Video 1: Armband robot learns to locomote – weakly guided. Behavior of the robot with cross-motor teaching and weak guidance (γ=0.001). A slow locomotive behavior with different velocities is exhibited. Explorative actions cause the posture of the robot to vary in the course of time.
Video 2: Armband robot quickly learns to locomote. Behavior of the robot with cross-motor teaching and medium guidance (γ=0.003). Comparable fast locomotive behavior emerges quickly and is persistent. Nevertheless the velocity varies. Only small exploratory actions are takes, such that the posture is mainly constant.
Video 3: Armband changing the direction of motion. The behavior of the robot with cross-motor teaching when the connections are changed. The video start with a fast locomotive behavior to the left (k=1). At time 5:00 the couplings are changed (k=0) and the robot slowly stops. A period of probing actions follows until a reversed locomotion starts to show up. This document was translated from LATEX by HEVEA.