learning experiments showed that
the behavioral patterns are learned by self-organizing the
behavioral primitives in the lower level and combining the
primitives sequentially in the higher level. The results
contrast with prior work by Pawelzik et al. [Neural
Comput. 8, 340 (1996)], Tani and Nolfi
[From animals to animats, 1998], and
Wolpert and Kawato [Neural Networks 11, 1317
(1998)] in that the primitives are represented in a
distributed manner in the network in the present scheme
whereas, in the prior work, the primitives were localized
in specific modules in the network. Further experiments of
on-line planning showed that the behavior could be
generated robustly against a background of real world noise
while the behavior plans could be modified flexibly in
response to changes in the environment. It is concluded
that the interaction between the bottom-up process of
recalling the past and the top-down process of predicting
the future enables both robust and flexible situated behavior.}},
KEYWORDS = {{Learning; Behavior; Articulation; Chunking}},
LANGUAGE = {English},
CLASSMATH = {{*I.2.6 Learning F.1.1 Models of Computation J.3 Life and
Medical Sciences (Computer Applications)}}
AUTHOR = {Pfeifer, Rolf},
TITLE = {{Embodied Artificial Intelligence - On the role of
morphology and materials in the emergence of cognition}},
BOOKTITLE = {{Schubert, Sigrid E.; Reusch, Bernd; Jesse, Norbert
(eds.). Informatik bewegt: Informatik 2002 - 32.
Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft f\"ur Informatik e.v. (GI),
30. September - 3.Oktober 2002 in Dortmund. Bonn: K\"ollen
Verlag. Lect. Notes Inform. 19, p. 49-63 }},
ABSTRACT = {{Entire collection CS 2004.019000G}},
LANGUAGE = {English},
CLASSMATH = {{*I.2.0 General (Artificial Intelligence)}}
AUTHOR = {Steels, Luc},
TITLE = {{Equilibrium analysis of behavior systems.}},
BOOKTITLE = {{Cohn, A. G. (ed.). 11th European Conference on Artificial
Intelligence. Proceedings. (ECAI '94, Amsterdam, NL,
Aug.8-12, 1994). Chichester: John Wiley & Sons. 832 p.,
714-718 p. }},
ABSTRACT = {{A behavior system consists of the components and control
programs necessary to establish a particular behavior in a
robotic agent. The paper proposes a mathematical approach
for the analysis of behavior systems. The approach rests on
viewing a behavior system as a dynamical system whose
equilibrium state is attained when the behavior it is
responsible for is achieved.}},
KEYWORDS = {{behavior system; robotic agent; dynamical system;
equilibrium state; autonomous agent}},
LANGUAGE = {English},
CLASSMATH = {{*I.2.9 Robotics}}
AUTHOR = {Tani, Jun},
TITLE = {{Self-organizing of symbolic processes through interaction
with the physical world.}},
BOOKTITLE = {{Mellish, Chris S. (ed.). IJCAI-95. 14th international
joint conference on artificial intelligence. Proceedings.
(IJCAI-95. 14th International Joint Conference on
Artificial Intelligence, Montreal (Canada), 20-25 Aug
1995). San Mateao, CA: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc..
XLIV, 2077 p., p. 112-118 }},
ABSTRACT = {{The paper describes how symbolic processes are
self-organized in the navigational learning of a mobile
robot. Based on a dynamical system's approach, the paper
shows that the forward modeling scheme based on recurrent
neural network (RNN) learning is capable of extracting
grammatical structure hidden in the geometry of the
workspace from navigational experience. This robot is
capable of mentally simulating its own actions using the
acquired forward model. The paper shows that such a mental
process by the RNN can naturally be situated with respect
to the behavioural contexts, provided that the forward
model learned is embedded on the global attractor. The
internal representation obtained is proved to be grounded,
since it is self-organized solely through itnteraction with
the physical world. The paper shows also that structural
stability arises in the interaction between the neural
dynamics and the environment dynamics, accounting for the
situatedness of the internal symbolic process.}},
KEYWORDS = {{self-organization of symbolic processes; robot
navigation; situatedness of symbolic processes}},
LANGUAGE = {English},
CLASSMATH = {{*I.2.6 Learning I.5.1 Models (Pattern Recognition) I.2.7
Natural Language Processing I.2.8 Problem Solving, Control
Methods, and Search I.2.5 Programming Languages and
Software (Artificial Intelligence) I.2.1 Applications and
Expert Systems to Artificial Intelligence I.6.8 Types of
Simulation I.2.9 Robotics}}
AUTHOR = {Tani, Jun and Fukumura, Naohiro},
TITLE = {{Self-organizing internal representation in learning of
navigation: a physical experiment by the mobile robot
ABSTRACT = {{The paper discusses a novel scheme for sensory-based
navigation of a mobile robot. In our previous work (Tani
$\&$ Fukumura, 1994, Neural Networks, 7(3), 553--563), we
formulated the problem of goal-directed navigation as an
embedding problem of dynamical systems: desired
trajectories in a task space should be embedded in an
adequate sensory-based internal state space so that a
unique mapping from the internal state space to the motor
command could be established. In the current formulation a
recurrent neural network is employed, which shows that an
adequate internal state space can be self-organized,
through supervised training with sensorimotor sequences.
The experiment was conducted using a real mobile robot
equipped with a laser range sensor, demonstrating the
validity of the presented scheme by working in a noisy
real-world environment.}},
KEYWORDS = {{neural networks; sensory motor system; mobile robot;
navigation learning}},
LANGUAGE = {English},
CLASSMATH = {{*I.2.6 Learning I.2.9 Robotics}}
AUTHOR = {P. Dagum and M. Luby},
YEAR = 1993,
TITLE = {Approximating Probabilistic Inference in Bayesian Belief
Networks is {NP}-Hard},
JOURNAL = {Artificial Intelligence},
VOLUME = 60,
PAGES = {141--153},
KEY = {Dagum \&{} Luby},
LOCATION = {CMU Engineering \&{} Science Library}
AUTHOR = {Ingrid Daubechies},
YEAR = 1992,
TITLE = {Ten Lectures on Wavelets},
SERIES = {CBMS-NSF Regional Conference Series in Applied
VOLUME = 61,
PUBLISHER = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics},
ADDRESS = {Philadelphia},
URL = {}
AUTHOR = {Douglas J. Bakkum and Alexander C. Shkolnik and Guy
Ben-Ary and Phil Gamblen and Thomas B. DeMarse and Steve M.
YEAR = 2003,
TITLE = {Removing Some 'A' from AI: Embodied Cultured Networks.},
BOOKTITLE = {Embodied Artificial Intelligence},
PAGES = {130-145},
CROSSREF = {DBLP:conf/adhoc-now/2003},
EE = {{\&}issn=0302-9743{\&}volume=3139{\&}spage=130},
AUTHOR = {Verena Vanessa Hafner},
YEAR = 2003,
TITLE = {Agent-Environment Interaction in Visual Homing.},
BOOKTITLE = {Embodied Artificial Intelligence},
PAGES = {180-185},
CROSSREF = {DBLP:conf/adhoc-now/2003},
EE = {{\&}issn=0302-9743{\&}volume=3139{\&}spage=180},
AUTHOR = {Owen Holland},
YEAR = 2003,
TITLE = {The Future of Embodied Artificial Intelligence: Machine
BOOKTITLE = {Embodied Artificial Intelligence},
PAGES = {37-53},
CROSSREF = {DBLP:conf/adhoc-now/2003},
EE = {{\&}issn=0302-9743{\&}volume=3139{\&}spage=37},
AUTHOR = {Koh Hosoda},
YEAR = 2003,
TITLE = {Robot Finger Design for Developmental Tactile Interaction:
Anthropomorphic Robotic Soft Fingertip with Randomly
Distributed Receptors.},
BOOKTITLE = {Embodied Artificial Intelligence},
PAGES = {219-230},
CROSSREF = {DBLP:conf/adhoc-now/2003},
EE = {{\&}issn=0302-9743{\&}volume=3139{\&}spage=219},
AUTHOR = {Fumiya Iida and Rolf Pfeifer},
YEAR = 2003,
TITLE = {Self-Stabilization and Behavioral Diversity of Embodied
Adaptive Locomotion.},
BOOKTITLE = {Embodied Artificial Intelligence},
PAGES = {119-129},
CROSSREF = {DBLP:conf/adhoc-now/2003},
EE = {{\&}issn=0302-9743{\&}volume=3139{\&}spage=119},
AUTHOR = {Akio Ishiguro and Toshihiro Kawakatsu},
YEAR = 2003,
TITLE = {How Should Control and Body Systems Be Coupled? A Robotic
Case Study.},
BOOKTITLE = {Embodied Artificial Intelligence},
PAGES = {107-118},
CROSSREF = {DBLP:conf/adhoc-now/2003},
EE = {{\&}issn=0302-9743{\&}volume=3139{\&}spage=107},
AUTHOR = {Lukas Lichtensteiger},
YEAR = 2003,
TITLE = {The Need to Adapt and Its Implications for Embodiment.},
BOOKTITLE = {Embodied Artificial Intelligence},
PAGES = {98-106},
CROSSREF = {DBLP:conf/adhoc-now/2003},
EE = {{\&}issn=0302-9743{\&}volume=3139{\&}spage=98},
AUTHOR = {Max Lungarella and Luc Berthouze},
YEAR = 2003,
TITLE = {Robot Bouncing: On the Synergy Between Neural and
Body-Environment Dynamics.},
BOOKTITLE = {Embodied Artificial Intelligence},
PAGES = {86-97},
CROSSREF = {DBLP:conf/adhoc-now/2003},
EE = {{\&}issn=0302-9743{\&}volume=3139{\&}spage=86},
AUTHOR = {Satoshi Murata and Akiya Kamimura and Haruhisa Kurokawa
and Eiichi Yoshida and Kohji Tomita and Shigeru Kokaji},
YEAR = 2003,
TITLE = {Self-Reconfigurable Robots: Platforms for Emerging
BOOKTITLE = {Embodied Artificial Intelligence},
PAGES = {312-330},
CROSSREF = {DBLP:conf/adhoc-now/2003},
EE = {{\&}issn=0302-9743{\&}volume=3139{\&}spage=312},
AUTHOR = {Rolf Pfeifer and Fumiya Iida},
YEAR = 2003,
TITLE = {Embodied Artificial Intelligence: Trends and Challenges.},
BOOKTITLE = {Embodied Artificial Intelligence},
PAGES = {1-26},
CROSSREF = {DBLP:conf/adhoc-now/2003},
EE = {{\&}issn=0302-9743{\&}volume=3139{\&}spage=1},
AUTHOR = {Olaf Sporns and Teresa K. Pegors},
YEAR = 2003,
TITLE = {Information-Theoretical Aspects of Embodied Artificial
BOOKTITLE = {Embodied Artificial Intelligence},
PAGES = {74-85},
CROSSREF = {DBLP:conf/adhoc-now/2003},
EE = {{\&}issn=0302-9743{\&}volume=3139{\&}spage=74},
AUTHOR = {Luc Steels},
YEAR = 2003,
TITLE = {The Autotelic Principle.},
BOOKTITLE = {Embodied Artificial Intelligence},
PAGES = {231-242},
CROSSREF = {DBLP:conf/adhoc-now/2003},
EE = {{\&}issn=0302-9743{\&}volume=3139{\&}spage=231},
AUTHOR = {Tom Ziemke},
YEAR = 2003,
TITLE = {Embodied AI as Science: Models of Embodied Cognition,
Embodied Models of Cognition, or Both?},
BOOKTITLE = {Embodied Artificial Intelligence},
PAGES = {27-36},
CROSSREF = {DBLP:conf/adhoc-now/2003},
EE = {{\&}issn=0302-9743{\&}volume=3139{\&}spage=27},
AUTHOR = {G. Deboeck and T. Kohonen},
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TITLE = {Visual Explorations in Finance with Self-Organizing Maps},
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YEAR = 2004,
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YEAR = 1993,
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AUTHOR = {Robert Haschke},
MONTH = {Sep},
YEAR = 2003,
TITLE = {Bifurcations in Discrete-Time Neural Networks --
Controlling Complex Network Behaviour with Inputs},
SCHOOL = {Bielefeld University},
AUTHOR = {Robert Haschke and Jochen J. Steil},
YEAR = 2005,
TITLE = {Input Space Bifurcation Manifolds of Recurrent Neural
JOURNAL = {Neurocomputing},
VOLUME = {64C},
PAGES = {25-38},
AUTHOR = {Robert Haschke and Jochen J. Steil and Helge Ritter},
YEAR = 2001,
TITLE = {Controlling Oscillatory Behavior of a Two Neuron Recurrent
Neural Network Using Inputs},
BOOKTITLE = {Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Artificial Neural Networks
ADDRESS = {Wien, Austria}
AUTHOR = {D. T. Hau and E. W. Coiera},
YEAR = 1997,
TITLE = {Learning qualitative models of dynamic systems},
JOURNAL = {Machine Learning},
VOLUME = 26,
PAGES = {177--211},
ADDRESS = {Johns Hopkins Univ, Sch Med, Baltimore, Md, 21205 Hewlett
Packard Labs, Bristol Bs12 6Qz, Avon, England},
ABSTRACT = {The automated construction of dynamic system models is an
important application area for ILP. We describe a method
that learns qualitative models from time-varying
physiological signals. The goal is to understand the
complexity of the learning task when faced with numerical
data, what signal processing techniques are required, and
how this affects learning. The qualitative representation
is based on Kuipers' QSIM. The learning algorithm for model
construction is based on Coiera's GENMODEL. We show that
QSIM models are efficiently PAC learnable from positive
examples only, and that GENMODEL is an ILP algorithm for
efficiently constructing a QSIM model. We describe both
GENMODEL which performs RLGG on qualitative states to learn
a QSIM model, and the front-end processing and segmenting
stages that transform a signal into a set of qualitative
states. Next we describe results of experiments on data
from six cardiac bypass patients. Useful models were
obtained, representing both normal and abnormal
physiological states. Model variation across time and
across different levels of temporal abstraction and fault
tolerance is explored. The assumption made by many previous
workers that the abstraction of examples from data can be
separated from the learning task is not supported by this
study. Firstly, the effects of noise in the numerical data
manifest themselves in the qualitative examples. Secondly,
the models learned are directly dependent on the initial
qualitative abstraction chosen.},
KEYWORDS = {SIMULATION, inductive logic programming, qualitative
modelling, system identification, PAC learning,
physiological modelling, cardiovascular system, data
mining, patient monitoring},
ISSUE = {2-3}
AUTHOR = {K. Hase and N. Yamazaki},
YEAR = 1999,
TITLE = {Computational evolution of human bipedal walking by a
neuro-musculo-skeletal model},
JOURNAL = {Artificial Life and Robotics},
PAGES = {133-138},
KEY = {HaYa99}
AUTHOR = {Hock, H S and Sch{\"o}ner, G and Giese, M A},
YEAR = 2003,
TITLE = {The dynamical foundations of motion pattern formation:
{S}tability, selective adaptation, and perceptual
JOURNAL = {Perception \& Psychophysics},
VOLUME = 65,
PAGES = {429-457},
AUTHOR = {Hofmann and Buhmann},
YEAR = 1997,
TITLE = {Correction to ``Pairwise Data Clustering by Deterministic
JOURNAL = {IEEETPAMI: IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and
Machine Intelligence},
AUTHOR = {F. Hoffmeister and T. B{\"a}ck},
EDITOR = {H. -P. Schwefel and R. M{\"a}nner},
MONTH = {1-3 } # OCT,
YEAR = 1991,
TITLE = {Genetic algorithms and evolution strategies: similarities
and differences},
BOOKTITLE = {Parallel Problem Solving from Nature - Proceedings of 1st
Workshop, PPSN 1},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = 496,
PAGES = {455--469},
PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany},
ADDRESS = {Dortmund, Germany}
AUTHOR = {J. Honerkamp},
YEAR = 1990,
TITLE = {Stochastische dynamische {S}ysteme},
PUBLISHER = {VCH Verlagsgesellschaft}
AUTHOR = {F. C. Hoppensteadt and E. M. Izhikevich},
YEAR = 1997,
TITLE = {Weakly Coupled Neural Networks},
PUBLISHER = {Springer}
AUTHOR = {Martin H{\"u}lse and Frank Pasemann},
YEAR = 2002,
TITLE = {Dynamical Neural Schmitt Trigger for Robot Control},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = 2415,
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
ADDRESS = {Berlin, Heidelberg, New York}
AUTHOR = {P. Husbands and I. Harvey and D. Cliff},
YEAR = 1993,
TITLE = {Analysing recurrent dynamical networks evolved for robot
NUMBER = {Cognitive Science Research Paper CSRP265},
ADDRESS = {Brighton BN1 9QH, England, UK},
INSTITUTION = {School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences, University of
AUTHOR = {A. S. Galanopoulos and Stanley C. Ahalt},
YEAR = 1996,
TITLE = {Codeword Distribution for Frequency Sensitive Competitive
Learning with One-Dimensional Input Data},
JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks},
PAGES = {752--756},
TYPE = {Brief Paper}
AUTHOR = {Iida, F. and Gomez, G. J. and Pfeifer, R.},
YEAR = 2005,
TITLE = {Exploiting Body Dynamics for Controlling a Running
Quadruped Robot.},
BOOKTITLE = {International Conference of Advanced Robotics {(ICAR}
AUTHOR = {R. Isaacs},
YEAR = {},
TITLE = {Differential Games},
AUTHOR = {C. Jacob},
YEAR = 1997,
TITLE = {Principia Evolvica - Simulierte Evolution mit
PUBLISHER = {dpunkt-Verlag},
ADDRESS = {Heidelberg}
AUTHOR = {R. A. Jacobs and M. I. Jordan},
YEAR = 1993,
TITLE = {Learning Piecewise Control Strategies in a Modular
Neural-Network Architecture},
JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics},
VOLUME = 23,
PAGES = {337--345},
ABSTRACT = {The dynamics of nonlinear systems often vary qualitatively
over their parameter space. Methodologies for designing
piecewise control laws for dynamical systems, such as gain
scheduling, are useful because they circumvent the problem
of determining a single global model of the plant dynamics.
Instead, the dynamics are approximated using local models
that vary with the plant's operating point. When a
controller is learned instead of designed, analogous issues
arise. This article describes a multi-network, or modular,
neural network architecture that learns to perform control
tasks using a piecewise control strategy. The
architecture's networks compete to learn the training
patterns. As a result, a plant's parameter space is
adaptively partitioned into a number of regions, and a
different network learns a control law in each region. This
learning process is described in a probabilistic framework
and learning algorithms that perform gradient ascent in a
log likelihood function are discussed. Simulations show
that the modular architecture's performance is superior to
that of a single network on a multipayload robot motion
control task.}
AUTHOR = {R. A. Jacobs and M. I. Jordan and S. J. Nowlan and G. E.
YEAR = 1991,
TITLE = {Adaptive Mixtures of Local Experts},
JOURNAL = {Neural Computation},
PAGES = {79--87}
AUTHOR = {Jason Kingdon},
YEAR = 11997,
TITLE = {Intelligent Systems and Financial Forecasting},
PUBLISHER = {Springer}
AUTHOR = {M. I. Jordan and R. A. Jacobs},
YEAR = 1994,
TITLE = {Hierarchical Mixtures of Experts and the {EM} Algorithm},
JOURNAL = {Neural Computation},
PAGES = {181--214},
ABSTRACT = {We present a tree-structured architecture for supervised
learning. The statistical model underlying the architecture
is a hierarchical mixture model in which both the mixture
coefficients and the mixture components are generalized
linear models (GLIM's).Learning is treated as a maximum
likelihood problem; in particular, we present an
Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm for adjusting the
parameters of the architecture.We also develop an on-line
learning algorithm in which the parameters are updated
incrementally.Comparative simulation results are presented
in the robot dynamics domain.}
AUTHOR = {Bernd Porr and Christian von Ferber and Florentin
YEAR = 2003,
TITLE = {{ISO} Learning Approximates a Solution to the
Inverse-Controller Problem in an Unsupervised Behavioral
JOURNAL = {Neural Computation},
VOLUME = 15,
PAGES = {865--884},
BIBDATE = {2004-07-08},
AUTHOR = {Bernd Porr and Florentin W{\"o}rg{\"o}tter},
YEAR = 2003,
TITLE = {Isotropic Sequence Order Learning},
JOURNAL = {Neural Computation},
VOLUME = 15,
PAGES = {831--864},
BIBDATE = {2004-07-08},
URL = {}
AUTHOR = {Kampis,G and Csanyi,V},
YEAR = 1985,
TITLE = {Simple Models Do Not Eliminate Complexity from the Real
JOURNAL = {Journal of Theoretical Biology},
VOLUME = 115,
PAGES = {467-469}
AUTHOR = {Kampis,G and Csanyi,V},
YEAR = 1987,
TITLE = {Notes on Order and Complexity},
JOURNAL = {Journal of Theoretical Biology},
VOLUME = 124,
PAGES = {111-121}
AUTHOR = {Kampis,G},
EDITOR = {Carvallo,ME},
YEAR = 1988,
TITLE = {Information, Computation and Complexity},
BOOKTITLE = {Nature, Cognition and Systems},
PAGES = {313-320},
PUBLISHER = {Kluer},
ADDRESS = {Dordrecht}
AUTHOR = {Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric Kaplan and Pierre-Yves Oudeyer},
YEAR = 2003,
TITLE = {Maximizing Learning Progress: An Internal Reward System
for Development.},
BOOKTITLE = {Embodied Artificial Intelligence},
PAGES = {259-270},
CROSSREF = {DBLP:conf/adhoc-now/2003},
EE = {{\&}issn=0302-9743{\&}volume=3139{\&}spage=259},
AUTHOR = {Stuart A. Kauffman},
YEAR = 2002,
TITLE = {Investigations},
PUBLISHER = {Oxford University Press}
AUTHOR = {Stuart A. Kauffman},
YEAR = 1993,
TITLE = {The Origins of Order: Self-Organization and Selection in
PUBLISHER = {Oxford University Press}
AUTHOR = {Stuart A. Kauffman},
YEAR = 1996,
TITLE = {At Home in the Universe: The Search for Laws of
Self-Organization and Complexity},
PUBLISHER = {Oxford University Press}
AUTHOR = {Kim, D.H.},
YEAR = 2004,
TITLE = {Self-Organization for Multi-Agent Groups},
JOURNAL = {International Journal of Control, Automation, and
PAGES = {333-342}
AUTHOR = {Kim, Dong-Han and Kim, Jong-Hwan},
YEAR = 2003,
TITLE = {{A real-time limit-cycle navigation method for fast mobile
robots and its application to robot soccer.}},
JOURNAL = {Robot. Auton. Syst.},
VOLUME = 42,
PAGES = {17-30},
ABSTRACT = {{Summary: A mobile robot should be designed to navigate
with collision avoidance capability in the real world,
flexibly coping with the changing environment. In this
paper, a novel limit-cycle navigation method is proposed
for a fast mobile robot using the limit-cycle
characteristics of a 2nd-order nonlinear function. It can
be applied to the robot operating in a dynamically changing
environment, such as in a robot soccer system. By adjusting
the radius of the motion circle and the direction of
obstacle avoidance, the navigation method proposed enables
a robot to maneuver smoothly towards any desired
destination. Simulations and real experiments using a robot
soccer system demonstrate the merits and practical
applicability of the proposed method.}},
KEYWORDS = {{robot soccer; navigation; limit cycle; real-time
LANGUAGE = {English},
CLASSMATH = {{*I.2.9 Robotics}}
AUTHOR = {M. Komosinski},
YEAR = 2000,
TITLE = {The World of Framsticks: Simulation, Evolution,
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Virtual
Worlds {(VW2000)}, Paris},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 1834},
PAGES = {214-224.},
PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag},
ADDRESS = {Berlin, Heidelberg, New York}
AUTHOR = {M. Komosinski},
YEAR = 2005,
TITLE = {Computer Science in Evolutionary Biology and Robotics:
Framsticks Artificial Life},
AUTHOR = {S. Kotosaka and S. Schaal},
YEAR = 2000,
TITLE = {Synchronized robot drumming by neural oscillators},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the International Symposium on Adaptive
Motion of Animals and Machines},
KEY = {KoScha00}
AUTHOR = {J. R. Koza},
YEAR = 1993,
TITLE = {Genetic Programming: On the Programming of Computers by
Means of Natural Selection. 2nd edition},
AUTHOR = {J. R. Koza},
YEAR = 1991,
TITLE = {Concept Formation and Decision Tree Induction Using the
Genetic Programming Paradigm},
JOURNAL = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = 496,
PAGES = {124--??}
AUTHOR = {A. Krogh and P. Sollich},
YEAR = 1997,
TITLE = {Statistical Mechanics of Ensemble Learning},
JOURNAL = {Physical Review},
VOLUME = {E 55},
PAGES = 811
AUTHOR = {Yasuo Kuniyoshi and Yasuaki Yorozu and Yoshiyuki Ohmura
and Koji Terada and Takuya Otani and Akihiko Nagakubo and
Tomoyuki Yamamoto},
YEAR = 2003,
TITLE = {From Humanoid Embodiment to Theory of Mind.},
BOOKTITLE = {Embodied Artificial Intelligence},
PAGES = {202-218},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
ADDRESS = {Berlin, Heidelberg, New York},
CROSSREF = {DBLP:conf/adhoc-now/2003},
EE = {{\&}issn=0302-9743{\&}volume=3139{\&}spage=202},
AUTHOR = {Kai Labusch and Daniel Polani},
YEAR = 2002,
TITLE = {Sensor Evolution in a Homeokinetic System},
PAGES = {199-208},
PUBLISHER = {Infix Aka},
CROSSREF = {polani02:_fifth_german_works_artif_life_march_german}
AUTHOR = {C. G. Langton},
YEAR = 1990,
TITLE = {Computation at the edge of chaos},
JOURNAL = {Physica D},
AUTHOR = {Christopher Langton},
EDITOR = {Christopher G. Langton and Charles Taylor and J. Doyne
Farmer and Steen Rasmussen},
YEAR = 1992,
TITLE = {Life at the Edge of Chaos},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Artificial Life ({ALIFE}
SERIES = {Santa Fe Institute Studies in the Sciences of Complexity},
PAGES = {41--92},
PUBLISHER = {Addison-Wesley},
ADDRESS = {Redwood City, CA, USA},
ISBN = {0-201-52570-4}
AUTHOR = {Francesco Lari and Avideh Zakhor},
YEAR = 1992,
TITLE = {Automatic Classification of Active Sonar Data Using
Time-Frequency Transforms},
BOOKTITLE = {Time-Frequency and Time-Scale Analysis},
PAGES = {21--24},
ADDRESS = {Victoria, B.C., Canada},
ORGANIZATION = {IEEE Signal Processing Society},
ABSTRACT = {Automatic classification of active sonar signals using the
Wigner-Ville transform (WVT), the wavelet transform (WT)
and the scalogram is addressed. Features are extracted by
integrating over regions in the time-frequency (TF)
distribution, and are classified by a decision tree.
Experimental results show classification and detection
rates of up to 92% at -4 dB of SNR. The WT outperforms the
WVT and the scalogram, particularly at high noise levels.
This can be partially attributed to the absence of cross
terms in the WT.}
AUTHOR = {Todd K. Leen},
TITLE = {Stochastic {M}anhattan Learning: An Exact Time-Evolution
Operator for the Ensemble Dynamics},
AUTHOR = {R. Legenstein and W. Maass},
EDITOR = {S. Haykin and J. C. Principe and T.J. Sejnowski and J.G.
YEAR = 2005,
TITLE = {What makes a dynamical system computationally powerful?},
BOOKTITLE = {New Directions in Statistical Signal Processing: From
Systems to Brain},
NOTE = {to appear},
AUTHOR = {R. A. Legenstein and W. Maass},
YEAR = 2005,
TITLE = {Edge of Chaos and Prediction of Computational Power for
Neural Microcircuit Models},
JOURNAL = {submitted for publication},
ABSTRACT = {What makes a neural microcircuit computationally powerful?
Or more precisely, which measurable quantities could
explain why one microcircuit $C$ is better suited for a
particular family of computational tasks than another
microcircuit $C'$? One potential answer comes from results
on cellular automata and random Boolean networks, where
some evidence was provided that their computational power
for offline computations is largest at the edge of chaos,
i.e. at the transition boundary between order and chaos. We
analyse in this article the significance of the edge of
chaos for real time computations in neural microcircuit
models consisting of spiking neurons and dynamic synapses.
We find that the edge of chaos predicts quite well those
values of circuit parameters that yield maximal
computational power. But obviously it makes no prediction
of their computational power for other parameter values.
Therefore, we propose a new method for predicting the
computational power of neural microcircuit models. The new
measure estimates directly the kernel property and the
generalization capability of a neural microcircuit. We
validate the proposed measure by comparing its prediction
with direct evaluations of the computational performance of
various neural microcircuit models. This procedure is
applied first to microcircuit models that differ with
regard to the spatial range of synaptic connections and
their strength, and then to microcircuit models that differ
with regard to the level of background input currents, the
conductance, and the level of noise on the membrane
potential of neurons. In the latter case the proposed
method allows us to quantify differences in the
computational power and generalization capability of neural
circuits in different dynamic regimes (UP- and DOWN-states)
that have been demonstrated through intracellular
recordings in vivo.}
AUTHOR = {Kristina Lerman and Alcherio Martinoli and Aram Galstyan},
YEAR = 2004,
TITLE = {A Review of Probabilistic Macroscopic Models for Swarm
Robotic Systems},
HOWPUBLISHED = {Self-organization of Adaptive Behavior04, Santa Monica,
AUTHOR = {Kristina Lerman and Aram Galstyan},
YEAR = 2004,
TITLE = {Automatically Modeling Group Behavior of Simple Agents},
HOWPUBLISHED = {Agent Modeling Workshop, AAMAS-04, New York, NY.}
AUTHOR = {Benjamin Libet},
YEAR = 2004,
TITLE = {Mind Time : The Temporal Factor in Consciousness},
PUBLISHER = {Harvard University Press},
COMMENT = {Over a long and distinguished career Benjamin Libet has
conducted experiments that have helped us see, in clear and
concrete ways, how the brain produces conscious awareness.
For the first time, Libet gives his own account of these
experiments and their importance for our understanding of
consciousness. Most notably, Libet's experiments reveal a
substantial delay--the "mind time" of the title--before any
awareness affects how we view our mental activities. If all
conscious awarenesses are preceded by unconscious
processes, as Libet observes, we are forced to conclude
that unconscious processes initiate our conscious
experiences. Freely voluntary acts are found to be
initiated unconsciously before an awareness of wanting to
act--a discovery with profound ramifications for our
understanding of free will. How do the physical activities
of billions of cerebral nerve cells give rise to an
integrated conscious subjective awareness? How can the
subjective mind affect or control voluntary actions? Libet
considers these questions, as well as the implications of
his discoveries for the nature of the soul, the identity of
the person, and the relation of the non-physical subjective
mind to the physical brain that produces it. Rendered in
clear, accessible language, Libet's experiments and
theories will allow interested amateurs and experts alike
to share the experience of the extraordinary discoveries
made in the practical study of consciousness. This book is
strikingly different from most of the other books on
consciousness in one key respect: it focuses on empirical
discoveries, not speculation or argument. --From the
Foreword by Stephen Kosslyn}
AUTHOR = {Benjamin Libet},
YEAR = 1985,
TITLE = {Unconscious cerebral initiative and the role of conscious
will in voluntary action},
JOURNAL = {Behavioral and Brain Sciences},
PAGES = {529--566}
AUTHOR = {Benjamin Libet},
YEAR = 1989,
TITLE = {The timing of a subjective experience},
JOURNAL = {Behavioral and Brain Sciences},
VOLUME = 12,
PAGES = {183-185}
AUTHOR = {Benjamin Libet and Anthony Freeman and J. K. B. Sutherland},
YEAR = 1999,
TITLE = {The Volitional Brain - Towards a Neuroscience of Free
PUBLISHER = {Imprint Academic},
COMMENT = {Many scientists and philosophers claim that everything in
the physical world (including all our own actions) is
predetermined. On this view, no one is responsible for
anything they do, so punishment is an inappropriate
response to crime. The Volitional Brain looks at the
evidence from science, psychology, and philosophy and
debates these issues from the standpoint of both "sceptics"
and "libertarians." Principal editor Benjamin Libet showed
in 1985 that the brain unconsciously prepares to act a
measurable length of time before a person consciously
decides to act. In this book he explains why this amazing
evidence has not destroyed his belief in free will. Other
contributors include: David Hodgson, a high court judge
with strong views on the need for free will in the justice
system; Jaron Lanier, a professional recording artist as
well as computer scientist who coined the term "virtual
reality," who writes here about the strangeness of time in
relation to freedom; and Anthony Freeman (the Sussex vicar
sacked when he decided to publish God In Us, SCM Press,
1993), who claims he never made a conscious decision in his
life! There are also plenty of scientific articles
reporting and explaining both the workings of the brain and
the latest views from the physics laboratory.}
AUTHOR = {Y. Linde and A. Buzo and R. M. Gray},
YEAR = 1980,
TITLE = {An algorithm for vector quantizer design},
JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions Comm.},
VOLUME = 28,
PAGES = {84-95}
AUTHOR = {M.~J. Liebmann and T.~F. Edgar and L.~S. Ladson},
YEAR = 1992,
TITLE = {Efficient data reconciliation and estimation for dynamic
processes using nonlinear dynamic programming techniques},
JOURNAL = {Computers in Chemical Engineering},
VOLUME = 16,
NUMBER = {10/11},
PAGES = {961 - 985}
AUTHOR = {Ren{\'e} Liebscher},
YEAR = 2005,
TITLE = {Echtzeitf\"ahige Lernverfahren F\"ur Kooperierende Roboter},
SCHOOL = {University Leipzig, Institute of Computer Science}
AUTHOR = {T.-S. Lim and W.-Y. Loh and Y.-S. Shih},
MONTH = JUN # { 30},
YEAR = 1997,
TITLE = {An Empirical Comparison of Decision Trees and Other
Classification Methods},
NUMBER = 979,
ADDRESS = {Madison, WI},
INSTITUTION = {Department of Statistics, University of
URL = {}
AUTHOR = {Aristid Lindenmayer},
YEAR = 1968,
TITLE = {Mathematical models for cellular interactions in
Development, {I}. Filaments with One-sided Inputs},
JOURNAL = {Journal of Theoretical Biology},
VOLUME = 18,
PAGES = {280-299}
AUTHOR = {Aristid Lindenmayer},
YEAR = 1968,
TITLE = {Mathematical models for cellular interactions in
Development, {II}. Simple and Branching Filaments with
Two-sided Inputs},
JOURNAL = {Journal of Theoretical Biology},
VOLUME = 18,
PAGES = {300-315}
AUTHOR = {Aristid Lindenmayer},
YEAR = 1971,
TITLE = {Developmental Systems without Cellular Interactions, their
Languages and Grammars},
JOURNAL = {Journal of Theoretical Biology},
VOLUME = 30,
PAGES = {455-484}
AUTHOR = {B. Lindner and J. Garcia-Ojalvo and A. Neiman and L.
YEAR = 2004,
TITLE = {Effects of Noise in Excitable Systems},
JOURNAL = {Phys. Report},
VOLUME = {392,},
PAGES = {321-424}
AUTHOR = {S. Luc},
YEAR = 1996,
TITLE = {The origins of intelligence},
URL = {},
TEXT = {Steels, Luc, The origins of intelligence, Proceedings of
the Carlo Erba Foundation, Meeting on Artificial Life.
Fondazione Carlo Erba. Milano, March 12, 1996.}
AUTHOR = {Lungarella, Max and Metta, Giorgio and Pfeifer, Rolf and
Sandini, Giulio},
YEAR = 2004,
TITLE = {Developmental robotics: a survey},
JOURNAL = {Connection Science},
PAGES = {1-40},
ABSTRACT = {Developmental robotics is an emerging field located at the
intersection of robotics, cognitive science and
developmental sciences. This paper elucidates the main
reasons and key motivations behind the convergence of
fields with seemingly disparate interests, and shows why
developmental robotics might prove to be beneficial for all
fields involved. The methodology advocated is synthetic and
two-pronged: on the one hand, it employs robots to
instantiate models originating from developmental sciences;
on the other hand, it aims to develop better robotic
systems by exploiting insights gained from studies on
ontogenetic development. This paper gives a survey of the
relevant research issues and points to some future research
KEYWORDS = {developmental robotics, artificial intelligence},
COMMENTS = {Review des recherches men\'ees \`a ce jour en robotique
d\'eveloppementale et \'epig\'en\'etique. Seulement
int\'eressant pour les r\'ef\'erences},
PDF = {},
PDF = {files/lungalella04.pdf}
AUTHOR = {Wolfgang Maass and Henry Markram},
YEAR = 2002,
TITLE = {Synapses as dynamic memory buffers},
JOURNAL = {Neural Netw.},
VOLUME = 15,
PAGES = {155--161},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier Science Ltd.},
ADDRESS = {Oxford, UK, UK},
ISSN = {0893-6080},
DOI = {}
AUTHOR = {W. Maass},
EDITOR = {W. Maass and C.~M.~Bishop},
YEAR = 1999,
TITLE = {Computing with spiking neurons},
BOOKTITLE = {Pulsed Neural Networks},
PAGES = {55--85},
PUBLISHER = {MIT Press (Cambridge)}
AUTHOR = {W. Maass and A. Zador},
EDITOR = {W. Maass and C. Bishop},
YEAR = 1998,
TITLE = {Computing and learning with dynamic synapses},
BOOKTITLE = {Pulsed Neural Networks},
PAGES = {321-336},
PUBLISHER = {MIT-Press (Cambridge)}
AUTHOR = {Christopher J.C.H. Watkins and Peter Dayan},
YEAR = 1992,
TITLE = {Technical Note {Q}-Learning},
JOURNAL = {Machine Learning},
PAGES = 279
AUTHOR = {Macinnes, I. and Di Paolo, E.},
EDITOR = {Pollack, J. and Bedau, M. and Husbands, P. and Ikegami, T.
and Watson, R.A.},
YEAR = 2004,
TITLE = {Crawling out of the simulation: Evolving real robot
morphologies using cheap, reusable modules},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on the
Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems, ALIFE'9},
PUBLISHER = {MIT Press, Cambridge MA}
AUTHOR = {E. Malthouse},
YEAR = 1995,
TITLE = {Nonlinear partial least squares},
SCHOOL = {Northwestern University, Illinois},
URL = {}
AUTHOR = {Edward Malthouse and Ajit Tamhane and Richard Mah},
YEAR = 1997,
TITLE = {Nonlinear Partial Least Squares},
JOURNAL = {Computers in Chemical Engineering},
VOLUME = 12,
PAGES = {875-890}
AUTHOR = {Georg Martius},
YEAR = 2005,
TITLE = {Aktives Lernen in der Sensomotorischen Schleife},
SCHOOL = {Universit\"at Leipzig}
AUTHOR = {Maja J. Mataric and Dave Cliff},
YEAR = 1996,
TITLE = {Challenges in Evolving Controllers for Physical Robots},
JOURNAL = {Journal of Robotics and Autonomous Systems},
VOLUME = 19,
PAGES = {67--83},
ABSTRACT = {Feasibility of applying evolutionary methods to
automatically generating controllers for physical mobile
robots. Overview state of the art, main approaches, key
challenges, unanswered problems, promising directions},
KEYWORDS = {genetic algorithms, genetic programming, robots}
AUTHOR = {Maja J. Mataric and Dave Cliff},
YEAR = 1996,
TITLE = {Challenges in Evolving Controllers for Physical Robots},
JOURNAL = {Journal of Robotics and Autonomous Systems},
VOLUME = 19,
PAGES = {67--83},
ABSTRACT = {Feasibility of applying evolutionary methods to
automatically generating controllers for physical mobile
robots. Overview state of the art, main approaches, key
challenges, unanswered problems, promising directions},
KEYWORDS = {genetic algorithms, genetic programming, robots}
AUTHOR = {M. J. Mataric},
YEAR = 1995,
TITLE = {Evaluation of Learning Performance of Situated Embodied
JOURNAL = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = 929,
PAGES = {579--??},
ISSN = {0302-9743},
BIBDATE = {Sat May 11 13:45:32 MDT 1996},
AUTHOR = {Matsuoka, Kiyotoshi},
YEAR = 1985,
TITLE = {Sustained Oscillations Generated by Mutually Inhibiting
Neurons with Adaptation},
JOURNAL = {Biol. Cybern.},
VOLUME = 52,
PAGES = {367-376}
AUTHOR = {Maturana, H. R. and Varela, F. J.},
YEAR = 1979,
TITLE = {Autopoiesis and Cognition: The Realization of the Living},
PUBLISHER = {Reidel},
ADDRESS = {Boston}
AUTHOR = {McFarland, D.J. and Spier, E.},
YEAR = 1997,
TITLE = {Basic cycles, utility and opportunism in self-sufficient
mobile robots},
JOURNAL = {Robotics and Autonomous Systems},
NUMBER = 20,
PAGES = {179-190}
AUTHOR = {McGeer, T.},
YEAR = 1990,
TITLE = {Passive Dynamic Walking},
JOURNAL = {International Journal of Robotics Research},
VOLUME = {9, No., 2,},
PAGES = {62-82}
AUTHOR = {Manish Mehta and Jorma Rissanen and Rakesh Agrawal},
YEAR = 1995,
TITLE = {{MDL}-Based Decision Tree Pruning},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the First International Conference on
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD'95)},
PAGES = {216--221},
KEYWORDS = {Data Mining, Classification, Decision-Trees, MDL},
URL = {},
SCOPE = {mine}
AUTHOR = {N. Metropolis and A. W. Rosenbluth and M. N. Rosenbluth
and A. H. Teller and E. Teller},
YEAR = 1953,
TITLE = {},
JOURNAL = {J. Chem. Phys. 21},
VOLUME = 21,
PAGES = 1087
AUTHOR = {D. Michie and D. J. Spiegelhalter and C. C. Taylor},
YEAR = 1994,
TITLE = {Machine learning, neural and statistical classification},
NOTE = {STATLOG-{R}eport},
PUBLISHER = {Ellis {H}oorwood}
AUTHOR = {Kenneth D. Miller and David J. C. MacKay},
YEAR = 1992,
TITLE = {The Role of Constraints in {H}ebbian Learning},
NUMBER = {CNS Memo 19},
ADDRESS = {Pasadena, California}
AUTHOR = {Mitchell, S.J. and Silver, R. A.},
YEAR = 2003,
TITLE = {Shunting Inhibition Modulates Neuronal Gain During
Synaptic Excitation},
JOURNAL = {Neuron},
VOLUME = 38,
PAGES = {433-45.}
AUTHOR = {S. Miyakoshi and M. Yamakita and K. Furuta},
YEAR = 1994,
TITLE = {Juggling control using neural oscillators},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on
Intelligent Robots and Systems},
PAGES = {1186-1193},
KEY = {MiYaFu94}
AUTHOR = {Luc Moreau and Eduardo Sontag},
YEAR = 2002,
TITLE = {Balancing at the Border of Instability},
HOWPUBLISHED = {submitted}
AUTHOR = {Luc Moreau and E. Sontag and M. Arcak},
YEAR = {},
TITLE = {Automated tuning of bifurcations via feedback},
JOURNAL = {to be published},
VOLUME = {},
PAGES = {}
AUTHOR = {Luc Moreau and Eduardo Sontag and Murat Arcak},
YEAR = 2002,
TITLE = {Feedback Tuning of Bifurcations},
HOWPUBLISHED = {submitted}
AUTHOR = {H. M{\"u}hlenbein},
YEAR = 1991,
TITLE = {Darwin's continent cycle theory and its simulation by the
Prisoner's Dilemma},
JOURNAL = {Complex Systems},
PAGES = {459-478}
AUTHOR = {K.-R.~M{\"u}ller and A.~Smola and G.~R{\"a}tsch and
B.~Sch{\"o}lkopf and J.~Kohlmorgen and V.~Vapnik},
EDITOR = {W.~Gerstner and A.~Germond and M.~Hasler and
YEAR = 1997,
TITLE = {Using Support Vector Machines for Time Series Prediction},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings ICANN'97, Int. Conf. on Artificial Neural
VOLUME = 1327,
PAGES = {999--1004},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
ADDRESS = {Berlin}
AUTHOR = {K.-R.~M{\"u}ller and A.~Smola and G.~R{\"a}tsch and
B.~Sch{\"o}lkopf and J.~Kohlmorgen and V.~Vapnik},
EDITOR = {B.~{Sch{\"o}lkopf} and C.~Burges and A.~Smola},
YEAR = 1998,
TITLE = {Using Support Vector Machines for Time Series Prediction},
BOOKTITLE = {Advances in Kernel Methods --- Support Vector Learning},
NOTE = {to appear},
ADDRESS = {Cambridge, MA}
AUTHOR = {A. Murbach},
YEAR = 1996,
TITLE = {An integrative computational model for associative
JOURNAL = {Kognitionswissenschaft},
PAGES = {175-138}
AUTHOR = {Nakanishi, J. and Morimoto, J. and Endo, G. and Cheng, G.
and Schaal, S. and Kawato, M.},
YEAR = 2004,
TITLE = {Learning from Demonstration and Adaptation of Biped
JOURNAL = {Robotics and Autonomous Systems},
VOLUME = 47,
PAGES = {79-91}
AUTHOR = {Nakanishi, J. and Farrell, J. A.and Schaal, S.},
YEAR = 2004,
TITLE = {Learning Composite Adaptive Control for a Class of
Nonlinear Systems},
JOURNAL = {IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation},
PAGES = {2647-2652}
AUTHOR = {Werner M. Kistler and J. Leo van Hemmen},
YEAR = 1999,
TITLE = {Short-Term Synaptic Plasticity and Network Behavior},
JOURNAL = {Neural Computation},
VOLUME = 11,
PAGES = {1579--1594}
AUTHOR = {Werner M. Kistler and J. Leo van Hemmen},
YEAR = 2000,
TITLE = {Modeling Synaptic Plasticity in Conjuction with the Timing
of Pre- and Postsynaptic Action Potentials},
JOURNAL = {Neural Computation},
VOLUME = 12,
PAGES = {385--405}
AUTHOR = {Sageev Oore and Geoffrey E. Hinton and Gregory Dudek},
YEAR = 1997,
TITLE = {A Mobile Robot That Learns Its Place},
JOURNAL = {Neural Computation},
PAGES = {683--699}
AUTHOR = {Ulrich Nehmzow and Keith Walker},
YEAR = 2003,
TITLE = {Quantitative Description of Robot-Environment Interaction
Using Chaos Theory},
BOOKTITLE = {Proc. European Conference on Mobile Robotics {(ECMR)}}
AUTHOR = {Derrick Nguyen and Bernard Widrow},
EDITOR = {W. Thomas Miller and Richard S. Sutton and Paul J.
YEAR = 1990,
TITLE = {The Truck Backer-Upper: An example of Self-Learning in
Neural Networks},
BOOKTITLE = {Neural networks for control},
PUBLISHER = {M.I.T. Press},
ADDRESS = {Cambridge, Mass}
AUTHOR = {A. E. Nicholson and J. M. Brady},
MONTH = {3--7 } # AUG,
YEAR = 1992,
TITLE = {The data association problem when monitoring robot
vehicles using dynamic belief networks},
BOOKTITLE = {ECAI~92: 10th European Conference on Artificial
Intelligence Proceedings},
PAGES = {689--693},
PUBLISHER = {Wiley},
ADDRESS = {Vienna, Austria}
AUTHOR = {Thomas Hofmann and Joachim Buhmann},
EDITOR = {G. Tesauro and D. Touretzky and T. Leen},
YEAR = 1995,
TITLE = {Multidimensional Scaling and Data Clustering},
BOOKTITLE = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},
PAGES = {459--466},
PUBLISHER = {The {MIT} Press}
AUTHOR = {P. Niyogi},
YEAR = 1998,
TITLE = {The informational complexity of learning},
PUBLISHER = {Kluwer Academc Publisher},
ADDRESS = {Boston/Dordrecht/London}
TITLE = {Learning Decision Trees for Mapping the Local Environment
in Mobile Robot Navigation},
ABSTRACT = {This paper describes the use of the C4.5 decision tree
learning algorithm in the design of a classifier for a new
approach to the mapping of a mobile robot's local
environment. The decision tree uses the features from the
echoes of an ultrasonic array mounted on the robot to
classify the contours of its local environment. The
contours are classified into a finite number of two
dimensional shapes to form a primitive map which is to be
used for navigation. The nature of the problem, noise and
the practical timing constraints, distinguishes it from
those typically used in machine learning applications and
highlights some of the advantages of decision tree learning
in robotic applications.},
URL = {}
AUTHOR = {S. Nolfi and D. Parisi},
YEAR = 1995,
TITLE = {Evolving non-Trivial Behaviors on Real Robots: An
Autonomous Robot that Picks up Objects},
JOURNAL = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = 992,
PAGES = 243
AUTHOR = {S. Nolfi},
YEAR = 1996,
TITLE = {Evolving nontrivial behaviours on real robots: {A} garbage
collecting robot},
NUMBER = {96-04},
INSTITUTION = {Institute of Psychology, C.N.R. Rome}
AUTHOR = {S. Nolfi},
YEAR = 1997,
TITLE = {Using emergent modularity to develop control system for
mobile robots},
JOURNAL = {Adaptive Behavior,Special Issue on Environment Structure
and Behavior},
VOLUME = {3-4},
PAGES = {343-364}
AUTHOR = {Stefano Nolfi and Dario Floreano},
YEAR = 2000,
TITLE = {Evolutionary Robotics},
PUBLISHER = {MIT Press,Cambridge, MA}
AUTHOR = {P. Nordin},
YEAR = 1997,
TITLE = {Evolutionary Program induction of binary machine code and
its applications},
PUBLISHER = {Krehl Verlag},
ADDRESS = {M\"unster}
AUTHOR = {Bernd Fritzke},
MONTH = SEP # {~25},
YEAR = 1995,
TITLE = {Incremental Learning of Local Linear Mappings},
ANNOTE = {Bernd Fritzke (Institut f{"}ur Neuroinformatik,
Ruhr-Universit{"}at Bochum, Germany);},
ABSTRACT = {A new incremental network model for supervised learning is
proposed. The model builds up a structure of units each of
which has an associated local linear mapping (LLM). Error
information obtained during training is used to determine
where to insert new units whose LLMs are interpolated from
their neighbors. Simulation results for several
classification tasks indicate fast convergence as well as
good generalization. The ability of the model to also
perform function approximation is demonstrated by an
example. 1 Introduction Local (or piece-wise) linear
mappings (LLMs) are an economic means of describing a
{"}wellbehaved {"} function f : R n ! R m . The principle
is to approximate the function (which may be given by a
number of input/output samples ({}; i) 2 R n Theta R m )
with a set of linear mappings each of which is constrained
to a local region of the input space R n . LLM-based
methods have been used earlier to learn the inverse
kinematics of robot arms [7], for classificat...},
LANGUAGE = {en},
BIBSOURCE = {OAI-PMH server at},
OAI = {oai:CiteSeerPSU:100230},
RIGHTS = {unrestricted},
URL = {;}
AUTHOR = {Russel Smith},
YEAR = 2005,
TITLE = {Open Dynamics Engine},
AUTHOR = {P-Y. Oudeyer},
YEAR = 2005,
TITLE = {The Self-Organization of Speech Sounds},
JOURNAL = {Journal of Theoretical Biology},
VOLUME = 233,
PAGES = {435--449}
AUTHOR = {E. Di Paolo},
YEAR = 2000,
TITLE = {Homeostatic adaptation to inversion in the visual field
and other sensorimotor disruptions},
TEXT = {Di Paolo, E.A., 2000. Homeostatic adaptation to inversion
in the visual field and other sensorimotor disruptions, in
From Animals to Animats 6. Proceedings of the VI
International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive
Behavior, (J-A Meyer, A. Berthoz, D. Floreano, H.L.
Roitblat, and S.W. Wilson eds.), Cambridge, MA: MIT Press,
pp. 440-449.}
AUTHOR = {C. Maurer and T. Mergner and R. J. Peterka},
YEAR = 2004,
TITLE = {Abnormal Resonance Behavior of the Postural Control Loop
in Parkinson's Disease.},
JOURNAL = {Exp Brain Res.},
VOLUME = {157(3)},
PAGES = {369-76}
AUTHOR = {R. J. Peterka},
YEAR = 2000,
TITLE = {Postural Control Model Interpretation of Stabilogram
Diffusion Analysis},
JOURNAL = {Biol Cybern},
VOLUME = 82,
PAGES = {335-34382}
AUTHOR = {Pasemann, F.},
YEAR = 2002,
TITLE = {Complex Dynamics and the Structure of Small Neural
Networks Network},
JOURNAL = {Computation in Neural Systems},
VOLUME = 13,
PAGES = {195-216}
AUTHOR = {Frank Pasemann and Manfred Hild and Keyan Zahedi},
EDITOR = {J. Mira and J.R. Alvarez},
YEAR = 2003,
TITLE = {{SO(2)}-Networks as Neural Oscillators},
BOOKTITLE = {Computational Methods in Neural Modeling},
PAGES = {144-151},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
ADDRESS = {Berlin, Heidelberg, New York}
AUTHOR = {Martin H{\"u}lse and Frank Pasemann},
YEAR = 2002,
TITLE = {Dynamical Neural Schmitt Trigger for Robot Control},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = 2415,
PUBLISHER = {Springer}
AUTHOR = {P. Perruchet and A. Vinter},
YEAR = 2002,
TITLE = {The self-organizing consciousness},
JOURNAL = {Behav Brain Sci.},
VOLUME = 25,
PAGES = {297-330}
AUTHOR = {Rolf Pfeifer and Christian Scheier},
YEAR = 1999,
TITLE = {Understanding Intelligence},
PUBLISHER = {Bradford Books}
AUTHOR = {Rolf Pfeifer and Fumiya Iida},
YEAR = 2003,
TITLE = {Embodied Artificial Intelligence: Trends and Challenges.},
BOOKTITLE = {Embodied Artificial Intelligence},
PAGES = {1-26},
PUBLISHER = {Bradford Books, MIT Press},
ADDRESS = {Cambridge, MA},
EE = {{\&}issn=0302-9743{\&}volume=3139{\&}spage=1}
EDITOR = {Fumiya Iida and Rolf Pfeifer and Luc Steels and Yasuo
YEAR = 2004,
TITLE = {Embodied Artificial Intelligence, International Seminar,
Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, July 7-11, 2003, Revised Papers},
BOOKTITLE = {Embodied Artificial Intelligence},
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = 3139,
PUBLISHER = {Springer}
AUTHOR = {Rolf Pfeiffer and Christian Scheier},
YEAR = 1999,
TITLE = {Understanding Intelligence},
PUBLISHER = {MIT Press,Cambridge, MA}
AUTHOR = {Philipona, D. and O'Regan, J.K. and Nadal , J.P.},
YEAR = 2003,
TITLE = {Is There Something Out There? Inferring Space from
Sensorimotor Dependencies},
JOURNAL = {Neural Computation},
VOLUME = {15(9)},
PAGES = {2029-49}
AUTHOR = {H. Poincar{\'e}},
YEAR = 1905,
TITLE = {La Valeur de la Science},
PUBLISHER = {Flammarion},
ADDRESS = {Paris}
EDITOR = {Daniel Polani and Jan Kim and Thomas Martinetz},
YEAR = 2002,
TITLE = {Fifth German Workshop on Artificial Life, March 18-20,
2002, L{\"u}beck, Germany},
BOOKTITLE = {Fifth German Workshop on Artificial Life, March 18-20,
2002, L{\"u}beck, Germany},
PUBLISHER = {IOS Press Infix, Aka},
ANNOTE = {ISBN 3-89838-030-0 (Aka), ISBN 1-58603-242-9 (IOS Press)}
EDITOR = {Daniel Polani and Jan Kim and Thomas Martinetz},
YEAR = 2002,
TITLE = {Fifth German Workshop on Artificial Life, March 18-20,
2002, L{\"u}beck, Germany},
BOOKTITLE = {Fifth German Workshop on Artificial Life, March 18-20,
2002, L{\"u}beck, Germany},
PUBLISHER = {IOS Press Infix, Aka},
ANNOTE = {ISBN 3-89838-030-0 (Aka), ISBN 1-58603-242-9 (IOS Press)}
AUTHOR = {Julius Popp},
YEAR = 2004,
TITLE = {Sphericalrobots},
EDITOR = {Robert F. Port and Timothy Van Gelder},
YEAR = 1995,
TITLE = {Mind as Motion},
PUBLISHER = {The MIT Press},
ADDRESS = {Cambridge, MA}
AUTHOR = {Pratt, V.R.},
YEAR = 1994,
TITLE = {Chu Spaces: Automata with Quantum Aspects},
BOOKTITLE = {Proc. Workshop on Physics and Computation (PhysComp'94)},
PAGES = {186-195},
ADDRESS = {Dallas}
AUTHOR = {Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz and James S. Hanan},
YEAR = 1989,
TITLE = {Lindenmayer Systems, Fractals, and Plants},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
ADDRESS = {New York, NY}
AUTHOR = {J. R. Quinlan and R. M. Cameron-Jones},
YEAR = 1994,
TITLE = {Efficient top-down induction of logic programs},
JOURNAL = {SIGART Bulletin},
PAGES = {33--42}
YEAR = 1983,
TITLE = {Inductive inference as a tool for the construction of
efficient classification programs},
BOOKTITLE = {Machine Learning: an Artificial Intelligence Approach},
PUBLISHER = {Tioga},
ADDRESS = {Palo Alto, CA},
KEY = {quinlan}
AUTHOR = {P. Quinlan},
YEAR = 1991,
TITLE = {Connectionism and Psychology},
PUBLISHER = {Harvester Wheatsheaf},
ADDRESS = {New York}
AUTHOR = {J. R. Quinlan},
YEAR = 1992,
TITLE = {{C4}.5: Programs for Machine Learning.},
PUBLISHER = {Morgan Kaufmann},
ABSTRACT = {Book only: ISBN 1-55860-238-0 \$ 44.95 U.S. \$49.45
International Book and Software: ISBN 1-55860-240-2 \$69.95
U.S. \$76.00 International Software only: ISBN
1-55860-239-9 \$34.95 U.S. \$38.45 International 1
Introduction 2 Constructing Decision Trees 3 Unknown
Attribute Values 4 Pruning Decision Trees 5 From Trees to
Rules 6 Windowing 7 Grouping Attribute Values 8 Interacting
with Classification Models 9 Guide to Using the System 10
Limitations 11 Desirable Additions},
KEYWORDS = {book, decision trees, C4.5, ID3, inductive inference, II,
rule rules}
AUTHOR = {J. R. Quinlan},
YEAR = 1993,
TITLE = {Combining instance-based and model-based learning},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on
Machine Learning},
PAGES = {236--243},
PUBLISHER = {Morgan Kaufmann},
ADDRESS = {Amherst, Massachusetts}
AUTHOR = {J. R. Quinlan},
YEAR = 1996,
TITLE = {Improved {U}se of {C}ontinuous {A}ttributes in {C4.5}},
JOURNAL = {Journal of Artificial Intelligence},
PAGES = {77--90}
AUTHOR = {J. R. Quinlan},
YEAR = 1986,
TITLE = {Induction of decision trees},
JOURNAL = {Machine Learning},
PAGES = {81--106}
AUTHOR = {I. Rechenberg},
YEAR = 1973,
TITLE = {Evolutionsstrategie: Optimierung technischer Systeme nach
Prinzipien der biologischen Evolution},
PUBLISHER = {Frommann-Holzboog},
ADDRESS = {Stuttgart}
AUTHOR = {I. Rechenberg},
YEAR = 1994,
TITLE = {Evolutionsstrategie'94},
PUBLISHER = {Frommann-Holzboog},
ADDRESS = {Stuttgart}
AUTHOR = {R. A. Rescorla},
YEAR = 1980,
TITLE = {Pavlovian Second-Order Conditioning: Studies in
Associative Learning},
PUBLISHER = {Erlbaum/Wiley}
AUTHOR = {R. A. Rescorla and A. R. Wagner},
EDITOR = {A. H. Black and W. F. Prokasy},
YEAR = 1972,
TITLE = {A theory of Pavlovian conditioning: variations in the
effectiveness of reinforcement and nonreinforcement},
BOOKTITLE = {Classical Conditioning II: Current Research and Theory},
PAGES = {64 - 99},
PUBLISHER = {Appleton-Century-Crofts}
AUTHOR = {Righetti, L. and Buchli, J. and Ijspeert, A.J.},
YEAR = {},
TITLE = {Dynamic Hebbian learning in adaptive frequency
JOURNAL = {Physica D},
NOTE = {In Press},
TYPE = {article},
PDF = {}
AUTHOR = {Righetti, L. and Ijspeert A.J.},
YEAR = 2006,
TITLE = {Programmable Central Pattern Generators: an application to
biped locomotion control},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on
Robotics and Automation},
NOTE = {In press},
TYPE = {conference},
PDF = {\url{}}
AUTHOR = {H. Risken},
YEAR = 1989,
TITLE = {The {F}okker-{P}lanck equation},
PUBLISHER = {Springer}
AUTHOR = {K. Rose and E. Gurewitz and G.~C. Fox},
YEAR = 1990,
TITLE = {Statistical Mechanics and Phase Transitions in
NUMBER = {CFP-895},
INSTITUTION = {California Institute of Technology}
AUTHOR = {Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig},
YEAR = 1995,
TITLE = {Artifical Intelligence: {A} Modern Approach,},
PUBLISHER = {Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, ISBN 0-13-103805-2,
912 pp., 1995},
INSTITUTION = {UC-Berk/Sun Microsystems Labs},
ANNOTE = {This massive tome definitely deserves the {"}modern{"}
rubric that it has given itself; its approach deals
definitively with agent architectures for AI, and the
writing is also well-informed and up-to-date, but informal.
e.g. the [Elkan 93-94] debate on Fuzzy logic is summarized
in one page (463), concluding: {"}As one might expect, the
debate continues.{"} --QUOTE--(p.750): For a specific task,
one does not need to recover all the information that in
principle can be recovered from an image.{"} - w.r.t. a
vehicular driving task. The objectives of the driver here
are: to move at a reasonable speed v0, to maintain the
vehicle in its lane laterally (dL=dR), to ensure safe
distance d2 from vehicle ahead, and monitor vehicles in
neighbouring lanes at distances d1 and d3, and be prepared
if they change lanes. The vision chapter was better in the
cotemporaneous Dean/Aloimonos/Allen book, but the NLP
section here is stronger. There is also a chapter on
robotics (by Canny) focusing on path planning, that also
introduces behavioural (situated) robots. --QUOTE--: {"}the
principal drawback of the classical view is that explicit
reasoning about the effect of low-level actions is too
expensive... Researchers working on situated automata
[eliminate] explicit deliberation from their robot designs
AUTHOR = {S. Salenius and R. Hari},
YEAR = 2003,
TITLE = {Synchronous Cortical Oscillatory Activity During Motor
JOURNAL = {Current Opinion in Neurobiology},
VOLUME = 13,
PAGES = 678
AUTHOR = {G. Salton},
YEAR = 1989,
TITLE = {Automatic Text Processing},
PUBLISHER = {Addison Wesley},
ADDRESS = {Massachusetts}
AUTHOR = {K. Sayood},
YEAR = 1996,
TITLE = {Introduction to data compression},
PUBLISHER = {Morgan Kaufmann},
ADDRESS = {San Francisco}
AUTHOR = {S. Schaal and S. Kotosaka},
YEAR = 2000,
TITLE = {Synchronized Robot Drumming by Neural Oscillators},
BOOKTITLE = {The International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals
and Machines},
ADDRESS = {Montreal}
AUTHOR = {Peters, J. and Vijayakumar, S. and Schaal, S.},
YEAR = 2003,
TITLE = {Reinforcement Learning for Humanoid Robotics},
BOOKTITLE = {Humanoids2003, Third {IEEE}-{RAS} International Conference
on Humanoid Robots.}
AUTHOR = {C. Schaffer},
EDITOR = {Y. Kodratoff},
YEAR = 1991,
TITLE = {When Does Overfitting Decrease Prediction Accuracy in
Induced Decision Trees and Rule Sets?},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the European Working Session on Learning :
Machine Learning ({EWSL}-91)},
VOLUME = 482,
PAGES = {192--205},
PUBLISHER = {Springer Verlag},
ADDRESS = {Porto, Portugal},
ISBN = {3-540-53816-X}
AUTHOR = {H. Bowman and A. Aron and F. Schlaghecken and M. Eimer},
EDITOR = {John A. Bullinaria & Will Lowe},
MONTH = {September},
YEAR = 2002,
TITLE = {Neural Network Modelling of Inhibition in Visuo-Motor
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Seventh Neural Computation and
Psychology Workshop: Connectionist Models of Cognition and
PAGES = {209-222},
PUBLISHER = {World Scientific},
URL = {}
AUTHOR = {D. Schlierkamp-Voosen and H. M{\"u}hlenbein},
YEAR = 1994,
TITLE = {Strategy Adaptation by Competing Subpopulations},
JOURNAL = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = 866,
PAGES = {199--??},
ISSN = {0302-9743},
BIBDATE = {Mon May 13 11:52:14 MDT 1996},
AUTHOR = {G. Sch{\"o}ner, M. Dose and C. Engels},
YEAR = 1995,
TITLE = {Dynamics of Behavior: Theory and Applications for
Autonomous Robot Architectures.},
JOURNAL = {Robotics and Autonomous Systems,},
VOLUME = 16,
PAGES = {213-245.}
AUTHOR = {H. P. Schwefel},
YEAR = 1990,
TITLE = {Parallel problem solving from nature},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
ADDRESS = {Berlin [u.a.]}
AUTHOR = {H.-P. Schwefel},
YEAR = 1995,
TITLE = {Evolution and Optimum Seeking},
PUBLISHER = {Wiley},
ADDRESS = {New York}
EDITOR = {J. W. Shavlik and T. G. Dietterich},
YEAR = 1990,
TITLE = {Readings in Machine Learning},
PUBLISHER = {Morgan Kaufmann}
AUTHOR = {E. V. Siegel and K. R. McKeown},
YEAR = 1994,
TITLE = {Emergent linguistic rules from inducing decision trees:
disambiguating discourse clue words},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Twelfth National Conference on
Artificial Intelligence},
ADDRESS = {Menlo Park, CA, USA},
KEY = {Siegel},
KEYWORDS = {genetic algorithms, genetic programming},
NOTES = {report on the same work in which decision tree choice
point feature sets are bitstrings, but overall tree is a
tree. Subtree swapping and onepoint bitstring crossovers
are both used. See also kinnear:siegel}
AUTHOR = {Roland Siegwart and Illah R. Nourbakhsh},
YEAR = 2004,
TITLE = {Autonomous Mobile Robots},
YEAR = 1997,
TITLE = {A demonstration of Simulated Annealing},
HOWPUBLISHED = {Internet:}
AUTHOR = {Karl Sims},
YEAR = 1994,
TITLE = {Evolving virtual creatures},
BOOKTITLE = {SIGGRAPH '94: Proceedings of the 21st annual conference on
Computer graphics and interactive techniques},
PAGES = {15--22},
DOI = {},
ISBN = {0-89791-667-0}
AUTHOR = {Satinder Singh and Peter Norvig and David Cohn},
YEAR = 1997,
TITLE = {How to Make Software Agents Do the Right Thing{:} An
Introduction to Reinforcement Learning},
AUTHOR = {S. Song and K. Miller and L. Abbott},
YEAR = 2000,
TITLE = {Competitive Hebbian learning through spiketime -dependent
synaptic plasticity},
JOURNAL = {Nat. Neurosci.},
PAGES = {919--926}
AUTHOR = {S. Song and K. Miller and L. Abbott},
YEAR = 2000,
TITLE = {Competitive Hebbian learning through spiketime -dependent
synaptic plasticity},
JOURNAL = {Nat. Neurosci.},
PAGES = {919--926}
AUTHOR = {Luc Steels},
EDITOR = {Angelo Cangelosi and Domenico Parisi},
YEAR = 2002,
TITLE = {Grounding Symbols through Evolutionary Language Games},
BOOKTITLE = {Simulating the Evolution of Language},
PAGES = {211-226},
PUBLISHER = {Springer Verlag},
ADDRESS = {London},
URL = {}
AUTHOR = {Luc Steels},
YEAR = 2003,
TITLE = {Evolving Grounded Communication for Robots},
JOURNAL = {Trends in Cognitive Sciences},
AUTHOR = {Luc Steels},
EDITOR = {Rodney A. Brooks and Pattie Maes},
YEAR = 1994,
TITLE = {Emergent Functionality in Robotic Agents through On-Line
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on the
Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems \(Artificial
Life {IV}\)},
PAGES = {8--16},
PUBLISHER = {MIT Press,Cambridge, MA},
ADDRESS = {Cambridge, MA, USA}
AUTHOR = {Luc Steels},
EDITOR = {A. G. Cohn},
MONTH = AUG # {8--12~},
YEAR = 1994,
TITLE = {Equilibrium Analysis of Behavior Systems},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Eleventh European Conference on
Artificial Intelligence},
PAGES = {714--718},
PUBLISHER = {John Wiley and Sons},
ADDRESS = {Chichester}
AUTHOR = {Luc Steels},
EDITOR = {Victor Lesser},
YEAR = 1995,
TITLE = {Perceptually grounded meaning creation},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the First International Conference on
Multi--Agent Systems},
PUBLISHER = {MIT Press,Cambridge, MA},
ABSTRACT = {The paper proposes a mechanism for the spontaneous
formation of perceptually grounded meanings under the
selectionist pressure of a discrimination task. The
mechanism is defined formally and the results of some
simulation experiments are reported.}
AUTHOR = {L. Steels},
EDITOR = {I. Wachsmutt and B. Jung},
YEAR = 1999,
TITLE = {How Language Bootstraps Cognition},
BOOKTITLE = {{KogWis99. Proceedings der 4. Fachtagung der Gesellschaft
f{\"u}r Kognitionswissenschaft}},
PAGES = {1--3},
PUBLISHER = {Infix},
ADDRESS = {Braunschweig, Germany}
AUTHOR = {L. Steels},
EDITOR = {N. Shadbolt},
YEAR = 2001,
TITLE = {Language Games for Autonomous Robots},
JOURNAL = {IEEE Intelligent Systems},
VOLUME = 16,
PAGES = {16--22},
ADDRESS = {New York, NY, USA},
URL = {}
AUTHOR = {L. Steels and F. Kaplan},
EDITOR = {T. Briscoe},
YEAR = 2002,
TITLE = {Bootstrapping Grounded Word Semantics},
BOOKTITLE = {Linguistic evolution through language acquisition: Formal
and Computational Models},
PAGES = {??--??},
PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press},
ADDRESS = {Cambridge, UK},
URL = {}
AUTHOR = {L. Steels},
EDITOR = {Angelo Cangelosi and Domenico Parisi},
YEAR = 2002,
TITLE = {Grounding Symbols Through Evolutionary Language Games},
BOOKTITLE = {Simulating the Evolution of Language},
PAGES = {211--226},
PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag},
ADDRESS = {Berlin}
AUTHOR = {L. Steels},
EDITOR = {N. Shadbolt},
YEAR = 2002,
TITLE = {Language Games for Emergent Semantics},
JOURNAL = {IEEE Intelligent Systems},
VOLUME = 17,
PAGES = {83--85},
ADDRESS = {New York}
AUTHOR = {A. Steinhage},
YEAR = 1997,
TITLE = {Dynamical Systems for the Generation of Navigation
SCHOOL = {Ruhr-Universit at Bochum, Germany}
AUTHOR = {Richard S. Sutton and Andrew G. Barto},
EDITOR = {J. W. Moore and M. Gabriel},
YEAR = 1990,
TITLE = {Time-derivative models of {P}avlovian reinforcement},
BOOKTITLE = {Learning and Computational Neuroscience},
AUTHOR = {Sutton, R.S and McAllester, D. and Singh, S. and Mansour,
YEAR = 2000,
TITLE = {Policy Gradient Methods for Reinforcement Learning with
Function Approximation},
JOURNAL = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},
VOLUME = 12,
PAGES = {1057-1063}
AUTHOR = {Richard S. Sutton},
YEAR = 1990,
TITLE = {Integrated Architectures for Learning, Planning and
Reacting Based on Approximating Dynamic Programming},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on
Machine Learning}
AUTHOR = {Richard S. Sutton},
YEAR = 1991,
TITLE = {Reinforcement Learning Architectures for Animats},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of th International Workshop on the Simulation
of Adaptive Behavior: From Animals to Animats},
PAGES = {288--296},
ADDRESS = {Cambridge, Massachusetts}
AUTHOR = {R. S. Sutton},
YEAR = 1998,
TITLE = {Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction},
PUBLISHER = {MIT Press/Bradford Books}
AUTHOR = {Richard S. Sutton},
YEAR = 1988,
TITLE = {Learning to Predict by the Methods of Temporal
JOURNAL = {Machine Learning},
PAGES = {9--44}
AUTHOR = {G. Taga},
YEAR = 2000,
TITLE = {Nonlinear dynamics of the human motor control - real-time
and anticipatory adaptation of locomotion and development
of movements},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the International Symposium on Adaptive
Motion of Animals and Machines},
KEY = {Ta00}
AUTHOR = {Gentaro Taga},
YEAR = 1994,
TITLE = {Emergence of bipedal locomotion through entrainment among
the neuro-musculo-skeletal system and the environment},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the NATO advanced research workshop and EGS
topical workshop on Chaotic advection, tracer dynamics and
turbulent dispersion},
PAGES = {190--208},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier North-Holland, Inc.},
ADDRESS = {New York, NY, USA},
DOI = {},
LOCATION = {Sereno di Gavi, Italy}
AUTHOR = {Tani, Jun},
YEAR = 2001,
TITLE = {{Learning to generate articulated behavior through the
bottom-up and the top-down interaction processes.}},
JOURNAL = {Neural Networks. The Official Journal of the International
Neural Network Society, European Neural Network Society,
Japanese Neural Network Society.},
VOLUME = 16,
PAGES = {11-23},
ABSTRACT = {{Summary: A novel hierarchical neural network architecture
for sensory-motor learning and behavior generation is
proposed. Two levels of forward model neural networks are
operated on different time scales while parametric
interactions are allowed between the two network levels in
the bottom-up and top-down directions. The models are
examined through experiments of behavior learning and
generation using a real robot arm equipped with a vision
system. The results of the learning experiments showed that
the behavioral patterns are learned by self-organizing the
behavioral primitives in the lower level and combining the
primitives sequentially in the higher level. The results
contrast with prior work by Pawelzik et al. [Neural
Comput. 8, 340 (1996)], Tani and Nolfi
[From animals to animats, 1998], and
Wolpert and Kawato [Neural Networks 11, 1317
(1998)] in that the primitives are represented in a
distributed manner in the network in the present scheme
whereas, in the prior work, the primitives were localized
in specific modules in the network. Further experiments of
on-line planning showed that the behavior could be
generated robustly against a background of real world noise
while the behavior plans could be modified flexibly in
response to changes in the environment. It is concluded
that the interaction between the bottom-up process of
recalling the past and the top-down process of predicting
the future enables both robust and flexible situated behavior.}},
KEYWORDS = {{Learning; Behavior; Articulation; Chunking}},
LANGUAGE = {English},
CLASSMATH = {{*I.2.6 Learning F.1.1 Models of Computation J.3 Life and
Medical Sciences (Computer Applications)}}
AUTHOR = {Jun Tani},
EDITOR = {M. V. Butz and O. Sigaud and P. Gerard},
YEAR = 2004,
TITLE = {Symbols and Dynamics in Embodied Cognition: Revisiting a
Robot Experiment},
BOOKTITLE = {Anticipatory Behavior in Adaptive Learning Systems},
PAGES = {167-178},
PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag}
AUTHOR = {Jun Tani and Masato Ito},
YEAR = 2003,
TITLE = {Self-Organization of Behavioral Primitives as Multiple
Attractor Dynamics: A Robot Experiment},
JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions of on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part
A: Systems and Humans},
VOLUME = 33,
PAGES = {481-488}
AUTHOR = {Russ Tedrake and Teresa Weirui Zhang and H. Sebastian
YEAR = 2004,
TITLE = {Stochastic Policy Gradient Reinforcement Learning on a
Simple 3D Biped},
BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the {IEEE} International Conference on
Intelligent Robots and Systems {(IROS)}},
PAGES = {2849-2854}
AUTHOR = {Test},
YEAR = {test},
TITLE = {Test},
NOTE = {test}
AUTHOR = {A. Thompson and I. Harvey and P. Husbands},
YEAR = 1996,
TITLE = {Unconstrained Evolution and Hard Consequences},
JOURNAL = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = 1062,
PAGES = {136--??}
AUTHOR = {E. C. Tolman},
YEAR = 1932,
TITLE = {Purposive Behavior in Animals and Men},
PUBLISHER = {Appleton-Century-Crofts}
AUTHOR = {W. Tschacher and J. Dauwalder},
YEAR = 2003,
TITLE = {The Dynamical Systems Approach to Cognition: Concepts and
Empirical Paradigms Based on Self-Organization, Embodiment,
and Coordination Dynamics},
PUBLISHER = {World Scientific Publishing Company},
ADDRESS = {Singapore}
AUTHOR = {G. G. Turrigiano and S. B. Nelson},
YEAR = 2004,
TITLE = {Homeostatic Plasticity in the Developing Nervous System},
JOURNAL = {Nature Reviews Neuroscience},
PAGES = {97--107}
AUTHOR = {Gina G. Turrigiano},
YEAR = 1999,
TITLE = {Homeostatic Plasticity in Neuronal Networks: The More
Things Change, the More They Stay the Same},
JOURNAL = {Trends in Neuroscience},
VOLUME = 22,
PAGES = {221-228},
ABSTRACT = {During learning and development, neural circuitry is
refined, in part, through changes in the number and
strength of synapses. Most studies of long-term changes in
synaptic strength have concentrated on Hebbian mechanisms,
where these changes occur in a synapse-specific manner.
While Hebbian mechanisms are important for modifying
neuronal circuitry selectively, they might not be
sufficient because they tend to destabilize the activity of
neuronal networks. Recently, several forms of homeostatic
plasticity that stabilize the properties of neural circuits
have been identified. These include mechanisms that
regulate neuronal excitability, stabilize total synaptic
strength, and influence the rate and extent of synapse
formation. These forms of homeostatic plasticity are likely
to go 'hand-in-glove' with Hebbian mechanisms to allow
experience to modify the properties of neuronal networks
AUTHOR = {Gina G. Turrigiano and S.B. Nelson},
YEAR = 2000,
TITLE = {Hebb and Homeostasis in Neuronal Plasticity},
JOURNAL = {Current Opinion in Neurobiology},
VOLUME = 10,
PAGES = {358-364},
ABSTRACT = {The positive-feedback nature of Hebbian plasticity can
destabilize the properties of neuronal networks. Recent
work has demonstrated that this destabilizing influence is
counteracted by a number of homeostatic plasticity
mechanisms that stabilize neuronal activity. Such
mechanisms include global changes in synaptic strengths,
changes in neuronal excitability, and the regulation of
synapse number. These recent studies suggest that Hebbian
and homeostatic plasticity often target the same molecular
substrates, and have opposing effects on synaptic or
neuronal properties. These advances significantly broaden
our framework for understanding the effects of activity on
synaptic function and neuronal excitability.}
AUTHOR = {N. G. van Kampen},
YEAR = 1981,
TITLE = {Stochastic Processes in Physics and Chemistry},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier}
AUTHOR = {V. N. Vapnik},
YEAR = 1995,
TITLE = {The nature of statistical learning theory},
PUBLISHER = {Springer}
AUTHOR = {V. N. Vapnik},
YEAR = 1997,
TITLE = {The Support Vector Method},
JOURNAL = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
VOLUME = 1327,
PAGES = {263--??},
ISSN = {0302-9743},
BIBDATE = {Tue Apr 28 08:51:33 MDT 1998},
AUTHOR = {J. M. Vleugels and J. N. Kok and M. H. Overmars},
YEAR = 1993,
TITLE = {Motion planning using a colored {K}ohonen map.},
INSTITUTION = {Utrecht University Technical Report RUU-CS-93-83}
AUTHOR = {Gero von Randow},
YEAR = 1997,
TITLE = {Roboter -- unsere n\"a chsten Verwandten},
PUBLISHER = {Rowohlt}
AUTHOR = {R. Der},
TITLE = {Vorlesung {M}aschinelles {L}ernen.
{U}niversit{\"a}t{L}eipzig {I}nstitut f{\"u}r {I}nformatik.
AUTHOR = {R. Der},
TITLE = {Vorlesung {M}aschinelles {L}ernen.
{U}niversit{\"a}t{L}eipzig {I}nstitut f{\"u}r {I}nformatik.
Kap.1: Einf\"uhrung.},
AUTHOR = {R. Der},
TITLE = {Vorlesung {M}aschinelles {L}ernen.
{U}niversit{\"a}t{L}eipzig {I}nstitut f{\"u}r {I}nformatik.
Kap. 2: Parameteradaptive {L}ernverfahren},
HOWPUBLISHED = {\url{{~}der/Vorlesungen/}}
AUTHOR = {R. Der},
TITLE = {Vorlesung {M}aschinelles {L}ernen.
{U}niversit{\"a}t{L}eipzig {I}nstitut f{\"u}r {I}nformatik.
Kap. 3: >Klassifikationslernen},
HOWPUBLISHED = {\url{{~}der/Vorlesungen/}}
AUTHOR = {R. Der},
TITLE = {Vorlesung {N}euroinformatik. {U}niversit{\"a}t{L}eipzig,
{I}nstitut f{\"u}r {I}nformatik},
AUTHOR = {R. Der},
TITLE = {Vorlesung {N}euroinformatik. {K}apitel 1.
{U}niversit{\"a}t{L}eipzig, {I}nstitut f{\"u}r {I}nformatik},
AUTHOR = {R. Der},
TITLE = {Vorlesung {N}euroinformatik. {K}apitel 2.
{U}niversit{\"a}t{L}eipzig, {I}nstitut f{\"u}r {I}nformatik},
AUTHOR = {R. Der},
TITLE = {Vorlesung {N}euroinformatik. {K}apitel 3.
{U}niversit{\"a}t{L}eipzig, {I}nstitut f{\"u}r {I}nformatik},
AUTHOR = {R. Der},
TITLE = {Vorlesung {N}euroinformatik. {K}apitel 4.
{U}niversit{\"a}t{L}eipzig, {I}nstitut f{\"u}r {I}nformatik}
AUTHOR = {R. Der},
TITLE = {Vorlesung {N}euroinformatik. {K}apitel 5.
{U}niversit{\"a}t{L}eipzig, {I}nstitut f{\"u}r {I}nformatik},
AUTHOR = {R. Der},
TITLE = {Vorlesung {N}euroinformatik. {K}apitel 6.
{U}niversit{\"a}t{L}eipzig, {I}nstitut f{\"u}r {I}nformatik},
AUTHOR = {R. Der},
TITLE = {Vorlesung {N}euroinformatik. {K}apitel 7. .
{U}niversit{\"a}t {L}eipzig, {I}nstitut f{\"u}r
AUTHOR = {R. Der},
TITLE = {Vorlesung {N}euroinformatik. {K}apitel 8.
{U}niversit{\"a}t {L}eipzig, {I}nstitut f{\"u}r
AUTHOR = {R. Der},
TITLE = {Vorlesung {N}euroinformatik. {K}apitel 9: Neuro-Fuzzy
Verfahren. {U}niversit{\"a}t {L}eipzig, {I}nstitut f{\"u}r
AUTHOR = {R. Der},
TITLE = {Vorlesung {R}obotik. {U}niversit{\"a}t{L}eipzig {I}nstitut
f{\"u}r {I}nformatik. Kap. 2.4: Die Bewegungskomponente},
AUTHOR = {R. Der},
TITLE = {Vorlesung {R}obotik. {U}niversit{\"a}t {L}eipzig
{I}nstitut f{\"u}r {I}nformatik},
AUTHOR = {R. Der},
TITLE = {Vorlesung {R}obotik. {K}apitel 3. {U}niversit{\"a}t
{L}eipzig, {I}nstitut f{\"u}r {I}nformatik},
AUTHOR = {R. Der},
TITLE = {Vorlesung {R}obotik. {K}apitel 4: Roboterevolution.
{U}niversit{\"a}t {L}eipzig, {I}nstitut f{\"u}r
AUTHOR = {R. Der},
TITLE = {Vorlesung {R}obotik. {K}apitel 5: Selbstorganisation und
{A}rtificial {L}ife. {A}nimaten. {U}niversit{\"a}t
{L}eipzig, {I}nstitut f{\"u}r {I}nformatik}
AUTHOR = {R. Der},
TITLE = {Vorlesung {R}obotik. {K}apitel 6. {U}niversit{\"a}t
{L}eipzig, {I}nstitut f{\"u}r {I}nformatik}
AUTHOR = {R. Der},
TITLE = {Vorlesung {R}obotik. {K}apitel 7. {U}niversit{\"a}t
{L}eipzig, {I}nstitut f{\"u}r {I}nformatik},
AUTHOR = {R. Der},
TITLE = {Vorlesung {R}obotik. {K}apitel 8. {U}niversit{\"a}t
{L}eipzig, {I}nstitut f{\"u}r {I}nformatik},
AUTHOR = {R. Der},
TITLE = {Vorlesung {R}obotik. {U}niversit{\"a}t{L}eipzig {I}nstitut
f{\"u}r {I}nformatik Kap. 2.3: Die Planungskomponente},
AUTHOR = {R. Der},
TITLE = {Vorlesung {R}obotik. {U}niversit{\"a}t{L}eipzig {I}nstitut
f{\"u}r {I}nformatik Kap. 2.1: Die Sensorkomponente},
AUTHOR = {R. Der},
TITLE = {Vorlesung {R}obotik.{U}niversit{\"a}t{L}eipzig {I}nstitut
f{\"u}r {I}nformatik. Kap. 2.2: Die Wissenskomponente},
HOWPUBLISHED = {\url{{~}der/Vorlesungen/}}
AUTHOR = {W. N. Wapnik and A. J. Tscherwonenkis},
YEAR = 1979,
TITLE = {Theorie der Zeichenerkennung},
PUBLISHER = {Akademie--Verlag}
AUTHOR = {Paul J. Werbos},
EDITOR = {W. Thomas Miller and Richard S. Sutton and Paul J.
YEAR = 1990,
TITLE = {A Menu of Designs for Reinforcement Learning over Time},
BOOKTITLE = {Neural networks for control},
PAGES = {67--95},
PUBLISHER = {M.I.T. Press},
ADDRESS = {Cambridge, Mass}
AUTHOR = {M. M. Williamson},
YEAR = 1998,
TITLE = {Neural Control of Rhythmic Arm Movements},
JOURNAL = {Neural Networks},
VOLUME = 11,
PAGES = {1379-1394},
KEY = {Wi98}
AUTHOR = {H. Williams},
EDITOR = {S. Schaal},
YEAR = 2004,
TITLE = {Homeostatic Plasticity in Recurrent Neural Networks},
BOOKTITLE = {From Animals to Animats: Proceedings of the 8th Intl.
Conf. On Simulation of Adaptive Behavior},
AUTHOR = {Williams, Ronald J.},
YEAR = 1992,
TITLE = {Simple Statistical Gradient-Following Algorithms for
Connectionist Reinforcement Learning},
JOURNAL = {Machine Learning},
PAGES = {229 - 256}
AUTHOR = {Wiskott, Laurenz and Sejnowski, Terrence},
YEAR = 2002,
TITLE = {Slow Feature Analysis: Unsupervised Learning of
JOURNAL = {Neural Computation},
VOLUME = 14,
PAGES = {715--770},
ABSTRACT = {Invariant features of temporally varying signals are
useful for analysis and classification. Slow feature
analysis (SFA) is a new method for learning invariant or
slowly varying features from a vectorial input signal. SFA
is based on a non-linear expansion of the input signal and
application of principal component analysis to this
expanded signal and its time derivative. It is guaranteed
to find the optimal solution within a family of functions
directly and can learn to extract a large number of
decorrelated features, which are ordered by their degree of
invariance. SFA can be applied hierarchically to process
high dimensional input signals and to extract complex
features. Slow feature analysis is applied first to complex
cell tuning properties based on simple cell output
including disparity and motion. Then, more complicated
input-output functions are learned by repeated application
of SFA. Finally, a hierarchical network of SFA-modules is
presented as a simple model of the visual system. The same
unstructured network can learn translation, size, rotation,
contrast, or, to a lesser degree, illumination invariance
for one-dimensional objects, depending only on the training
stimulus. Surprisingly, only a few training objects
sufficed to achieve good generalization to new objects. The
generated representation is suitable for object
recognition. Performance degrades, if the network is
trained to learn multiple invariances simultaneously.},
AUTHOR = {Wnek, J. and Michalski, R.S.},
YEAR = 1994,
TITLE = {Hypothesis-driven Constructive Induction in AQ17-HCI: A
Method and Experiments},
VOLUME = {Machine Learning},
NUMBER = 14,
PAGES = {139-168}
AUTHOR = {Daniel M. Wolpert and R. Chris Miall and Mitsuo Kawato},
YEAR = 1998,
TITLE = {Internal Models in the Cerebellum},
JOURNAL = {Trends in Cognitive Sciences},
PAGES = {338 - 347}
AUTHOR = {D. Wolpert and M. Kawato},
YEAR = 1999,
TITLE = {Multiple Paired Forward and Inverse Models for Motor
JOURNAL = {Neural Networks},
VOLUME = 11,
PAGES = {1317-1329}
AUTHOR = {D. M. Wolpert and R. C. Miall and M. Kawato},
YEAR = 1998,
TITLE = {Internal Models in the Cerebellum},
JOURNAL = {Trends in Cognitive Sciences},
AUTHOR = {Hiroshi Yokoi and Alejandro Hernandez Arieta and Ryu Katoh
and Wenwei Yu and Ichiro Watanabe and Masaharu Maruishi},
YEAR = 2003,
TITLE = {Mutual Adaptation in a Prosthetics Application.},
BOOKTITLE = {Embodied Artificial Intelligence},
PAGES = {146-159},
CROSSREF = {DBLP:conf/adhoc-now/2003},
EE = {{\&}issn=0302-9743{\&}volume=3139{\&}spage=146},
AUTHOR = {Yufei Yuan and Michael J. Shaw},
YEAR = 1995,
TITLE = {Induction of Fuzzy Decision Trees},
JOURNAL = {Fuzzy Sets and Systems},
VOLUME = 69,
PAGES = {125--139}
AUTHOR = {Tom Ziemke},
YEAR = 1998,
TITLE = {Adaptive Behavior in Autonomous Agents},
JOURNAL = {Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments},
PAGES = {564-587},
ABSTRACT = {This paper provides an overview of the bottom-up approach
to AI, commonly referred to as behavior-oriented AI. The
behavior-oriented approach, with its focus on the
interaction between autonomous agents and their
environments, is introduced by contrasting it with the
traditional approach of knowledge-based AI. Different
notions of autonomy are discussed, and key problems of
generating adaptive and complex behavior are identified. A
number of techniques for the generation of behavior are
introduced and evaluated regarding their potential for
realizing different aspects of autonomy, as well as
adaptivity and complexity of behavior. It is concluded
that, in order to realize truly autonomous and intelligent
agents, the behavior-oriented approach will have to focus
even more on lifelike qualities in both agents and
environments. (Author)}
AUTHOR = {P. G. Zimbardo},
YEAR = 1995,
TITLE = {Psychologie},
PUBLISHER = {Springer}